Building a national online trading platform, development in the CIS countries and abroad | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Бекназарова, С. С. Building a national online trading platform, development in the CIS countries and abroad / С. С. Бекназарова, Ш. У. Актамов, Ф. Я. Курбонов, У. А. Султонова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 14 (252). — С. 84-88. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article discusses the features and trends of process of development and creation of a multi-functional electronic trading platform is aimed at efficient and profitable interaction of suppliers and buyers. Interaction takes place through electronic communication systems, so it is always operative and relevant. Electronic trading platform is a complex of information and modern technical solutions. There are several types of electronic trading platforms — for commercial customers, for placing government orders. The sites on which electronic transactions are performed by commercial customers are divided into specialized and multi-profile. Users, participants of the sites, held auctions and trades themselves can decide on which of the sites it is more convenient and profitable to work with. In addition, on a multiprofile resource the customer can act as a supplier, the seller — this is dependent on the scope of his activities, on the possibilities.

Keywords: multi-functional electronic trading platform, information flow, data flow, information flow objects, users, customers, suppliers.


Competition, as you know, is a powerful incentive and decisive factor in the development of an innovative economy, innovative entrepreneurship and the “main factor susceptibility of an enterprise to technical innovations,” it stimulates production, etc. The incentive to attract foreign investment in developing countries is trade promotion. Ever since the Great Silk Road and long before it, goods found their markets and their customers, new sales markets were mastered, new countries with their rich culture, traditions, way of life, social and economic system. A good quality product is always attractive to the consumer. Over time, development has reached such a level that now you can purchase goods without leaving your place. Fantastic. Technologies of the 21st century are amazing and surprising. And in our country, electronic commerce is developing, websites and online trading platforms are being created. The ICT sector has become one of the most promising and self-sufficient, both in our country and in the world.

I. Main part

The growth in world trade, according to preliminary estimates by experts of the currency fund, increased in 2017 by 4.2 % compared to 2.4 % a year earlier.

At the same time today, we need to improve our success and gain a foothold in the market of IT-technology. The national electronic trading platform will allow creating a single information and trading space for all its participants with the necessary integration of international payment systems.

This will maximally simplify the search for consumers for manufactured goods, both for the local consumer and for the international one, which causes transparency and accessibility in the choice of products and goods. The use of advanced information technologies, the presentation of national producers will effectively demonstrate and attract potential buyers of domestic products.

Today, e-commerce is developing exponentially in emerging economies. According to expert data, The turnover of the e-commerce market in 2015 in the world is 1.8 trillion US dollars.

There were also articles with forecasts for 2017, it will be 2.4 trillion US dollars. The subject of e-commerce appears at all international events and venues, such as ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), APEC Forum (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), WTO (World Trade Organization) G20, OECD, BRICS, etc.

The growth of world trade according to preliminary estimates by experts of the monetary fund, the volume of trade in the world showed a growth rate in 2017 by 4.2 % compared to 2015 from 2.4 %. In developed countries in the field of online sales (retail), for several years in a row, the People’s Republic of China has been the leader with total revenue for 2017 totaled $ 600 billion. After China, the next country is the United States with an income of 475 billion dollars, Japan is in third place with 105 billion dollars, followed by Great Britain 103 billion dollars, and Germany closes in the fourth place with a sum of 57 billion dollars. Despite the undeniable advantages of the emerging e-commerce markets, the turnover of retail e-commerce is increasing in Asia. According to the forecasts of the European analytical service Statista, “the average annual growth of B2C turnover in the future will be among the leaders (23.7 %), slightly ahead of India (23 %) and Indonesia (20.7 %), the Philippines (18.3 %) and China (17.4 %). " The most active online audiences are residents of the countries of China and South Korea, where, as a percentage, the share of the population actively purchasing goods and services through online purchases is 83 %, only 1 percent more than the UK, then Germany 81 %, Indonesia 79 %, India and the US each with 77 %.

A large selection of payment systems divides users according to their preferences, for example, payments made by VISA MASTERCARD credit cards (42 %), payment systems mainly PayPal (39 %), debit cards (28 %), payment on delivery (23 %), bank transfers (20 %), promotional codes and gift cards (15 %), payment from a mobile account (14 %), cryptocurrency (3 %). Every day, PayPal is increasingly capturing the market, for example, in 2012, 111.7 million people used, and in 2017 their number exceeded 218 million.

In Armenia, the Ministry of Finance pays special attention to the introduction of online payments and online commerce. The Ministry of Finance has introduced a mechanism for customs accounting of international postal and courier items to simplify the procedure for issuing postal items. The pursued goal is the implementation of door-to-door delivery. Based on the protocol on the organization of the preliminary exchange of information on goods transported between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, work is underway to introduce an information system for the preliminary exchange of information.

Already in 2007, the Customs Service introduced a mechanism for automating customs procedures, which consists of the following subsystems: filing and processing of electronic documents; accounting and making customs payments online; electronic graduates; risk management; reporting; tariff and non-tariff regulation; local transit.

The Republic of Armenia joined the EAEU in 2015 in connection with this, a procedure was developed for optimizing information systems and introducing new information systems of the customs authorities of the Republic of Armenia, certified by a decision of the Government of the Republic.

One of the most important is the stage of introduction of new generation control cash registers. These devices are connected via Internet to the servers of the Tax Service of the Ministry of Finance. In online mode, all transaction data is transferred directly to the Tax Service, which in turn makes it possible to carry out online monitoring of the taxpayer. In the future, these devices will provide for an inter-agency storage of information about the exact number of goods and services sold.

By the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated September 19, 2013, the e-commerce development program was approved.

Together with foreign and local experts, the Ministry of Economy has developed a package of draft laws aimed at changing and supplementing the provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, the laws of the Republic of Armenia on Consumer Rights Protection, On the Use of Cash Registers, On Trade and Services and “On electronic document and digital signature”.

All this led to an active growth in the share of on-line trade turnover by about 30 %, much ahead of the indicators of other CIS countries.

Another relevant and popular direction in promoting e-commerce is the use of mobile access to the Internet to make purchases.

According to experts, the market volume by 2018 will amount to 617 billion dollars. US and 448 million users.

It should be noted that 65 % of tablet users and 34 % of smartphone users make purchases through mobile devices.

In the Russian Federation over the past five years, the online trading market has grown at an average of 42.2 per year.

According to experts, in 2018, online trading will increase by an average of 20.2 per year. If negative trends in the economy intensify, then the growth of online trading indicators will be about 5–7. Already today, the share of online trading in the Russian Federation is 3 of the volume of offline retail trade, it can reach 10 by 2020. This increase is associated with an increase in the number of online — buyers in the regions, the development of international logistics and cross-border trade, the indicators of which in EC at the end of 2014 amounted to 30–35

In Tajikistan, the implementation of a new online trading service contributes to an increase in non-cash payments, reducing the costs of enterprises, in particular small and medium businesses.

In the market of electronic banking there are 1 644 Internet merchants connected to the online banking service.

With the cooperation of Visa with CJSC Kazkommertsbank Tajikistan, which is the largest financial institution in Kazakhstan and, according to some experts and the CIS, this modern service has become available in Tajikistan.

Introducing Internet acquiring in Tajikistan provides new tools for involving local manufacturers in e-commerce. This leads to the organization of a new business segment providing their products exclusively on the Internet.

All this leads to the development of non-cash and online payment systems that is non-essential electronic commerce.

Currently in Tajikistan more than 1 million people (about 17 % of the country's population) are connected to the Internet, which indicates the relevance and timeliness of the introduction of Kazkommertsbank Tajikistan.

According to a study on the use of Visa cards for online purchases, residents of Tajikistan mainly make online purchases abroad — in Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, the United States, Turkey, France, because so far the Internet There was no commerce on Visa cards in the republic.

To date, I would like to note the positive dynamics of the development of local payment systems, which greatly simplify mutual settlements online and increase the level of integration of information technologies in e-commerce. Over the past year and a half, the volume of online payments in the Republic of Uzbekistan has grown and exceeded 6 billion sums, all this testifies to the development of online business in the country.

It is worth noting that the electronic markets in Uzbekistan are at the beginning of the development path, and this requires a departure from the standard cliché and continue to study foreign experience and learn from their experience as well as refine with local features.

Currently, we see local integration processes of e-commerce in the form of online payment systems, such as PAYME, CLICK, Union Pay and others, which are designed to facilitate the acceptance of payment for services provided by business and the state.

By addressing many of the issues and challenges posed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-3724 “On Measures for Accelerated Development of E-Commerce” of 14.05.2018, which approved a program for the development of e-commerce in Uzbekistan for 2018–2021 and it provides for the creation of a national registry, as well as the integration of the banking system with international payment systems, which in turn represents the basis for the implementation of a national trading platform with integration between payment systems such as merchants of VISA, MASTERCARD, PayPal, SKRIL, 2CHECKOUT, QIWI and Yandex Money and others. Thus, all this will allow to carry out financial calculations in international currencies without special difficulties when purchasing goods on the national electronic trading platform.

The Government takes a number of actions expressed in regulatory documents, as well as specifically in banking and other areas, which greatly simplifies and accelerates the process of integration and implementation of the system.

Today, we are witnessing a progressive increase in production in the Republic of Uzbekistan, such as food, pharmaceutical, auto, construction and so on. Fewer goods need to be imported from abroad, as they are replaced by local production. All this also represents Uzbekistan as a major exporter of its production to the countries of near and far abroad. Unfortunately, the ways of presenting domestic products are not quite diverse, the lack of a single trading platform with the provision of access to domestic products on the international market, difficulties in organizing payment acceptance from around the world by popular payment aggregators. All this contributes to stagnation and deprives significant profits of local producers, which will allow creating a single information and trading space for all its participants via the Internet.

The platform is designed to serve as a marketplace for the presentation of domestic products in the international e-commerce market via Internet access.

In order to simplify logistics and export of goods produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan, through the online trading platform, logistics of goods delivery will be built on the basis of Uzbek mail. Access to the electronic national trading platform will be available to small and medium-sized businesses, individual entrepreneurs, as well as large manufacturers. Placing manufactured goods through the Unified National Trading Platform, manufacturers will receive competitive advantages in pricing when presenting their goods abroad due to the format of the client-manufacturer.

The platform involves the organization of an internal payment system that will work in conjunction with international payment aggregators for the implementation of settlements between participants of the trading platform that will automatically convert prices based on the local currency of the country in which the purchase is made.

Generalized Lagrangian is constructed

And a number of constructions with sufficient optimality conditions of Krotov [2,p.56–71]:


We obtain the following recurrent chain with respect to the Krotov-Bellman functions of two equations


, (2.4.3)

Substituting these functions into the right-hand sides of the given discrete and continuous relations, 'we have


, .


In order to protect customers, an internal arbitration is organized to protect the buyer in order to resolve disputes between suppliers and buyers in the event of non-delivery of goods on time or delivery of goods damaged.

Having studied the foreign experience in organizing trading platforms, the main criteria and functional requirements for the trading platform were identified to facilitate the sale of domestically produced goods throughout the world.

Thus, the Unified National Trading Platform will be the only mechanism for the sale of domestically produced goods throughout the world through online access, and organizing online multicurrency payment acceptance, thereby facilitating the costs associated with organizing trade in goods locally and abroad.

One of the main points is the organization of receiving multi-currency payment and simplifying the difficulties associated with the export of products manufactured in the Republic of Uzbekistan, will also allow legal entities and individuals to provide their goods in personal stores.

Each store will be required to provide documents or information about the proposed product and information about the origin according to the standards that are provided by law.

Each product displayed on the trading platform must have a detailed description and a photo, and will also be digitized and have a bar code.

Each product sold on a mandatory basis in the descriptions of the goods must be a clear time for delivery of the goods to the buyer.

Each store will have a unique name on the marketplace, and a unique rating will be maintained that includes both the number of sales and negative reviews, if any.

One of the most crucial moments is opening an account in our trading platform by means of which all financial activity will be conducted.

The definition of the internal payment system will provide maximum convenience for buyers, which will include the most developed payment systems in the world as well as local ones. The sale of goods will be made in all international currencies for which currency accounts will be opened and contracts concluded with foreign banks.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CIS, MASTERCARD, VISA, APEC, ASEAN, BRICS, CJSC, CLICK, EAEU, ICT.

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