Using Video Materials as a Means Formation of Communicative Competences | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (253) апрель 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 13.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 139 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Талибжанова, А. Л. Using Video Materials as a Means Formation of Communicative Competences / А. Л. Талибжанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 15 (253). — С. 294-295. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Video materials used in the learning process are understood as one of the types of technical means of education, providing the function of transmitting information, as well as receiving feedback in the process of its perception and assimilation with the aim of the subsequent development of certain skills and competences of students in English classes. The introduction of video into the learning process changes the character of the traditional lesson, makes it livelier and more interesting, contributes to expanding the general outlook of students, enriching their language reserves and regional geographic knowledge.

The use of videotapes in English lessons contributes to the individualization of learning and the development of the motivation of speech activity of students. The specificity of video materials, as a means of teaching English, provides communication with real objects that stimulate almost genuine communication: students become participants in all situations that are played out with their help, play certain roles, solve «real» life problems. When using video films in a foreign language lesson, two types of motivation develop: self-motivation, when video material is interesting in itself, and motivation, which is achieved by showing the student that he can understand the language that he is learning. This brings satisfaction and gives faith in one’s own strength and desire for further improvement. It is necessary to strive to ensure that students receive satisfaction from the film precisely through an understanding of the language, and not only through an interesting and entertaining plot.

It should be noted that the video is not only a source of information. The use of a video film contributes to the development of various aspects of students' mental activity, and above all, attention and memory. During viewing in the classroom, there is an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity. Under these conditions, even an inattentive student becomes attentive, because students need to make some efforts to understand the content of the film. So involuntary attention turns into voluntary, and the intensity of attention influences the process of memorization. The use of various channels of information (auditory and visual channels, motor perception) has a positive effect on the strength of capturing regional geographic and linguistic material.

At the middle and upper levels, the previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are improved, the volume of language and speech means used by students increases, the quality of practical knowledge of a foreign language improves, the degree of schoolchildren’s independence and their creative activity increases. One of the main tasks of teaching English at these stages is the development of communicative competence; therefore, the main purpose of using video materials is to teach speech and writing.

Methodists work with the video materials into stages. So, Yu.A. Komarova identifies four main stages: — Preparatory or pre-demonstration stage (previewing); — Perception of a film or a demonstration stage (while viewing); — Monitoring the understanding of the main content or the post-demonstration stage ((post) after-viewing); — Development of language skills and oral communication skills or creative stage.

At each stage, there are a number of tasks, the fulfillment of which determines the effectiveness of the entire audiovisual process.

− Pre-demo stage.

Goals of the stage: 1. Motivate students, set them up for the assignment by making active participants in the learning process; 2. Remove the possible difficulties of perception of the text and prepare for the successful implementation of the task.

The first stage of watching a video can include exercises to predict what the film is about: by title, key words, or phrases that lead to questions.

Then a new vocabulary is introduced, which is necessary for understanding the film and proper names that will appear in the film. Pupils get acquainted with the tasks of the post-demonstration stage.

− Demonstration stage.

The purpose of the stage: to ensure the further development of students' linguistic, speech or sociocultural competencies, taking into account their real capabilities of foreign language communication.

At the stage of perception of video material, tasks are used aimed at finding, fixing, transforming a certain language material: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. In this case, it is not so much the formulation of the assignment, as the content of the exercise provides for one or another degree of effectiveness and justification of the assignment. The trainees can also make notes to the text of the film, which will be needed when performing tasks on the after — demonstration stage.

− Post-demo stage.

The purpose of the stage: to ensure the further development of students' linguistic, speech or sociocultural competencies, taking into account their real capabilities of foreign language communication.

This stage includes the following types of exercises: answers to questions from the teacher on the content or drafting questions; choosing the right answer; completion of the offer; filling in gaps with words, phrases, prepositions; error correction; compliance of native and English equivalents of words; correlation: the words and their definitions, the characteristics of the characters and their descriptions, the beginning and end of the sentence; choice: right or wrong; change of the offer; restoration of the chronological chain of events; correlation of words and their synonyms; filling the table; explanation of the meaning of words or phrases; determining the replica of the characters; characteristics of the main and acting characters; a description of the appearance of the characters, costumes, events; correlation of disparate sentences with the text's meaningful parts (the outline of the text and the headings of each part are proposed).

− The development of language and speech skills or a creative stage.

The purpose of the stage: to use the original video as a basis and support for the development of productive skills in speaking or writing. The fourth stage is the conclusion and debriefing. Therefore, the following exercises can be attributed to: expressing one’s own opinion, expressing an assessment of the film and its characters, writing a brief summary, retelling the plot of the film, a story on behalf of acting characters, a story-continuation of the film, expressing the main idea, problems of the film and its characters, role-playing, creating a poster or advertising.

One of the tasks of a foreign language teacher is to introduce students to the cultural values of the people — a native speaker. To this end, the use of authentic materials (drawings, texts, sound recordings, etc.) is of great importance. Acquaintance with the life of English-speaking countries occurs mainly through the text and illustrations to it. The undoubted advantage of modern textbooks of English for secondary schools is the saturation of their country-specific information. Such texts as letters, advertisements, signs, questionnaires, and menus occupy a significant place among the texts. All facts and phenomena, all information about different areas of reality of English-speaking countries were selected taking into account the age of the students and their interests. Mastering this material will allow schoolchildren to better navigate the country of the language being studied in the event of a real visit.

Along with this, it is important to give students a clear idea of the life, traditions, linguistic realities of English-speaking countries. This goal can serve as educational videos whose use contributes to the implementation of the most important requirements of the communicative technique: to present the process of language acquisition as the comprehension of a living foreign language reality.


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