Interesting English Grammar Games | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (254) апрель 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 22.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 159 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Джамолиддинова, Шахноза. Interesting English Grammar Games / Шахноза Джамолиддинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 16 (254). — С. 267-268. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article is about using interesting grammar games in the English lessons. The game arouses the interest and using different activities give students the opportunity to express themselves in an activity that is fascinating to them, contributes to more rapid and lasting memorization of foreign words and sentences.

Keywords: grammar, reasons, to learn, properly, build phrases and sentences, a set of rules, interesting, teach, groups, purpose.

Статья посвящена использованию интересных и увлекательных грамматических игр на уроках английского. Игра всегда вызывает интерес, а использование различных видов деятельности дает студентам возможность выразить себя в увлекательной для них деятельности, способствует более быстрому и длительному запоминанию иностранных слов и предложений.

Ключевые слова: грамматика, обучение иностранному языку, мнемоника, построение предложений, набор правил, игры на иностранном языке, группы.

Grammar has a very important place in learning English for several reasons. First, without it, it is impossible to learn how to properly speak, build phrases and sentences, even if you have an enviable lexical reserve. But essentially, grammar is just a set of rules, and it’s not so interesting to teach them to most people. At first glance it may seem that the words “adult” and “game” are not compatible at all in the same sentence. But this opinion is wrong, as adults really love to play. Therefore, if we English teachers use the games in the educational process in English classes, our adult students will respond with immense gratitude. Firstly, because the lesson will be more fun, more interesting and more interesting, and secondly, because we will be able to combine in this way the useful and enjoyable, bringing more fruits in learning the English language. Grammar games are designed to provide students with the ability to practically apply knowledge of the grammar of a foreign language, to intensify their thinking activities aimed at the use of grammatical models in the natural situation of communication. Practice shows that this type of games is most effective if the activity around a grammatical phenomenon is associated with another, for example, speech (reading, listening, speaking, writing) or communicative (communication, interaction) activity. An example of grammar games.

Activity 1. Who knows more?

A class is given the task to come up with as many questions (or words) as possible on a given topic. The class is divided into three groups. The board is divided into three parts, at the blackboard a student who sticks the correctly asked question (or word) with a wand, if the wrong question (or word), the wand is crossed out. A group with the most sticks (the number of questions or words asked) wins.

Purpose of the game: the repetition of vocabulary, the development of skills of oral speech, attention, wit

Activity 2. Who better speaks English?

Picture is posted. The class describes it. The student at the blackboard notes the correct sentences. A student wins, with many points (correct sentences). A game contributes to the development of speaking skills, the development of thinking and attention.

Activity 3. Find out your word

A game is conducted in cases where it is necessary to teach distinguishing between three declensions of nouns, three kinds of nouns, three tense verbs, three faces, animate and inanimate, nominal and proper nouns, etc. The class is divided into three teams’ words. Accordingly, the board is divided into three columns. Each column is titled. Three pupils go to the board at the same time (one from each team). The teacher names three words, and each student must correctly write down his word. The rest of the students write down the words in their notebooks. Errors are immediately corrected and explained. Wins the team that made fewer errors.

Activity 5. Grammatical relay

A game is conducted in the study of any grammatical topics. Students are divided into two teams. The teacher indicates to them an exercise in a textbook from which it is necessary, for example, to write out words or phrases to a rule (the rule indicates the teacher). Children read the text before the game. Then, at a signal, the students, one from each team, go to the blackboard and write out one word or phrase on their half of the blackboard. If one student misses a word, the next one should write down the missing one. The winner is the team that completed the exercise faster and with fewer errors. The text can be taken from didactic material or compiled by the teacher himself. In this case, the text is prepared in duplicate and placed on the teacher’s table (on the left and right side). Students take a sheet of text from the table, read the sentences (first group out loud, second one to themselves), go to the blackboard and write out the necessary words. In this form, the game is one of the types of selective cheating. It can also be carried out as a creative selective dictation: children write words not in the form in which they stand in the text. Fascinating is the work with a coherent text, interesting content.

Activity 6. Grammar Games

You can find a game for almost every grammatical phenomenon. Studying 3 forms of irregular verbs. Cards are being prepared, three verb forms are written on the front side, for example: drink, drank, drunk. On the back side we write the same forms, only rearrange the letters, for example: kndri — rdakn — unrdk. Students guess, check, repeat in chorus.

Activity 7. Playing “The Gate”

Two students stand in front of the class, joining hands and forming a “gate”. The rest, in turn, approach and ask questions about a particular topic, etc., Depending on the correctness of the question, the answer is: “The Gate is open” or “The Gate is shut”.

Summing up, we can say that it is games, and especially role-playing, that are one of the most effective methods for implementing the communicative principle in teaching a foreign language. Game features can be defined as follows: The game is learning in action, which is known to improve the quality of learning. The game requires full feedback from the participants. The game uses their knowledge and skills acquired both in the classroom and beyond, that is, the general stock of knowledge and skills.


  1. Бутко Г. В. Языковые игры на уроках английского языка в 4 классе // ИЯШ. — 1987.
  2. М. Ф. Стронин — «Обучающие игры на уроке английского языка»// М., «Просвещение», 1981
  3. http://
  4. http://
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): английский язык, игра, иностранный язык.

Ключевые слова

grammar, reasons, to learn, properly, build phrases and sentences, a set of rules, interesting, teach, groups, purpose

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