How to Work with Students to Motivate Them to Learn English? | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (254) апрель 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 22.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 228 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Назарова, Ёркиной. How to Work with Students to Motivate Them to Learn English? / Ёркиной Назарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 16 (254). — С. 282-283. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article is about working with students to motivate them to learn English. Many ways of motivation are given. In this article, it is spoken about the basic principles of learning English and learn to practice the language in everyday life. Student’s motivation is a full-fledged part of the teacher’s work, along with the presentation of the rules and homework check.

Keywords: methods of teaching, communicative competence, memorizing, to move, motivation.

Эта статья рассматривает способы мотивации студентов при изучении ими иностранного (английского) языка. Говорится об основных принципах изучения английского языка для улучшения языковой практики в повседневной жизни. Мотивация студента является полноценной частью работы учителя, наряду с презентацией правил и проверкой домашней работы.

Ключевые слова: методика обучения, коммуникативная компетентность, запоминание, движение, мотивация.

Motivation plays a huge role in the study of any subject, especially foreign languages. Success largely depends on what motives students pursue in the process of learning any foreign language. Recently, the opinion has often emerged that, they say, if the student himself is not motivated, the teacher is not able to fix it. And we completely disagree with this opinion. Student’s motivation is a full-fledged part of the teacher’s work, along with the presentation of the rules and homework check. We do not offer you instant methods of student motivation. These are rather strategies that allow you to initially start and build the learning process so that the student is always interested in learning the language and working with you. Teach your students to learn English. Students have no idea how to learn English (which is why they came to you). Often, their ideas about learning the language are limited to cramming rules and new words, which very quickly get boring and lead to a loss of motivation.

What to do? Tell the student about the basic principles of learning English and learn to practice the language in everyday life. Explain that learning should not end at the end of the classroom and the results largely depend on independent work. Do not be unfounded. Offer the student resources to train knowledge and skills outside the classroom. Be sure to consider the student's learning style. Always give feedback. If a student has a problem, he should not be left alone with her. If an error occurred, together disassemble the reasons for its occurrence. Offer the student non-standard ways of memorizing complex rules or simply repeat the topic again — this is often not enough, especially in large groups. Form realistic expectations: Students may have high expectations from classes. Such a problem arises when a student sets unrealistic goals for himself, cannot achieve them and, as a result, loses motivation due to unjustified expectations.

What can be done? Play ahead of the curve. From the first lesson, set learning goals with your students. Take this time and tell what they can achieve at their level (this is especially important for beginners) if they move in the right direction. Start with the content of the textbook: read it together with the students and speak the topics that will be covered during the course (“At the end of the course you will be able to: introduce yourself and tell about yourself, speak in the present and past tense”, etc.) This approach especially inspires beginners!

− Goal-setting can be distinguished even as a separate type of activities. To do this, use simple tables where students can enter their goals and achievements. Forming a goal, remember: it must be high, but achievable.

− Let the students talk more: Speaking in English, even if it is still simple phrases, the student understands that he can have an active role in a conversation in a foreign language, and this in turn motivates not only to learn the language, but also to use it outside the classroom as often as possible.

− Use technology: Modern technology is a great way to interest students of almost any age groups to learn English. Use in the lessons not only audio, but also video clips, recordings of English-language shows, films, etc. A good teacher can give a student much more than just knowledge. One of the best things you can do for your student is to help him find inner motivation to learn a language. At the initial level, you can use pieces of video (useful resource with short videos in Levels), at higher levels — full training or entertainment videos (for example, on TED Ed). As a practice, invite students to write tweets or just short messages no more than 150 characters that could be published on the page on social networks (this type of activity will especially interest children and teenagers). Give the student the opportunity to realize their capabilities and always be involved in the learning process, and of course — do not forget to talk about success! Help the student find internal motivation: A good teacher can give a student much more than just knowledge. One of the best things you can do for your student is to help him find inner motivation to learn a language.

− Imagine that a student loses his motivation (or never finds it). What is he doing? With the best scenario, he completes the level and throws his studies. You lose a student, and the student does not receive the best learning experience. A simple question will help to get the ball rolling: “Why do you learn English?” You can set it as a homework assignment or even take it as a topic for a conversation at the beginning of the course. Help the student understand why he should learn English, and the student will never leave you! The best motivation for a student is a personal example. A teacher who is passionate about English and the very process of teaching can not but inspire!

Why should I motivate a student? Imagine that a student loses his motivation (or never finds it). What is he doing? With the best scenario, he completes the level and throws his studies. You lose a student, and the student does not receive the best learning experience. But every teacher can change that! Spend time motivating students and you will become the best teacher for them, who inspires you by example and leads them to success in learning English! Become a teacher with whom the student will pass his first test perfectly, watch the first film in the original and read his first book in English. He will precisely remember such teacher for all life!

All the above listed skills are the results of independent work done by students. These skills contribute to enhancing the motivation to master the language and allow it to quickly navigate in a huge stream of foreign language information, as well as apply their already formed knowledge and skills, both in oral and in written language, which in our opinion is an integral part for becoming highly qualified, competitive personality.


  1. Логинова А. В., Способы повышения мотивации студентов к изучению иностранного языка // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 11. — С. 13
  2. Обучение иностранным языкам. Материалы для специалиста
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TED.

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