Using Interesting Games in Teaching English in Primary Classes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (254) апрель 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 22.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 15 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Икромова, С. Д. Using Interesting Games in Teaching English in Primary Classes / С. Д. Икромова, Ш. М. Икромова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 16 (254). — С. 270-272. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

The article is about using interesting games in teaching English in primary classes. In this article it is spoken about the game that arouses the interest and using different activities give students the opportunity to express themselves in an activity that is fascinating to them, contributes to more rapid and lasting memorization of foreign words and sentences.

Keywords: game, activities, understandable, in the educational process, process, interesting, the motivation, using of games, memory.

Статья посвящена использованию интересных игр при обучении английскому языку в начальных классах. В этой статье говорится об игре, которая вызывает интерес, а использование различных видов деятельности дает студентам возможность выразить себя в увлекательной для них деятельности, способствует более быстрому и длительному запоминанию иностранных слов и предложений.

Ключевые слова: игра, деятельность, понятная, в образовательном процессе, процесс, интерес, мотивация, использование игр, память.

A game, being one of the leading activities of younger students, understandable and natural activity for them, should be used in the educational process. A game is a teaching tool that activates the students' mental activity. Allows you to make the learning process attractive and interesting, has an emotional impact on students. This is a powerful incentive to master the language. According to psychologists A. A. Leontev, the motivation created by the game should be presented along with the communicative, cognitive and aesthetic. All this taken together constitutes the motivation of the teaching. Using of games and gaming techniques of learning contributes to the consolidation of language phenomena in the memory, the creation of more stable visual images, maintaining interest and activity of students.

Games help: playing, children have the opportunity to move, warm up during the school-day, take a break from a long sitting at the desk, and, moreover, fix vocabulary along with some action (catch the ball, touch the subject, stand up) is much faster than with passive work. The teacher can be strict or indulgent, funny or serious, young or not, emotional or restrained. He can only one thing: to be boring. Boredom kills the thirst for knowledge and plunges the intellect into a dream. That is why teachers try to make their lessons fascinating. And the game can help in this. It’s not for nothing that V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: The game — a huge bright window through which the huge world of the child joins the life-giving flow of ideas, concepts. Play is the spark igniting the flame of curiosity, of inquisitiveness.

So we recommend these interesting activities to use at their English lessons. They can be used for students of any age, but they will be especially relevant for children 6–11 years old.

Activity 1. Funny shoes: A teacher gives each participant a multi-colored overlay for shoes (it is also possible with the names of animals, or food), 2 pieces each. Children need to be structured so that 2 identical colors (animals, food names) are next.

Activity 2. Colors, school subjects, clothes: Children are in a circle. In the center — leading with the ball. The facilitator throws the ball to one of the participants and says: Color (clothes, etc.). Caught the ball should quickly name the color and throw the ball back to the lead. The one who does not answer or takes a long time to answer — is eliminated

Activity 3. Atoy clock: A game involves two teams. The teacher, translating the hands on the clock, each time addresses the students with the question: “What time is it?”. The winner is the team that correctly answered more questions.

Equipment: clock. (It can be a toy clock made of cardboard with arrows).

Activity 4. Who is bigger: Formed two teams. Each team should write as many words as possible on the topics: 1. The names of sports games; 2. Animals; 3. Colors, etc.

Activity 5. Who is faster? Students are given 3–5 letter cards and are invited to consider them carefully. Then the teacher calls the letter, and those who have a card with the letter, quickly pick it up and show the rest. The late participant of the game has no right to raise the card. The teacher passes between the rows and collects the cards. One who is faster than the others is left without cards.

Activity 6. Telegrams. Purpose: development of spelling and lexical skills. Action: The teacher writes some word on the board. Each player must come up with a telegram in which the first word begins with the first letter of the word written on the blackboard, the second from the second letter, and so on.

Activity 8. Builders. Children are divided into teams, and they receive a set of cards with a set of letters for the team. Two teams line up in front of the lead. After the presenter reads out a question whose answer is the word or the teacher says the word in Uzbek, and the children build it in English, players must run ahead and show the answer. The team that gave the correct answer wins faster.

In the game imperceptibly, the walls that now separate the teacher and the student and the students themselves will disappear, a new atmosphere and new relationships will be born. The game itself teaches, teaches both children and adults, it gives birth to the living reality of free learning, creative, joyful, effective.

As a rule, games are so logical and methodically well-planned that the teacher will not need to spend a lot of time preparing to harmoniously and logically include these games in the course of the lesson, regardless of the current topic. Such games are a huge plus for the whole educational process.


  1. A. A. Leontev //. Psychological bases of visibility in the textbook of a foreign language // Language and speech activity in general and pedagogical psychology: Selected psychological works. // M: Collected psychological works. // M: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh. 2001.
  2. Articles: The Educational Philosophy of V. A. Sukhomlinsky›…Sukhomlinsky.html
  3. Петрановская Л. ГТ30 Игры ни уроках русского языка: Пособие для учителя. — М.: МИРОС — МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», 2000.

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