The use of elements of educational technology in the teaching disciplines at «Optional therapy» and «Cardiology» for the formation of clinical thinking of the future doctors | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Медицина

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №18 (256) май 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 05.05.2019

Статья просмотрена: 18 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ахмедова, Н. Д. The use of elements of educational technology in the teaching disciplines at «Optional therapy» and «Cardiology» for the formation of clinical thinking of the future doctors / Н. Д. Ахмедова, Г. С. Ойбекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 18 (256). — С. 143-145. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

Classical medical education of the twentieth century was based on the direct transfer of knowledge from teacher to student and one of the main tools of the lecture and training was «at the bed» of the patient, which does not satisfy the requirements of today. One of the important elements of the strategy for the restructuring of vocational education has been the widespread introduction into the educational process of active forms of education, which cover all types of classroom and extracurricular classes with students [1].

Certainly, nowadays’ educational electronic presentations created in the MS Power Point program are very popular:

− presentation-frontal survey;

− electronic dictation;

− training presentation using interactive animation with triggers;

− computer presentations accompanying educational activities: the game “Who wants to become an excellent student?”, etc.

During the cycle training, optional therapy and fundamentals of cardiology (4 and 5 courses of medical universities) the student must form and demonstrate a number of general cultural (ability and readiness for logical reasoned analysis, public speech, discussion and controversy, editing professional content, cooperation and conflict resolution, tolerance) and professional competences (ability and willingness to form a systematic approach, the analysis of health information, based on the overarching principles of evidence-based medicine in the search for solutions with the use of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve professional activity).

Innovative technologies are actively being introduced into the training process. Today it is impossible to imagine lectures without presentations, practical exercises — without using computers; even laboratory work is translated into virtual with digital data processing and a graphical representation of the information received. With such a variety of use of computer hardware and software, forms of knowledge control are also undergoing a restructuring. From our point of view, the educational environment Moodle, mnemonics, case-stages, game techniques are a unique platform for the creation of innovative technologies of the control unit.

At the department, facultative therapy has been teaching the cardiology technique of using the LMS Moodle platform, case-stages, mnemonics, and gaming technology training for more than two years.

M-lectures and M-tests are lectures and tasks in a test form, designed for the unique educational platform of Moodle (LMS Moodle) taking into account the specifics of distance learning.

Recently, the method of solving cases became widespread in education, becoming one of the most effective learning technologies. The introduction of case studies in the practice of medical education is currently a very urgent task. A case is a description of a concrete real situation, prepared according to a certain format and intended to teach students to analyze different types of information, generalize it, skills to formulate a problem and develop possible options for its solution in accordance with established criteria. The essence of the case — method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of an active independent activity of students, resulting in a creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities. The advantage of cases is the ability to optimally combine theory and practice, which is quite important when training a specialist. Accordingly, solving a case means analyzing the proposed situation and finding the optimal solution. The doctor decides cases every time when he makes a diagnosis to the patient and prescribes a treatment. The work of students with medical cases involves an active method of learning, based on the consideration of specific (real) situations from the practice of the future activities of students. Students receive clinical information in the first part of which the initial state of the patient and the symptoms of the disease are described, the second one contains the results of the initial examination, the subsequent parts are devoted to the results of tests, the diagnosis of specialists, the prescribed treatment, the patient's response to this treatment and further progress of treatment. During the discussion, students are required to put additional questions, put forward hypotheses, form a plan for independent study of materials on the topic. Thus, with the introduction of cases in training, medical students are immersed in the world of medical practice instead of purely theoretical training.

The modular training system is a modern pedagogical technology, which is based on block (modular) construction of material, which is assimilated consistently and evaluated by accumulating rating points for classes and independent work. It is implemented in the context of the principles of cognitive activity, the individual structuring of the program and psychological comfort. The teacher in the curriculum independently distributes the number of points to each module, for different types of educational activities, forms of knowledge control. The use of modular training in «Cardiology» allows not only to activate students' cognitive abilities, but also increases their interest in learning the material. Due to the fact that modular training allows us to understand the causal relationships between theory and the practical activities of a specialist [3].

Technology «Thematic Crossword». It is unlikely that someone will remember and think about who was the pioneer in the preparation of crosswords. For many years, this wonderful game lives, grows, develops and changes. Many teachers will agree that the use of crosswords, their compilation, solution, contributes to the development of students' thinking, teaches to express their thoughts clearly, logically and concisely [5]. Compilation of crosswords is focused on the development of intellectual, creative, general cultural and professional competencies. After studying the thematic unit of the discipline, the teacher, as an option for independent work, invites each student to individually compile a crossword puzzle in order to repeat and consolidate the material studied. When compiling a crossword puzzle, students are advised to refer to educational and scientific literature. For example, a class on the topic: «Acquired heart defects». Student 1 — compiles a crossword on the theme “mitral defects”, student 2 — “Aortic flogging of the heart”, etc. The minimum number of words in a crossword puzzle is at least 30.

The solution of crosswords is an alternative to test control of students' knowledge. The presence of questions in the crossword, which should be answered, brings together crossword puzzles with open form tests and the presence of a hint (letters at the intersection of words) with closed form tests. First, at the lesson, students work in pairs (they offer each other to solve their crossword puzzles), which allows to check individual preparation for each student’s lesson, and then there is a general discussion of crosswords that the author himself represents in the group — checking the group’s general readiness for the lesson.

In our opinion, this type of training stimulates the cognitive activity of the student (active work with the medical literature); expands his views on the subject under discussion; enriches professional glossary; contributes to the development of logical thinking and creative abilities. All these skills are necessary for a modern medical specialist. Using this method of teaching, the teacher carries out a differentiated approach (both by creating resources of different levels of complexity, and setting tasks: solve / compose).

In order to ensure continuous monitoring of students' work on the quality of mastering the material, the teacher should divide the training material into structural and logical modules (blocks), defining the normative points (rules of their calculation) for all tasks and tasks of the discipline. To draw up a regulation, taking into account the rating, based on which knowledge will be assessed. The overall rating is the sum of the ratings for individual modules. As modules of the subject / discipline, it is advisable to single out an independent cycle of work, individual homework in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge. Upon completion of the module, knowledge is monitored and in order to correct the learning process, it is advisable to keep track of and analyze errors during the monitoring process, indicating the gaps in knowledge.

Thus, an important component of the use of modern educational technologies is flexibility and possible restructuring of the presentation of educational material. The methodical task is to find the right ways to use intensive tools and forms of education and one of the indicators of rational use of modern educational technologies will be students' interest in the subject of study, the desire for independent activities and professional and career growth. The gradual transition of higher education institutions to modern educational technologies will give a new impetus to the medical education system; will allow to move to an innovative way of development of higher medical education.


  1. Gushchin, V.Yu. Interactive teaching methods in higher education / V.Yu. Gushchin // Psychological Journal of the International University of Nature, Society and Man «Dubna». — 2012. — № 2. — p. 1–18.
  2. Interactive methods, forms and means of training: guidelines. — Rostov-on-Don: RSU, 2013. — 49 p. 90
  3. Kashlev, S. S. Interactive Learning Technology / SS. Kashlev. — Minsk, Belarusian Verasen, 2005. — 196 p.
  4. Reutov, E. A. The use of active and interactive teaching methods in the educational process of the university / Ye.A. Reutov. — Novosibirsk: Izd-in NGAU, 2012. — 58 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): LMS, NGAU, RSU.

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