Modern Pedagogical Technology in Foreign Language Lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (257) май 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 11.05.2019

Статья просмотрена: 20 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Шерипова, Г. А. Modern Pedagogical Technology in Foreign Language Lessons / Г. А. Шерипова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 19 (257). — С. 379-381. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Increasingly, there is talk of the need to introduce new educational standards into the Russian system of higher education, which place new demands on both university professors and students. First of all, it is necessary for the self-development and improvement of communication skills of future specialists, since their future professional activities will be directly related to the continued success and competitiveness in the global labor market. “At the moment, teachers of higher educational institutions use in their practice a huge number of techniques and methods for improving a foreign language, including forms of control” [2, p. 111], and, of course, to form students' motivation to learn it. Unfortunately, at the moment, we can argue that the level of proficiency in a foreign language of engineering specialists does not always meet the requirements described in the federal state standard.

The main requirement of an employer is a good command of a foreign language, since international cooperation expands state borders, communication capabilities have become so necessary and that becomes impossible to imagine an educated and successful person without knowing a foreign language.

Therefore, knowledge of a foreign language is primarily professional-oriented, which implies a deep analysis of the goals, forms and methods of teaching a foreign language in universities. The primary task of higher education is the development of the desire to teach and develop their linguistic skills throughout their lives, constantly improving their knowledge and skills, because the specialist must be ready to solve problems both in his native and foreign languages, to cooperate and work in team, using different approaches in their future professional activities. In this regard, it is necessary to revise the methodological content of work with students, which will be focused on independent search and solution of specific, practical tasks, both linguistic and professional. To solve the above tasks, in the process of studying a professional foreign language, it is necessary to form students' motivation, identify difficulties, thereby providing pedagogical support in developing their professional motivation. It should be noted that due attention is not paid to the issue of student motivation, although this issue is one of the most effective ways to improve the learning process and change attitudes towards the need to learn a foreign language.

The formation of students' steady interest in the traditions and culture of the countries of the language being studied, as well as the constant striving for self-development and self-improvement must be constantly stimulated, which will encourage him to be active, that is, to learn. Take, for example, a huge variety of English-speaking television channels, radio stations, newspapers and magazines that have become available to any segment of the population. Even possession of basic English makes it possible to obtain information about the world and use the language as a means of intercultural communication, which is necessary for expanding the horizons, common and speech culture, and personal orientation.

If we turn to the federal state educational standard of higher professional education of the third generation (GEF-3), we will find the basic requirements that will predetermine the entire content of the educational process at the university, primarily through the disclosure of the creative potential of future professionals. “A student should not receive ready-made knowledge; he should offer his own versions of the deployment of specific situations, and in these cases, the student will develop autonomy, self-esteem and, most importantly, the ability to independently think, reason and analyze. All this should lead, above all, to communicative motivation, the need to express one’s opinion and to argue it correctly”. [3, p.12]

But one should not forget about certain limits and time limits that exist in universities, since not enough time is allocated for learning a foreign language. Many institutes organize additional activities in a foreign language that are of great general educational importance for the motivation and in-depth study of a foreign language. These activities will serve as an impetus, and be a kind of locomotive for further study and knowledge of a foreign language, expansion of regional cultural competence, development of creative activity. This approach, in our opinion, increases the motivation to learn the language and learn the culture of another country.

We mentioned only some ways to increase motivation. We would like to dwell in more detail on one of the most common forms of extracurricular activities, and in our opinion, one of the effective methods of organizing supplementary education, like theatrelization, which, in combination with the main classes, give truly positive results and increases the interest and desire of the student to learn English language with pleasure.

The main objective of this type of work will be the formation of the aesthetic, intellectual, moral development of students. The effectiveness and efficiency of such work depends directly on the students' desire to express themselves, the ability to work in a team, solve non-standard tasks, develop independent thinking, efficiency, purposefulness, initiative and creativity, diligence and independence.

“Creative activity develops self-discipline in the course of independent work on the development of foreign languages, there is a need for additional sources, which motivates them to use additional scientific and methodical literature and materials recommended by both the teacher and those selected independently, to objectively evaluate the level of their own foreign language training, preferring , mostly authentic foreign language sources". [1, p. 108]

All the above listed skills are the results of independent work done by students. These skills contribute to enhancing the motivation to master the language and allow it to quickly navigate in a huge stream of foreign language information, as well as apply their already formed knowledge and skills, both in oral and in written language, which in our opinion is an integral part for becoming highly qualified, competitive personality.

Thus, it is necessary to add to the educational process a number of extracurricular tasks that will help diversify the work of both students and teachers, for the correct motivation of students to learn a foreign language.


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  3. Shvalova G.V. Formirivanie motivacii stidentov tehnicheskogo vusa pri isuchenii professionalnovo inostrannogo yasika [Motivation formation of technical institute students in the studying of professional foreign language] / G.V. Shvalova // Nauchno-metodicheskij elektronnij jurnal «Koncept». [Periodic scientific and methodological e-journal “Koncept”]. – 2012. №11 (15). URL: [in Russian]
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