Multimedia technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (257) май 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 12.05.2019

Статья просмотрена: 42 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Самандарова, Г. И. Multimedia technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages / Г. И. Самандарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 19 (257). — С. 370-371. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article is devoted to the role of multimedia technologies in the teaching of foreign languages. The authors of the article consider them as a means of motivating students. It is noted that multimedia technologies help to develop communicative competence, which is an integral part in mastering a foreign language. It is also noted that computer technologies make the learning process more efficient, and the authors argue that the use of modern technologies is effective at all stages of language learning and with all different groups of students.

Key words: graphics, text, video, photography, animation, sound effects, high-quality soundtracks.

We live in the 11th century, where everything is computerized and automated. Training is no exception. There are many different programs for all classes and ages, especially for young students. In this article, we are going to present various computer programs that are easy to learn and joyful. At present, multimedia technologies representing a special type of computer technology are being introduced into the educational process in our republic. A characteristic feature of multimedia technologies in comparison with traditional ones, in the educational process is the presentation of information not only in the form of text, but also in the form of images that allow the students to focus their attention as much as possible, contribute to a better understanding, understanding and memorizing information.

Thus, based on the above definitions, in our study we take as a working definition of multimedia technologies a set of computer technologies that simultaneously use several types of information: graphics, text, video, photography, animation, sound effects, high-quality sound. Now the student was not just a listener or a spectator, he now began to take an active part in what was happening on the monitor screen, thereby changing the course of events. In parallel with this, the development of the Internet, the virtual space, which makes it possible to connect millions of computers and transmit images and sound for a few moments, is taking place. With the advent of the Internet, a new language environment has emerged as a means of communication in the virtual space.

Language as a means of communication is constantly evolving, changing the structure of the language, grammar, pronunciation, spelling of words, innovations can serve as an example, for example, in English, some forms of future tense are practically not used, there are many other examples. The process of learning a foreign language is a complex, constantly evolving system. Computerization of learning a foreign language helps to facilitate access to information and reduce the time for learning a language. At the moment there is a huge choice of multimedia products, Internet pages containing information necessary for learning a foreign language, electronic textbooks, databases with thematic texts and exercises.

One of the urgent problems of modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​is the orientation of the whole educational process to the active independent work of students, the creation of conditions for their self-expression and self-development. But we must not forget that a computer does not determine the content of education — it is only an effective means of teaching a foreign language, therefore the development of methodological foundations for teaching foreign languages ​​using a computer should be based on a deep analysis of didactic and methodological possibilities that contribute to the realization of the main goal in teaching foreign languages skills and skills of communicative competence. The computer allows:

− to simulate the conditions of communicative activity;

− to master lexico-grammar skills;

− individualize and differentiate learning;

− main motivation;

− increase the amount of language training;

− promote the development of student self-esteem;

− to ensure the transfer of language material to other types of speech activity. The computer provides tremendous opportunities to test the level of proficiency in a foreign language or subject with the participation of the teacher, which will reduce the time for checking the results. Tests are possible the most various: wildcard, selective, true — false, sample. A teacher can use a computer to optimize training, improve the efficiency and objectivity of the educational process while saving considerable time, for organizing teamwork and for working with educational materials. As a means of technical support for the teacher’s activities, the computer opens up broad perspectives in improving the organization of the learning process; moreover, some organizational forms of the educational process cannot be realized without using a computer, for example, collective creative work on a joint project.

The question of integrating the Internet into education, and in particular its use in teaching foreign languages, is also currently quite relevant. This is mainly due to the fact that when using the Internet as one of the means of teaching a foreign language, many goals and objectives of the learning process are better realized. It follows that the Internet will soon become part of the daily practice of teaching in all educational institutions. Now everyone understands that the Internet has tremendous informational capabilities, but one should not forget that, whatever properties a particular teaching tool may possess, the didactic tasks and cognitive features of students, determined by certain educational goals, are primary. The Internet with all its capabilities and resources is one of the means to realize these goals and objectives [1, p. 224]. Naturally, the main goal of teaching a foreign language is the formation of communicative competence [3, p.256]. To do this, using the Internet, you can:

− include network materials in the content of the lesson (integrating them into the curriculum);

− conduct an independent search for information by students as part of the project;

− increase motivation and create the need for learning a foreign language through live communication;

− to form and develop reading skills, directly using materials from the network of varying degrees of complexity;

− to form and develop listening skills on the basis of authentic Internet sound texts, also, respectively, prepared by the teacher;

− to improve the skills of writing, composing answers to partners by correspondence; replenish vocabulary of a modern foreign language, reflecting a certain stage of development of the culture of the people, social and political structure of society, using authentic texts from the country of the language being studied;

− obtain cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of speech behavior of various peoples in terms of communication, features of culture, traditions of the country of the studied language.

At the moment there are a large number of sites addressed to a teacher of foreign languages. On such sites you can find ready-made lessons for teachers of a foreign language, thematic videos, newspaper articles, various thematic texts, exercises, grammatical explanations, audio books.

Computer technology training designed to provide a qualitatively new level of education. Multimedia technologies began to be introduced quite recently, but despite this, they are becoming more and more successful every day in teaching foreign languages. The computer should serve as an aid, like any other technical tool or textbook. We should not forget that a computer has several advantages: it combines video — audio — information, text information, the ability to record your own voice and further correct the pronunciation. A teacher can use a computer to optimize learning, improve the efficiency and objectivity of the educational process while significantly saving time. In conclusion, learning foreign languages can be more efficient and motivating.


  1. Polat E. S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: a training manual. M., 2000. — p. 224.
  2. Rudenko — Morgun OI Computer technology as a new form of education. M., 2002. — p. 193.
  3. Selevko K. Modern educational technologies: a manual. M., 1998. — p. 256.
  4. Tsaturova I. A., Petukhova A. A. Computer technology in teaching foreign languages: a textbook for university students. M., 2004. — p. 232.

Ключевые слова

text, graphics, video, photography, animation, sound effects, high-quality soundtracks

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