Change of Sentence Length due to Extension and Compression of the Words’ Phase in the Process of Translation from English into Uzbek | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (257) май 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 13.05.2019

Статья просмотрена: 96 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Рихсиева, Л. А. Change of Sentence Length due to Extension and Compression of the Words’ Phase in the Process of Translation from English into Uzbek / Л. А. Рихсиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 19 (257). — С. 408-409. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Source language words and target language words may interact in different ways. They may correspond to each other as monoequivalents or as regular equivalents. A monoequivalent is a regular equivalent of the source language word that can consist of one word or be a phrase:


to seineбалиқ овлаш

the House of CommonsЖамоатчилик палатаси

Taking into account the more laconic and compressive character of English speech, it is sometimes necessary to extend the structure when translating intoUzbek: a five-man committee –беш кишидан иборат бўлган қўмита, opinion poll — жамоатчиликнинг фикрини билиш учун ижтимоий сўровнома,, peace committee — тинчликни таъминлаш бўйича қўмита, the prerequisite- даслабки нуқтаи назар ёки фикр, outlets- электрон оммовий ахборотларни чиқиши, food and processing industry-Озиқ овқат ва озиқ овқатни қайта ишлаш корхонаси.

The change of words’ phase in the process of translation from English into Uzbek extends the structure of the sentences:

Drug abuse- гиёҳванд моддаларга хуруж қўйиш; [2–4]

Enticeўзига қаратмоқ; [1–2]

Eradicateилдизи билан йўқ қилмоқ; [1–4]

Adherenceқаттиқ риоя қилиш; [1–3]

Jeopardizeхавф хатарга қўймоқ. [1–3]

Adherence to international and regional conventions concerning the elimination of the problem of drug abuse by the international community can be one of the best means to fight the problem collectively. [20 meaningful words without prepositions and articles]

Халқаро ҳамжамият томонидан гиёҳванд моддаларга хуруж қўйиш муаммосини бартараф этиш бўйича халқаро ва минтақавий келишувларга қаттиқ риоя қилиш муаммоларни биргаликда курашишнинг энг яхши усулларидан бири бўлиши мумкин. [27 meaningful words]

Example shows us change of sentence length due to extending the words’ phase in the process of translation from English into Uzbek.

Extension and Compression of structure in translation:

So far, we have said that the information structure during translation remains unchanged. However, when transferring information from one language to another, it is impossible not to take into account that in this case, participants of communication are representatives of different cultures (in the widest and most general sense), and therefore it is necessary to remember that one of the most important functions of the text is the function directive (that is, installation on the recipient). Thus, a certain social situation arises, which differs from that which exists with the intralingua transmission of the same information. The change of extra-linguistic reality cannot but cause changes in linguistic. When translating, the text is adapted to the new recipient, and this adaptation is the cause of the changes that appear in the information transmitted to another language. The translation addresses the text to the recipient, in the calculation for which it was written, so it often becomes necessary to disclose the realities in the text, clarify and even decipher the concepts: the facts touched upon in the text in passing are highlighted to draw the attention of the uninitiated to them, leads to the expansion of the semantic structure of the statement. No less often, there is also a reverse phenomenon — compression within a topic or a theme, when a fact, new or just important for a Uzbek recipient (and, therefore, possessing a large communicative load), is not such for English. Consider the cases of changes in the information structure during translation, taking into account the policy function, in more detail.

Extension of the information structure during translation:

1. Explanation in the text of the translation of the cultural unfamiliar to the new recipient from English into Uzbek:

Men's Scottish attire [2]

There are several kinds of male garments in Scotland: casual, semi-formal, formal, great kilt attire and ancient kilt attire.

Шотландча эркакларнинг миллий либоси

Шотландияда эркакларнинг миллий либосларнинг бир нечта тури бор: кундалик, ярим-расмий, расмий, машҳур килт ва қадимий килт, яъни эркаклар кийиб юрадиган шотландча миллий юбкаси.

In the sentence the term kilt is expanded to the new recipient giving more information.

2. Extension of the information structure during translation of Uzbek cultural words may be translated by the following ways into English. 1) by means of modification: ҳашар-voluntary and joint public work called khashar; У сумалак емоқда- He is eating the main dish of the feast called sumalak which is prepared in national holiday.2) by means of descriptive translation: Рамазон хайитда Ўзбекистонликлар ишга бормайдилар, дам оладилар- The people of Uzbekistan do not go to work and have a rest in Ramazan Khait which is a holiday of moral purification and spiritual revival [1].

Compression of structure in translation:

Compression is the reduction in size of speech. Sometimes the interpreter will have to reduce his translation considerably, selecting and reproducing the most important parts of the original and taking away unnecessary points. The lexical compression means the use of fewer words to express the same idea. Our investigation showed that more complicated verbose semantic word groups of the Uzbek language may be substituted by a few words in its English translation: Бу киши ўзини ёмон эканлигини ва салбий сифатга эга эканлигини тан олди ва ўз айбига иқрор бўлди.-This man was self-confessed. Lexical compression is to express the ideas with a few words: In particular, attention should be given to the use of appropriate and or intermediate technology wherever possible- Керакли ва ўртача технологияга эътибор қаратилиши керак. Semantic compression is the use of pronouns instead of notional words: Tom and John went to the garden.- Улар боққа кетишди. The syntactic compression results from the choice of a shorter and simpler construction than that used in the original. 1) breaking a complex sentence with involved clause structure into several simple sentences: I saw the beautiful place where then Iremembered how Ihad spent the days with my girlfriend there- Мен жуда чиройли жойни кўрдим.-Кейин қиз ўртоғим билан у ерда ўтказган кунларим ёдимга тушди. 2) substitution of participial constructions by nouns or noun phrases: A piece of electric equipment used for cutting into very small pieces- майдалагич ёки гўшт майдалайдиган. 3) substituting an abbreviation for a country or an organization: The United States of America-АҚШ.


1. A.Muminov. “A guide to consecutive translation”.-T.,2013,p.21


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