Types of onomasiology used in the literature | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (260) май 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 04.06.2019

Статья просмотрена: 45 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Атамуратов, Д. О. Types of onomasiology used in the literature / Д. О. Атамуратов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 22 (260). — С. 472-473. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/260/59906/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article provides the information about the types of Onomasiology mostly used in the English literature with bright examples. Most of them are formed from the people names and place names.

Keywords: folklore, derived from, poetry, onomastic phrases, military field, saying and tales.

The sources of the origin of the phraseology in English are very different from each other. It is desirable to study separately into three major groups according to the origin of the English phraseology.

  1. The original English phraseology combinations
  2. Phraseological compositions from other languages
  3. Phraseological compositions from the American version of English

The authors of most of the phraseological associations in English are still unknown to science. This problem is especially evident in articles that are a type of sustainable association. The phraseological connections in all languages, in particular the English-language phraseological associations, are also the work of folklore, which demonstrates the wisdom and linguistic taste of the nation. Many phraseological associations reflect the traditions, customs and beliefs of the English people, the historical facts and facts that we know and do not know. The roots of many phraseological connections are based on professional communication.

The main source of phraseological associations is the change of their essence in their composition. Many English-language phrases are derived from works of art and various sources of literature. According to the number of literary texts in English, after literary sources, the first place is taken from the Bible, and the second is the phrases derived from the Shakespeare art. The writers' works, poetry, fairy tales and cartoons are the source of the phrases.

Mostly seen types of onomastic phrases are the followings:

Traditions, historical truths, traditions and others are phraseologic


Odatlar, tarixiy haqiqatlar, an`analar va boshqalar bilan aloqador frazeologik


The phraseological connections associated with traditions and customs of English people

Ingliz xalqining an`ana va odatlari bilan bog`liq frazeologik birikmalar

Phrases linked to the facts of English history

Ingliz tarixining haqiqatlari bilan bog`langan frazeologizmlar

Phrases about Religious Beliefs

Diniy e`tiqodga aloqador frazeologizmlar

Phrases derived from saying and tales

Matal va masallardan olingan frazeologizmlar

Phrases associated with the folktales

Rivoyatlar bilan bog`langan frazeologizmlar

Phrases related to historical truths

Tarixiy haqiqatlar bilan bog`liq frazeologizmlar

Phrases based on professional terms

Kasbiy atamalarga borib taqaluvchi frazeologizmlar

Phrases of the sailors' life

Dengizchilar hayotidan olingan frazeologizmlar

Phrases from the military field

Harbiy sohadan olingan frazeologizmlar

Phrases from sports

Sport turlaridan olingan frazeologizmlar

Phraseological compositions from sources in English literature

Ingliz adabiyoti manbalaridan olingan frazeologik birikmalar

As a result of special investigations a group of phrases that included writers, scholars, inventors, kings, and others were established. The following groups can be identified in such recycled groups:

  1. Surnames
  2. Names
  3. Names and Surnames

We can see these groups with examples in Uzbek here:

1. Surnames:

According to Cocker — (s.s.) Kokkerga asosan; to`g`ri, to`ppa-to`g`ri, barrcha qoidalarga asosan. E.Kokker (1631–1675) XVII asrda keng yoyilgan ingliz tilidagi arifmetika darsligining muallifi.

The Admirable Crichton [`kraitn] — olim, ziyoli odam. XVI asr mashxur shotland olimi familiyasiga asoslangan.

Hobson`s choice — majburiy tanlov, ixtiyoriy-majburiy. Hobson XVI asrda Kembrijda pulli otxonaning xo`jayini bo`lgan. U o`z mijozlarining otlarini chiqish joyiga yaqin joydagi qoziqlarga bog`lashga majbur qilgan.

2. Names:

Big Ben — Katta Ben (Angliya parlamenti binosidagi soat). Soat Benjamin Holla nomiga atalgan, chunki bu soat uning rahnamoligida qurilgan.

When Queen Anne was alive — juda qadim davrlarda, Daq`yonus zamonida.

3. Names and Surnames:

Jack Katch — jallod. XVII asrdagi ingliz jallodining nomiga asoslangan.

A Joe Miller — yengil hazil, eski hazil, ko`pdan qolgan latifa. Angliyada birinchi bo`lib latifalar to`plamini nashr qilgan aktyor Jozef Millerning (1684–1738) nomidan olingan.

Furthermore we can face several kinds of phrases that used in the literature of outstanding writers' books which give the special meanings. However, we can not find any meanings from their written form unless knowing its real meaning from the works. Following examples are from famous writers' works and books. There are both the names of writers and their Uzbek meanings.

Phrases and the names of writers

Uzbek translation

Uillyam Davenport

A gay Lothario [1;103]

quvnoq sho`x yigit, xotinlar ketidan yuradigan kishi, xotinboz.

Jon Drayden

The British Lion [2;58]

(s.s.) Britaniya arsloni; Buyuk Britaniya.

Charles Dickens

In a Pickwickian sense [3;91]

Pikvikka xos mazmunda, shunga o`xshash yana: yengil hazil.

Samuel Jonson

From China to Peru [4;84]

(s.s.) Xitoydan Perugacha; har yerda.

Jonatan Swift

Darken somebody`s door [5;62]

biror sohaga sekin-asta kirib bormoq.

Jonatan Swift

Go into the land of Nod [6;62]

uyquga ketmoq

Jon Drayden

The British Lion [7;58]

(s.s.) Britaniya arsloni; Buyuk Britaniya.

Charles Dickens

King Charles`s Head [8;92]

(k.i.i.) jon-u tani bilan, miyasiga o`rnashib qolgan g`oya.


  1. William Cooper. The Task. Idaho, 2007.
  2. John Dryden. Hind and the Panther (poem). M., 1979
  3. Charles Dickens. Pickwick Club. Ldn., 1964
  4. Samuel Johnson. The Vanity of Human Wishes. Toronto, 1999
  5. Johnathan Swift. Polite Conversation. M., 2005.
  6. Johnathan Swift. Polite Conversation. M., 2005.
  7. John Dryden. Hind and the Panther (poem). M., 1979
  8. Charles Dickens. David Copperfield. Ldn., 1965

Ключевые слова

poetry, folklore, derived from, onomastic phrases, military field, saying and tales

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