Methods of Teaching and Improving Educating Techniques of English Language in Non-Philological Spheres | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №26 (264) июнь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 25.06.2019

Статья просмотрена: 15 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Собирова, Г. С. Methods of Teaching and Improving Educating Techniques of English Language in Non-Philological Spheres / Г. С. Собирова, А. Ш. Мухаммадиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 26 (264). — С. 343-345. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Nowadays, English has become the international language spoken by many people from all over the world. Since this language is recognized as one of the easiest to learn. But when this question concerns people who are engaged in non-philological fields, we are confronted with such problems as understanding grammatical structures or learning new words. Even if a person is able to remember the above listed aspects of a language, problems arise associated with the use of what is learned in oral speech. So, for example, can medical workers or students studying in this direction learn English medical terms without any difficulties?

Every year in the Republic of Uzbekistan various decrees are adopted to encourage the idea of learning English in various areas of work. There are different kinds of scholarships and programs for employees who pass a certain test. For example, recently it was adopted a new decree about measures on development of quality of education of cultural languages in educational institutions.

Students at all stages of the continuing education system have the opportunity to improve the quality of teaching of young generation in foreign languages, to improve the system of training foreign languages, to ensure the continuity and continuity of curricula in this area, and to develop a national test system, for the purpose of granting privileges and incentives to students and teachers the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

– Starting from January 1, 2018, students, pupils and teachers with a certificate of a state-of-the-art qualification on the level of knowledge of foreign languages will be able to organize language learning practices in leading foreign educational institutions;

– Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan from October 1, 2017 in cooperation with ministries and departments with higher education institutions should organize courses for teaching staff in foreign languages on the basis of the foreign language departments of higher education institutions for extracurricular subjects. [2]

According to A. Kaganov, the period of study in an institution of higher professional education can be divided into three stages:

1) Transitional (from first to third semester). A gradual entry of a student into the learning process, adaptation to new conditions, mastering various types of learning activities (listening and outlining lectures, preparing for practical knowledge) is carried out;

2) Accumulative (from the fourth to the sixth semester). Characterized by the gradual improvement of objective and subjective indicators of students, which is associated with obtaining new information, familiarization with professional activities;

3) The defining stage (seventh and subsequent semesters). The previous ideas are changed, corrected, generalized; a more or less stable model of professional activity is being developed. [1, p.16–18]

When learning any language, the main aspects that the student must have are the ability to use the material studied in oral speech. But many may ask how you can simultaneously think, use the construction of sentences and translate words in your head? It sounds very frightening. Then another question arises — whether you are thinking about a noun, add to it or the sacramental circulation when you speak your native language. Not!!! This all happens automatically without any controls. Our brain is constantly ready to respond to any speech given by the speaker.

To improve your language skills is not enough that you go to some language courses. Be sure to one hundred percent that you forget the material you studied before the next lesson. The most important thing for good language skills is practice. There are several ways to practice English:

  1. Make mistakes. The best way to improve the language level is to make mistakes. After all, remember your childhood, your parents corrected you when you pronounced or made a sentence incorrectly. They did not teach you grammar, did not explain what is an adverb or numeral; our brain was able to automatically analyze and store information in our brain. Therefore, many people have the fear of speaking in any language. We should always keep in our mind one great quote of Paul Bear Bryant about making mistakes: “When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: admit it, learn from it, and don’t repeat it”.
  2. Graduation. When learning English, do not try to learn terms first, such as the name of a disease or the internal organs of a person. This can lead you to a dead end. There are many textbooks that help you learn the language in the right and easy way. But this does not mean that medical workers will have to study grammar in depth. I even made a manual for the initial study of English. Before writing this manual, I conducted a survey asking what doctors would like to learn how to ask for the patient’s condition, as well as how to tell the time, date, and name of medical institutions. I gathered all this in one collection, dividing them into several classes, where you can practice not only reading or memorizing new words, but also listening, since the manual contains various audio dialogues related to medical topics.
  3. Practice the material studied with the speaker. Through social applications you can find many speakers of this language. Practicing with them, you can quickly master the subtleties of the pronunciation of any words or phrases? But if you can afford to go abroad, you can study it there. After all, one of the best and most effective methods for learning any language.

The question may arise — why should medical professionals learn English? After all, the most important thing for them is to cure the disease. But in the globally developing world every second discoveries occur in various fields of science, which make a great contribution to the development of science and technology. And to go on an equal footing with them you need to study them. And in most cases, discoveries are published in English. And also there are many types of programs for training and professional development of medical workers abroad. This can be a great opportunity to see and share experiences with other prominent doctors. Therefore, before you begin to learn English, set a specific goal that can serve as your motivation.


  1. Kaganov A. B. The birth of a specialist: the professional formation of a student. — Minsk: BSU Publishing House, 1983. — 111p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): BSU.

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