Formation of Media Terms With Suffixes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №27 (265) июль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 08.07.2019

Статья просмотрена: 3 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Дадабоев, Д. Г. Formation of Media Terms With Suffixes / Д. Г. Дадабоев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 27 (265). — С. 226-227. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

In linguistics, a suffix is placed after the stem of thee word. Common examples are case endings. They can alter the form of the word to change the meaning. A word final segment that is somewhere between a free morpheme and a bound morpheme. Suffixes can carry grammatical information or lexical information. Derivational suffixes can be divided into two categories namely class-changing derivation and class-maintaining derivation. From this respect we will deal with the latter category in media terms. If the language instructor works with the newspaper at a more advanced level one of his duties is to draw his/her learners’ attention to the fact that media reporting has a style and a language of its own. [Galperin,1977,87]. Terminological unit’s motivations of foreign researchers, research in connection with the manufacturing process is defined. Terms of productive ages and unproductive methods [Reformatskiy,1968,152].

Their function and translation is not always stable in Uzbek and English. The term suffix means to fasten on, beneath, or under. A suffix may be a syllable or group of syllables united with or placed at the end of a word to alter or modify the meaning of the word to create a new word. A suffix is connected to a root or to a combining form to make a new word. A compound suffixes made up of more than one-word component. Statement in terms of the role of the nomenclature concept very similar to the terms. “ Nomenclature” derives from a Latin word means “call” [Xayutin,1971,128]. It is also added to a root or a combining form to modify its meaning. Whenever you change the suffix, you alter the meaning of the word to which it is attached.

The following guidelines pertain to the building and spelling of media words:

  1. If the suffix begins with a vowel, drop the combining vowel from the combining form and add the suffix. For example: gastro (stomach) + -oma (tumor) becomes gastroma when we drop the from gastro.
  2. If the suffix begins with a consonant, keep the combining vowel and add the suffix to the combining form. For example: lip/o (fat) + -lysis (destruction) becomes lipolysis and we keep the on the combining form lipo.
  3. Keep the combining vowel between two or more roots in a term.

For example: electro (electricity) + cardio (heart) + -gram (record) becomes lectrocardiogram and we keep the two combining vowels.

General Use Suffixes– suffixes, when written, are all preceded by a hyphen (-) to signify that they are to belinked to the end of a root or combining form. Grammatical Suffixes– those suffixes that may be attached to a word root to form a part of speech, especially a noun or adjective, or to make a medical word singular or plural in its form. They are also used to indicate a diminutive form of a word that specifies a smaller version of the object indicated by the word root. They are as follows:

Diminutive suffixes that mean small or minute:

cle small

—icle little

—ole small

—ula small

—ule small

Suffixes that have more than one meaning-these suffixes have more than one meaning, thereby making it a little more difficult when defining terms to which they are attached.

By connecting various word parts in an organized sequence, thousands of words can be built and learned. In the text, the word list is alphabetized so one can see the variety of meanings created when common prefixes and suffixes are repeatedly applied to certain word roots and/or combining forms.


Added to verbs to form nouns showing action or condition e. g.





The examples all are nouns changed from verbs: e.g. Violate-haqorat qilmoq, Violation-haqoratlash


Forms terms notation properties of substances that are common to all objects of this class substances. In Uzbek it means –lik.





Used to form nouns which refer to an action or series of actions:





Used to form nouns which refer to an action or process or its result. It has no direct meaning or translation in Uzbek:









To have the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill, time, money or opportunity to do something






The following selected suffixes that have more than one meaning:

ate use, action, having the form of, possessing,

blast immature cell, germ cell, embryonic cell,

gen formation, produce,

genes is formation, produce,

genic formation, produce,

gram a weight, mark, record,

ive nature of, quality of,

lymph serum, clear fluid, pale fluid,

lysis destruction, separation, breakdown, loosening, dissolution,

penia lack of, deficiency, abnormal reduction,

plasm a thing formed, plasma,

plegia stroke, paralysis, palsy,

ptosis prolapse, drooping, falling down, sagging,

rrhea flow, discharge,

scopy to view, examine, visual examination.


  1. Galperin I. Р. Concept of syle.-Моscow. 1977.p.53.
  2. Xayutin A. D. Term, terminology and nomenclature. Samarkand, O’qituvchi,1971.p.89.
  3. Reformatskiy. A. A. Terminology as lexicological system.- Moscow.1998.p.75.

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