The language analysis of advertisement national web sites | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №28 (266) июль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 16.07.2019

Статья просмотрена: 16 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хатамова, К. Т. The language analysis of advertisement national web sites / К. Т. Хатамова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 28 (266). — С. 87-89. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article reviews a logical analysis of the language of transmitted ads in the web-based publications. Learning the language of online advertising for today's linguistics is an important task to compare and differentiate them from other types of media. Therefore, the article also analyzes the shortcomings of the advertising language, its syntactic, grammatical and vocabulary textbooks, the language of advertising on, and its recommendations.

Keywords: website publishing, online advertising language, logical analysis, visualization, content collision, network technology, online journalism, interactive information.

Today, the concept of web publishing for the Internet user is not a foreign word. The Web-site is first a media that appearance and controlled for providing digital interactive information exchange between publishers and publishers of the deep web. [1] Therefore, network technologies allow users to search and paste the data from the original source. Online journalism is a combination of high-speed, word and pictures, content and print content that are the same for the previous generation of product style and innovation [2]. It's no exaggeration to say that online advertising has expanded the functionality of web publications. Here are some of the different types of ads. Experts say that there are over one hundred online advertising types. Their language is also unique. So, what is the difference between the online advertising and the broadcast or the radio advertising? Firstly, it will receive the status of online advertising, extending any advertising to the Internet. [3] However, it is rarely seen that television commercials are rarely seen with banner ads, which are mostly used for video ads. On the radio, it's just not possible to use another type of adverts that can used to cast audio ads. That's why online advertising is more affordable. Today's ads on domains require a lot of edits. Logical mistakes in the language have dropped. If we logically analyze the online advertising language posted at «The Minsk Automobile Plant is the official supplier of the Republic of Belarus from the warehouse in Tashkent», the same text as the advertisement.

How can this be understood?

— Is the official distributor of the Minsk automobile factory of the Republic of Belarus inviting a warehouse in Tashkent? Even if we change it in different ways, the meaning remains uncertain. First, it is difficult to understand the user. Secondly, the language of advertising is unprofessional. Such ads should monitored prior to posting on the site. It also affects the reputation of the site. In online advertising you need to focus on the queries:

High literacy rate;


Comprehensive approach to text;

Take the time;

The most important thing is aware of modern technologies.

Please be advised that the Web site will be featured at the end of the publication. Web-publishing is not a part of the publications that emphasize advertising. This can achieved through the use the site. For example, when a visitor visits the site, the site's current issue is tracked by banner ads. The site primarily focuses on advertising its materials. Basically, the web site contains advertisements for the newspaper. It is a very simple and simple way to advertise. Advertising is basically a banner. It is difficult to say that the ads attract attention of the audience. updates its ads twice a week. Often it places ads on cars, telephones, and service providers. It is desirable to list a number of achievements and shortcomings in the promotion of the web site.


  1. The marketplace is clearly visible in large quantities;
  2. Advertising age-appropriate audiences;
  3. Shirts are selected correctly;
  4. Disadvantages:
  5. Simple design;
  6. Apply colors that are less noticeable (blue, black green);
  7. Request change of add text (use untrue terms)
  8. Only use banner type of ads;

Here are some examples. Advertising also plays a key role in ensuring that the web site is financially viable., a web-site of Uzbekistan Today, is one of the leading publications in Uzbekistan. He specializes in the preparation analysis materials on the economic, social and political life of the country, about the implementation of reforms in Uzbekistan in the field of education, health, culture and sports and in various spheres. The purpose of the webcast is to give and impartial information about the development of our country and abroad students. Although the media is responsible for delivering ready-made ads, we think that they should pay close attention to their speech, writing, and manipulative effects. Today, advertising agencies are engaged only in advertising production. Advertisements are advertised on foreign sites, not on foreign sites, but in English, mainly in English, in other languages.

There is advertising is for the Uzbek audience. If we do not oppose the delivery of advertisements in different languages, we believe that the text should not disturbed when translated into Uzbek. Today, the most prominent products are advertising the anti-tumor drug, which says: «Burn your unique horoscope». It is natural that the question is whether or not the body is an ingredient.

This is a logical mistake when it comes directly from the Russian language. What is emphasized by emphasis on the accent is that it creates a disadvantage for the audience. At the same time, in other forms of online advertising, the logic is distorted: «Fresh mood» has been broadcast through several TV channels. The chocolate brand Tik tak is famous for its advertising. We do not intend to appeal to the brand, but all of us think that the advertisers are translating into Uzbek. There are logical mistakes in their quotes because of their skill. The bug in the ad is used to mood. It is true that clear air is used as a clear air, but the immaculate mood is incredibly illogical. R.C We have a lot of advertising ads. This ad has been broadcasted on television screens, on the radio, on the social network, and on the internet. In the product packaging, the words «R.C Being American taste ", the English version of the synonym for the exact taste of English is not a mistake. However, in Uzbek: «R.C cola American taste ". If we say American dance, something that is moving, but how do we know that taste is American? We found it necessary to put the example into another product promotion. This promotion is also very popular in social networks. The quality your «angel-healthy life», that is, enjoying the angel sunflower oils, your life will be healthy, and healthy life will be good. There are thousands of online advertising that can trigger such logic. Ads prepared using the Uzbek language capability without counting the rules of the Uzbek language are numbered.

Summary. In summary, we can say that today there is a need for skilled translators who skilled in their profession. The professional translator is in a state of collapse of the Uzbek language. Paying attention to the language of advertising will promote the promotion of the brand at a brand-new level. During the online advertising process, you need to pay attention to the queries. It is important to avoid the spread of immoral ads that come from the West and that is happening on our national sites today. Traditional web site ads should take into account audience, specific language and technical capabilities of Internet users.

Online advertising has a strong interactivity and can be viewed through forums on a particular subject. Online advertising should also consider mentality issues. It is necessary to use picturesque images of the national spirit.


  1. Ubaydullaeva D. Advertisement — the national dance / «Diyor», 2010 № 17
  2. Usmonova Z. Advertising in tourism // «The Uzbek press». 2009 № 5.
  3. Прошкина Т. П. Маркетинг: учебное пособие для студентов образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования / Т. П. Прошкина. — Изд. 2-е. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2010.
  4. Тюриков А. Г. Интернет-реклама: учебное пособие / А. Г. Тюриков, Д.е. Шляпин; Издат. — торг. корпоратсия «Дашков и Кш». — Москва: Дашков и Кш, 2011.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): учебное пособие.

Ключевые слова

visualization, website publishing, online advertising language, logical analysis, content collision, network technology, online journalism, interactive information

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