The concept of causality in the sources of the Abbasid Era | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №35 (273) август 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 28.08.2019

Статья просмотрена: 45 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Аббас, Нада Моуса. The concept of causality in the sources of the Abbasid Era / Нада Моуса Аббас. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 35 (273). — С. 89-96. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The research focused in historical causality as an early philosophical vision of the Muslims authors (scientists, philosophers, writers, scholars and historians) in the sources of the Abbasid period. And a statement of the research function of these causes and their types and investigation of origin, and those inspired by these writers, thinkers, scientists and philosophers of Muslims in this age,The importance of research lies in the statement of the history and origins of the early philosophical visions of the philosophy of history among the writers and historians of the Abbasid period,One of the main aims of the research is to enhance the concepts of historians' philosophy of history and to explain the origins of the vocabulary of their historical scientific research bases. The first axis deals with the origin of causality, the history of care with Greek historians and philosophers, and the second historical causal axis in the Holy Qur'an and the Abbasid periodicals. The third axis deals with the types of causality mentioned by the authors in various sciences in the sources of the Abbasid period,Historical causation emerged as an analytical research tool and a philosophical vision early on by the Muslim authors and writers of the Abbasid era. Their origins were first inspired by the methods of addressing the Holy Qur'an و Historical causality has passed through the attic as a trip of human intellectual, scientific and philosophical accompaniment to the science and thought of peoples and civilizations. As are the philosophers and scientists of the Greeks and Greeks and their historians. The Muslims also realized their importance and value in their understanding of the versaes of the HolyQuran, and the circulation of their philosophy, especially the Abbasid era .

Keyword : history, Sources, Abbasi

The history events in view of philosophers not chaotic or blind encountered. They believe that human behavior has a degree of order and format , that it can be predicted, and that every focus of prediction in historical studies is aimed at directing behavior in the future. Any prediction will only be based on Causal assumptions. ( Atkin , translated by Mahmoud Zayed, Dar al-Ilm for millions, Beirut, 1963, study of history and its relation to social sciences , pp (95 – 104 ) , Old is the causal (attic) because its existence to the era of primitive, where man has been executed thinking about the causal relationships between the phenomena of nature and their causes, and in the beginning were the reasons outweighed mostly to the ills of metaphysical metaphysics is not clear, because it was not human to know how Aallaha. ( Najjar, House of Public Cultural Affairs, Baghdad, 2004. Studies in the philosophy of monetary history, p 14).) , By increasing the knowledge and science when human, acquired causal laws and important show t value, especially in scientific research and promised a genuine effervescence , though did not believe in the world of physics , the English Isaac Newton Isaac Newton ( 1643 - 1727) by the law of the attic leading to the discovery of the Law of Attraction . Thus, causality became a prerequisite for understanding science, rationality and the correct logic of scholars, philosophers and thinkers. (Al- Yazdi , Dar al-Tarif, Beirut, 1428 AH / 2007 , The New Approach to Teaching Philosophy, 1, p. 11, c. 2, p. 58 )) , We have historical causality emerged as a research tool analytical and philosophical vision, early in advance of the authors and classified as the Muslim Abbasid era, has its origins were inspired first of methods Salutation in the Holy Qur'an, and then expanded their ideas and visions have matured, after informing them of the Greek philosophy , It reached the causal purpose when the issue of the development of laws and the formulation of scientific theories. The causality of the philosopher is different from that of the historian; the philosopher reduces the many partial causes as is known to one universal cause, or two to interpret world history by reconstructing the facts of history to provide a mental picture. While the historian relies on partial and sub-causes of small and large details to explain the occurrence of individual events governed by time and place. ( Al-Jabri , Dar al-Sha`al al-Kahlal al-Awwaliya, Irbid , Baghdad, 1993 , Philosophy of History in Islamic Thought , p. 9 ))

The first axis : the importance of historical causality in historical research

Historical causality considers a basic issue in the philosophy of history and the method of historical research in the study and reflection of historical events and phenomena. That historical causality differs from natural causality , which is characterized by stability to a large extent, so it belongs to human will , which is characterized by freedom ( al - Najjar, studies in the philosophy of history of cash , p . 19 ) so it can not be similar causalty and its results , every time exposed to the Individuals for the same circumstances as the agglomeration of human experience.

The historical causality of the philosopher differs from that of the ordinary historian and the philosophical historian; the ordinary historian explains the partial causes connected with a particular time and place, while the causality of history is comprehensive; the philosophers reduce the ills and the many partial causes into one or two causes In light of which world history, and reconstruct the facts of history to provide a single mental image. The philosophical interpretation may be intertwined with scientific interpretation in historical studies, and this issue depicts the difficulty and suffering historians face in building historical truth. ( Zaqzouq, Dar al- Maarif, Cairo, 1994 , preparation for philosophy, p. 67 ) .)

It became known that the most prominent factors that drive philosophers of history to look for the real ills of global historical events or even local, are difficult conditions that generate the highest philosophies in the interpretation of the movement of history ; for example , the deterioration of the right of states Islamic in the Middle Ages, is Ibn Khaldun, who died in 808 AH / 1406 AD, paid attention to the reasons for the rise and fall of these countries, as did the German philosopher Spengler(1880 - 1936 AD), which wrote about the deterioration of Western civilization, and like historian and philosopher of English civilization Toynbee(1889-1975) the founder of the Challenge theory and Response after the First World War .

Ibn Khaldun refers to the necessity and importance of historical causality statement, and criticizing defects historians who not pay attention in which led them to fall into the illusion and mistakes by saying they "did not notice the reasons for the facts and circumstances did not care it "; ( Introduction, p . 4 ) "If they were to mention the state orchestrated And they do not mention the reason that raised her banner and showed her, and no problem standing at the end; the viewer remains looking forward to the lack of conditions of the principles states and their ranks, inspecting the reasons for contention or succession, seeking the convincing In their disparity or suitability . " (Introduction , p. 5 ) .)

Toenbee points out the importance of awareness of the value of historical causation in organizing, delving into and explaining it to historians: "In my view, there is nothing necessary for writers or historians to understand such reasons that explain the formation and evolution of any series of events . " ( Dar Al Ma'arif, Al -Qahera Second Edition, 1995 Lami Mutai'i , Review of Muhammad Saqr Khafajah, The Anglo-Egyptian Library, Cairo, 1966 , The Historical Thought of the Greeks, p. 186 ) )

The second axis : causality in Greek thought

Since early Greek philosophers, scholars and thinkers understood the importance of causality or what was known ills , in their studies and their search for reality , and efforts to the Greek philosopher Aristotle(384 - 322 BC) became a reason for its philosophical and scientific implications; it has organized the thinking of the ills and make it a prerequisite for science and the collection of knowledge and reach the truth, and God Almighty is the first cause of Aristotle . (Sawyer House Knowledge, Cairo , Second Edition, 1995. Theory of science Aristotelian, p . P 183.212; Karam review and revision of Hala Rashid Amon, Dar pen for printing, publishing and distribution , the history of Greek philosophy, p ( 148 )

It is worth mentioning that the philosophers of nature, beginning in the sixth century BC, were focused on the natural physical illness, which is based on the four elements (soil, air, water and fire), before the appearance of physical ills atom, which was later replaced by natural philosophers of natural four ills. ( Nashar: ibid . , P . 191 ) , and philosophers continue to devise other ills , such as the moral cause of love and considered at the forefront of the ills, and then came the ills of mind then ills number, which interested by Pythagoras (570 – 495 BC) considering that the number is the origin of all things. While Plato showed the visual illusion while Aristotle has developed physical and visual illusions by adding both active (productive) and teleological (past, present and future). ( Sawyer, op former , p . P ( 186.201 )

Herodotus((484-425 BC. AD) ,considers the first historian diagnose the importance and value of access to the historical ills of events ( causality historical ) , and to verify the authenticity of the novel and the body in its history which was written, and was keen to most careful verification of the military events visit its website before the registration of the historical novels of Which were common in their time and explained their causes to the extent possible with mental reasons . ( Herodotus , translated by Abdul Ilah Al-malah , a review of Ahmad Al - Saqqaf Hamad bin Asraa, versions of the Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi, 2001 – 1422 .the date of Herodotus , p . P . 11 , 17 , 21 , 673 , 715 ; Sawyer, House march for publication, distribution and printing , Amman First Printing,1433 AH / 2012 , Philosophy of History, its meaning and its origin and the most important doctrines , p 96))

The causality of historical idea began when the Greek historian Thocodides Thucydides (460-400 BC. M) for everything that has to do with the gods and fate and stories mythical; historical events are making the human will, in the sense that Thocudeds reject any interpretation of ( metaphysically beyond nature), as he firstly gave the economic and social reasons for consideration it is important in the interpretation of historical events, has imposed Thocudeos impose a restrictions on himself , of which he was excluded from the history , stories and legends, and it seems he did it deliberately so as not to repeat what he defeated Herodotus, and hate to become history fun source or topic for entertainment and spend only time, a He realizes that his scientific style may be dry for fans of excitement Suspense novels historical stories; he says about his book "War Peloponnesian "I am afraid that this book is less attractive to be free of storiesfiction ... there is no doubt that my book of fiction character will make him lose something of the gravity of the reader - free, but it suffices towhat I say will find those who are keen to understand the true understanding the fact that the past events, because it is also likely that it will happen to occur again , even in a manner similar, by virtue of human nature stability: This work has not written to achieve a temporary victory, but remains an eternal heritage " . ( al - Abadi , a magazine world of thought, the National Council for culture and the Arts Kuwait, Volume 1, vol. 31, September , 2002 , The Origin and Evolution of Historical Thought Greece, pp(40-41)

The Writer historian, sports, political and Greek military did not differ Bolibius (201-120 BC) about Thocodides in his belief in the independence of historical causality from the other metaphysical reasons . "When you can reveal the cause of a certain event, it is not allowed in my view to attribute it to the gods," he says. ( Shukriji , op. Cit., P. 12 ))

The historical causality reached the top of maturity by the Greek historian Polybius , and that in the second century before bevelingd, as birth in a broader, deeper , more accurate , clearer and more aware; ( Alchukrgi , op . Cit . , P . 11) was the date when Polybius words of consecutive events of each event from It is a bug for a subsequent event and so on. ( Toynbee: historical thought when the Greeks, p . 186 ) and apparently that Polybius was influenced by the views of Aristotle discrimination broadened the scope of the search for causes and distinguished between two types of which are near the ills that are characteristic of scientific research, remote ills that are characteristic philosophical and thus considered The first to distinguish between the near and distant causes is clearly and accurately . ( Twainby, op . Cit., P. 172; Nashar, the philosophy of history and its meaning and origin and the most important doctrines , p. 96 ))

As he mentioned Polybius benefit of historical knowledge by saying: "What benefit the reader engaged in wars and battles and the siege and enslaved peoples, unless it is intended to go beyond it to stand on the reasons that led to the victory of the team and defeat the other team in the position itself separately ? The results of the operations enjoy the reader only while the search in the previous positions is useful to the student seriously. Analyzing a particular incident changes the mechanics, the best culture among other cultures, for readers who have the patience to pursue the process . " ( Toynbee: op. Cit ., Pp (185 , 228)

Was Polybius believes that the total value of date lies in knowing the causes of events, and Causal judgment is the essence of historical writing; facts are historical worthless as a accompanied not search for causes; it may be descriptions simplified for these facts amused, but he does not enlighten our minds and does not behave , Meaning that the date has a practical purpose, but this does not achieve its goal if the description is not accompanied by the search for the reasons. ( Ibadi , op . Cit., P. 36 ) It should be noted here that the first objective of Polypeus for his book "The Rise of the Roman Empire" is to know the implications of the rule of the Romans over the world for the period 221-146 BC. M . ( Shukriji , op. Cit., P. 12 ))

Polypeus urged historians to write history or to read "not only their interest in what they are dealing with, but it is better for them to look at what has happened before and what happened, because if we study the history of questions, why, how and why? For any event in itself, and the reasonableness of what has resulted from it or the opposite; what remains then is not a science, but a mere physical effort, may be fun but temporary but worthless in numbers for the future ... It is not difficult to try to predict what is Coming from our knowledge of what happened . " ( Tuenbi, op. Cit., P. 173; Abbadi, op. Cit., P. 20 ) )

The third axis : causality in Arabic and the Holy Quran

Causality in the Arabic language is a feminine word, its discharge is a cause of the cause of the cause causing the cause and the cause of the reasons, and for each cause and cause everything is reached to the other, God causes reasons for no reason, and the cause means the mean or method (rope). ( Fundamental , arranged and corrected Ibrahim Shams al- Din, Aloalma Company Publications, Beirut, first edition, 1433 AH / 2012 , glossary Asahah, p . P . 491 - 492 ) for the specified time and the wisdom of God Almighty, as well as nations and peoples have maturities and laws, each according to It is not related to chance. Even in the realm of mysteries, the question is related to historical years, first and foremost, and on the basis of logic, science and action.

The causality in the Holy Quran is presented in the singular and plural forms, in nine times with five graces. It is by saying the Almighty: "and gave him the cause of everything ." ( Surat al-Kahf, verse 84 ) and " Follow the cause . " ( Sura Cave , verse 85 ) and " then follow the cause ." (Surat Al Kahf , verses 89, 92 ) and " Flemed because of the sky "He said. ( Surat Al-Hajj, verse 15 ) and "the reasons were cut off "He said. ( Surat al-Baqarah, verse 166 ) and " Let them make mistakes ." ( Sura, verse 10 ) and "for the most reason "He said . ( Surat Ghafir, verse 36 ) and "the causes of the heavens ". ( Surat Ghafir , verse 37 ))

Causality in the Holy Qur'an is based on the perception of the laws of the divine Sunan that control the movement of existence, which is the absolute Divine (divine ) reality , and that these Sunan do not negate the freedom of human will . And that natural causality, life, death and creation are all causes caused by God Almighty; they are beyond human will. In so saying the Almighty: " He who sends the winds as heralds of His mercy even if discharged clouds heavies mentioned about the country is dead Vonzlna by water Vokrzina him of all fruits as well ascome up with the dead you may recall " ( Sura norms, verse 57 ) and " who The winds sent a man in the hands of his mercy, and we brought down pure water from the sky " ( Al - Furqan, verse 48 ) and " among His signs is that you see the earth if humbled by the water sent down and shaken fondle that which revived the Reviver of the dead it on all things " ( Sura separated, verse 39 ))

No place to chance in this Sunan " So what made your hands and that God is not darkness for slaves " ( Surah Al - Imran, verse 182 ) , and comes Alaba causation concrete and associated , it is a Gu of his Almighty in this Sunnah : " the year of God , which hath Before you will not find the year of God a change . " ( Surat Al - Fath , verse 23 ) and "the year of God in those who were before and will not find the year of God a change ." ( Surat Al-Ahzab, verse 62 ) and " and those days we deal among people ." ( Surat Al-Imran, verse 140 ) and " How much we destroyed before a century ." ( Surat Q, verse 36 ) , " Did they not walk in the earth and see how was the end of those before them, God destroyed them and the disbelievers like her? "He said. ( Surah Muhammad, verse 10 ))

Axis IV: Causality of the sources of the Abbasid era

1-Causality philosophical, astronomical and geographical :

It is possible to observe the implications of philosophical thought in history among Muslims; they appeared in their early works, they did not deny the causality in the dates of the years, and have proven wisdom , reasoning , causes , nature, this knowledge formed a rich accumulation will appear later on by Ibn Khaldun Especially with regard to the awareness of historical causality, the explanation of the social phenomenon and major historical fluctuations. ( Introduction, p. 33 ))

The philosopher of the AL-Kindy Arabs, who died in 252 AH / 866 CE, pointed out that things in nature work through intermediate arguments according to an inevitable relationship between the cause and the ills. ( Department of Islamic knowledge, translation Alffendi and others , Entesharat sides, Tehran, C 11, p . 19 ) and was the most prominent causal when Canadian is the natural causality, expressed in the climate factor, focusing on the impact of climate on human beings and their natures and morals of scientific Ntegathm and their visions of philosophical behavior as well as About their colors and their creation. ( A Labidi , Casablanca Amahgp Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Beirut, first edition, 1432 AH / 2011 , philosophizing geographical r p . 9 - 14, 25 ) has taken this effect is also a doctor philosopher Ibn Sina , who died in 427 AH / 1037 AD; he emphasized On the impact of climate in diseases affecting humans. ( Obeidi, Geography of Philosophy, p. 26 ))

Ikhwan al - Safa has been interested in the interpretation of accidents on the movement of the planets ( Abdel - Hamid , Dar Al - Hadi Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Beirut, first edition, 1428/2007 , the philosophy of history, p . 272 ) They rely Peronist , who died in 440 AH / 1048 AD , which counted astronomy cause engine For history on earth, the Peronite relied on the Babylonian Stalinist account in tracing the roles of zodiac and planets. ( Peronist , House of scientific books, Beirut, first edition 1420/200 , monuments remaining from the empty pods, p . 74 ) and the implications of these planets and constellations on the activities of people in everyday life , according to Moon homes astronomical and location of Qatar, and thus Sultan planets influential in the population of the Earth . (Al-Bayrouni , introduction by Mahmoud Ali Makki, General Authority of Culture Palaces, 2003 , Achieving what India has to say is acceptable in the mind or the dispossessed, p. 92 ))

The great historian Massoudi, who died in 345 AH / 956 AD, stressed the issue of understanding the reasons behind the movement of history in interpreting historical events, including the link between historical events and geographical, environmental, astronomical and political factors. And historical events, the idea that the Yacoubi and the brothers of the Safa before him and Muskoyeh after him with some differences in the details of the limits of this effect. ( Abd al-Jamid, op . Cit., P. 272 ))

Although Masoudi had his own views on the geographical factor , which preceded the views of others, all the evidence points to his quote from these views of the Greek thinkers, especially the Greek physician, philosopher and writer HippocratesHippocratic(460-470 BC). Masoudi also pointed to the factors and reasons for the interpretation of the movement of history, such as the effect of the movement of the planets on natural and human events. This interpretation was prevalent in the ancient Babylonians, Syriac, Hebrews, Jews, Christians, Sabians, Called by the Qulas ( touch ). ( Masoudi, achieving Afif Nayef Khathom , Dar Sader, Beirut, the first edition, 1426/2005 , promoter of gold and minerals essence, vol . 2, p . (105 – 106)

It is to be noted that in the late sixth century AH / twelfth century Muslim philosophers returned again to the geographical theory in the statement of reasons of historical accidents. Where the philosopher, athlete, astronomer, doctor and writer, the son of the Andalusian died in 580 AH / 1180 m famous story "neighborhood Ben Yqadan", to establish the geographical theory to confirm the impact of the climatic environment and geographical location in human life. (Son of the parasite , Hendawi Foundation for Education and Culture, Cairo 2012 , Bin neighborhood Iqadan, p . P . 5 - 8 ) also stressed the causal basis of science, knowledge and wisdom philosopher and physician - Faqih, geographical and astronomical Andalusian Ibn Rushd , who died in 595 AH / 1198 AD It is his words: " "Knowledge is the knowledge of things by their causes ... [and] wisdom is the knowledge of the causes of metaphysics ... [and] of the fact that the reasons are compelling, God willing, in their causes that it invalidates wisdom and invalidates science ... [and] Very strange about the people. " ( Ibn Rushd , The Anglo-Egyptian Press , DM, Second Edition 1964 , Revealing the Methods of Evidence, p. 233 ))

The philosopher al - Farabi , who died in 260 AH / 874 AD was the causal has special significance as it deepens in the study of the causes ofexistence, and take the causal central hub in the events, which it refuses coincidence in nature categorically, and stresses its principle Causal that nothing consists itself, I have linked to Farabi causal relationship between thought and reality and science of freedom, and gave the mind the key role in the identification or change of reality. He also referred to the near and far causes . ( Ibrahim, Journal Forum for Human Studies, Vol . 1, No. 8, National Research Forum for Thought and Culture House and the clerks for printing and insights publishing and distribution, Najaf 2012 natural philosophy at Farabi p ( 55 )

It is worth mentioning that Ibn Sina's theory of causation was similar and agreed with Al-Farabi's theory. First, Ibn Sina has combined Platonic philosophy with elements of Aristotelian philosophy, and hence between the narrator and the narrator , if the error occurs. He says: "If the cause is found, find the cause." ( Belka , Herndon , Virginia First Edition, 1429 AH / 2009 , Presence between Causation and Order, p. 41 ) )

2-Historical causation :

The emergence of philosophical ideas and visions in the writing of history by the historian Yacoubi died in 292 AH / 904 CE, and no doubt it contributed to give a good understanding of contemporary historians and later to understand the spirituality of the age that they write and chronicle it. Especially in explaining many of the general civilizational events experienced by human societies, which is mentioned in his book entitled "People's problems for their time," and it is necessary here that the Sultan and the ruler are meant. (Al-Tartoushi , Muhammadiyah Printing Press, Egypt, First Edition, 1354 AH / 1935 , Siraj Al-Mulouk, 194 )

AL- Yacoubi indicates The nature of the biography and the policy of the ruling and the Sultan are reflected on the behavior of members of society imitating the dominant of their rulers and their Slatinhs ; ( achieving and Mdiouf Farra, Documentation and Humanities Studies Center Journal, Qatar, the fifth year, the fifth number , 1414/1993 , his problems people for their time, Pp . 9-13 ). They go to the same level and imitate his actions as they see him, and do not depart from his morals, actions and words and resemble the behavior of his ways. Therefore, the conduct, morals and acts of rulers paint the majority of the members of their societies in their behavior and aspirations. ( AL- Yacoubi, his problems people for their time, p . P . 14-28 ) is likely to be Yacoubi was influenced by the son of Muqaffa which he says: "People on the religion of their kings , but little; it was righteousness and virility hypocrisy leds to so immorality and cynicism in the prospects of the earth " . ( Tartoushi , op. Cit., P. 194 ))

It seems that AL- Mawardi died in 450 AH / 1058 AD has been affected in turn by AL-Yacoubi and so were similar to see him as saying: " the Sultan himself Imam followed, and in his religion project; the injustice of no one modifies the rule, and that justice was not one dared to injustice." ( Mawardi , National Library of scientific, Beirut, fourth edition 1426/2005 , the world 's literature and religion, p . P . 135-137 ) Therefore , it is not separated by the political factor from other factors, in reference to foreign infiltration of state institutions, and the successor of the schism the band and the conflict in the relationship between the people and their rulers, creating a reality corrupt and tragic , has greatly affected the Arab - Muslim community, it has been a matter of saying: "designation for the reasons for its part displays the imbalance and corruption in the kingdoms and in the conditions of kings" (Mawardi , achieve Khader Mohammed Khader, a library Al- Falah, Kuwait, first edition 1403 AH / 1983 , Kings Advice, p 67 ) , and in saying about resolving the ambitions of the enemy to the good measure in matters says: "and consult with people of minds and opinion and experiences; it was said to challenge your enemy to repair your flaws." (Al-Mawardi , Kings Advice, p. 76 ). While Tartoushi linked the causality of human motives with the social phenomenon and its relationship with political reality, it was based on the rule that justice is the basis of every kingdom, whether prophetic or reformist. ( Al-Tartoushi: the previous source, c. 3, p. 203; al-Jabri: op. Cit., P. 139 ) )

The historical causality when Miskawayh P is explained Tatah style in historical writing; it may discuss the reasons and the results are just as realistic, even counting the first Islamic historian who gave the historical causal dynamic scientific role and an important core function in historical writing. As much of the logical analysis based on solid rules of practical realism employed by Muskwih proficiently to reach convincing reasons and accurate and rational results. ( Miskawayh , the achievement of Mr. Khosravi Hassan, Dar scientific books, Beirut, first edition, 1424/2 002 , UN experiences, c 1, p . P . 164 290 312; Hammoud , Arab Renaissance Publishing House, Beirut, the first edition 0.1436 e / 2015 , The Abbasid State The Stages of Its History and Civilization, p. 19 ))

Not only Miskawayh mentioning one reason to explain and interpret historical events, but he was always cites several reasons for his community to explain what happened , make as encountered against the unseen in its analysis of events , ( 79 ) and has employed Miskawayh causality historical good employment of , the issue of the development of social laws affecting in the movement of history, such as the statement of its reasons for humanitarian meeting , which is the first of the fact that a civilian human nature and secondly the humanitarian needs of the pension. In these two points explains Miskawayh his opinion by saying that man : "Anse of course, not Bouhha nor aversion" , ( 80- Miskawayh , achieving Nawaf Al- Jarrah, Dar Sader, Beirut , first edition, 1427/20006 , refining ethics and cleansing ethnic, p . P 110.138 ) And that: "You need a city in which there is a great creation to have human happiness; every person of course and necessarily needs others." ( Miskawayh , refining ethics and cleansing ethnic , p . P . 110.138 ) , as well as referring to the urbanization and civil: "People Eetmdn any meet and Amawa business and professions, to be everyone this desired thing" ( 82) also shows the reasons for the need for cooperation and meeting system and the Sultan; The continuous and increasing human needs call for cooperation and meeting, and this cooperation and meeting will inevitably require the imposition of the system to approve , manage and implement the meeting, and it will be valuable and monitor and maintain and the management and distribution, for the distribution of work and the transfer of funds. ( Muskawi , Ahmed Amin and Ahmed Saqr, Cairo, 1370 AH , Hawamel and Shawwal , p. 347 ) )

It is worth Palmlahz of the tendency of causality completely dominated the Mawardi , who died in 450 AH / 1058 AD in its interpretation and analysis of the movement of history; Mawardi stressed the need to consider the worldly matters and sounding their conditions and detection point of regularity , to learn the reasons for validity and corruption and materials as its development and its destruction to no longer quasi - people confusion , and they reflected the good reasons for them; Afiksdoa things from their doors, and rely Salah rules and its causes. And resort Mawardi when treated any s Dah, historical or reform the issue of causality; he says , for example , for the reasons got him Arrogance in man : "It is the strongest causes hand high, and the influence of the matter and the lack of contact with qualified; If cutting the causes of arrogance and the resolution of the wonder materials, Oatad Ba For a great modest and wonder , and those who confirm the reasons of dignity and the strongest materials of blessings and informed the heart . " ( Al-Mawardi, Dar al-Kuttab al-Alami, Beirut, Fourth Edition, 1426 AH / 2005 , The Literature of the World and Religion, p. 135 ; Kings Advice, pp (99 – 100 )

Mawardi also made the condition of human life two basic reasons: work and destruction. ( Abd al-Hamid , op. Cit., P. 198 ) , because man since the beginning of creation is printed on the lack of sex and that using it by sex is an inherent attribute of its printing; it has made God to man to meet his needs reasons, and to push his weakness and helplessness guided by the mind and guide it intelligently to fill the need Some say to each other, "If all of them did not find one to seek help others, and the need . ( Mawardi: Lower Literature and Religion pp . 132-133, 134 )

Ibn al-Atheer, as a historian of a critical analytical mind, has shown , through his quest for historical causation in his historical writings , attempts that preceded Ibn Khaldun's analysis and philosophy. ( Shmisani , Publishers of scientific books Beirut, d. T. , Izz al- Din Ibn al- Athir Jazari, p . 17 ) recall, for example , believes that the logic for an explanation of the disciplinary incidents of serious action by the history of nations , the source is the will of God. ( Al-Jabri, op. Cit ., P. 151, 158 ) and his saying about the reasons for the king's transformation from the crucifixion of his beginnings : "The dates were considered; I saw many of the Islamic dates, which can not be controlled and I saw many who begin the king, and his relatives ... which is why I think so, that which is the first country to grow up and take the king, and the hearts of those in which he was leech him; Vlhma God deprives him wake. " ( Ibn al- Atheer Dar and Al-Hilal Library, Beirut, 2008 , The Complete in History, 1, p. 14 ) and his opinion that most historians care about secondary and special accidents and leave the general dates. ( Son of the ether: the former source, c 1, p . 4 ) and is a reason in the absence of reasoning Alaklan the moderate. ( Ibn al-Atheer, ibid . , P. 1, p. 1 ) and his attempt to explore the law of history! The historical history of Iraq, Egypt, and the Old Yemen has been reviewed by holistic analysis, linking events, and finding answers within the context of rational historical insight and foresight, which examine the appearance and the inner, which enabled it to predict the causal, Events and the interdependence of its results with its introductions, until the events came a quarter of a century after his death coincided with his expectations. (Al-Jabri , op. Cit., P. 159 ) , for example, his expectations of the Mughal encroachment had warned him from the beginning: "We ask God to facilitate Islam and Muslims who support them; they have pushed to a great thing of killing self and looting money and enslavement of boys, And the destruction of the country . " ( Ibn al-Atheer , op. Cit., P. 9, p. 353, c 10, p. 414 ) )

Conclusion :

No one can understand something without asking why it happened. Reason is the reason for searching for these reasons. Therefore rationality prevails over the search for causes, evidence and evidence when an event occurs. Therefore, reason is a mental principle and then philosophical, based on the question of reflection and reflection, and ignorance of the reasons does not mean the absence, whether natural or human, or even metaphysical of the kind of divine Suns important to be a reason for any event.

The causality or the attic has undergone a journey of human intellectual, scientific and philosophical accompaniment to the science and thought of peoples and civilizations. As are the philosophers and scientists of the Greeks and Greeks and their historians. Muslims also understood their importance and value by understanding the verses of the Holy Quran, and the circulation of their philosophers concept, especially Abbasid era Kalkndi and brothers Safa and Farabi and Ibn Sina and Ibn Tufail and Ibn Rushd and it seems that this method of cognitive thinking has affected some of their historians and their delusions, appeared in their historical writings Kalaykoubi, Masoudi, Muskwaih and Ibn al- Ather and Mawardi ; they formed blasts of harboons which undoubtedly benefited Ibn Khaldun in his recognition of the formation of a concept of his historical philosophy.


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Ключевые слова

history, Sources, Abbasi

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