To the problem of organization of educational environment in school | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №46 (284) ноябрь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 18.11.2019

Статья просмотрена: 535 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ткачева, Ю. В. To the problem of organization of educational environment in school / Ю. В. Ткачева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 46 (284). — С. 316-318. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article examines the organization of the educational environment of a General education organization as a space of opportunities for self-realization of the personality of each participant of educational relations.

Keywords: education, educational environment of the school, organization of educational environment in school.

Modern sociocultural, economic development of the country, processes of globalization, informatization of society do not detract, but on the contrary, deepen the importance of human education. However, the modern school system, which is aimed mainly at achieving results in accordance with educational standards, does not allow to pay sufficient attention to the current problems of education. Education is becoming more socially demanding and urgent than ever the problem of the development of Russian civil society. In this regard, the role of the educational environment, educational institution, in which the child could turn to high moral and aesthetic models in active interaction with teachers, parents, peers, is increasing.. In this regard, the issue of the organization of the educational environment of the general education organization as a space of opportunity for the self-fulfillment of the personality of each participant of educational relations becomes especially important. The problem of the organization of educational environment in the school today increases attention to the educational function of education, which is considered as one of the basic areas of public policy in the field of education.

The school today provides not only a quality education, but also the individual development of the intellectual and creative abilities of each student, which must become the basis for achieving social competence, because the student constantly have to assert in their personal position, communicating in the school educational environment and microsocium of the class. In order to talk about the presence of an educational environment in the school, or its absence, it is necessary to determine what criteria indicate its presence. In the educational environment there is a process of education. Therefore, it is necessary to define the process of recovery. V. Sukhomlinsky noted: «Education is a multifaceted process of constant spiritual enrichment and renewal — both those who are brought up and those who are brought up». In the definition of such scientists as X. J. Liimets, L. I. Novikova, V. A. Karakovsky, N. L. Selivanova, upbringing is the management of the process of formation and development of the child's personality through the creation of favorable conditions for this. Accordingly, the presence of the educational environment in the school can be said by the level of education of children and the conditions created in the educational institution for its development. The concept of «educational environment of the school» N. E. Shchurkov defines the educational environment as «a combination of circumstances surrounding the child, social values, influencing his personal development and contributing to his entry into modern culture». In his other work, N. E. Shchurkova divides the educational environment into a substantive, behavioral, event and informational cultural environment.

The information environment of the school is nurturing when the school has a staffed library and a reading room with it; All children have textbooks; teachers (in alliance with parents) do their best to introduce children to home reading; gradually teach children to listen to public speeches, inviting or visiting a guest to school or holding traditional public lectures at school, competitions are held, cognitive performances are introduced, regular abstract speeches of schoolchildren and conferences are introduced for high school students. The educational environment of the school acts as an important factor in ensuring the success of the upbringing and development of children. Ignoring the requirements for the organization of the educational environment leads to the impoverishment of children's development, which can lead to the pedagogical neglect of children. Thus, the educational environment is a set of circumstances, a variety of human relationships and material objects in a conscious or unconscious form that carry educational functions, purposefully, organizedly and systematically influencing the personal development of pupils and contributing to their entry into modern society and culture. The structure of the educational environment of the general education organization should be understood as a set of subject-spatial, behavioral, event and information-cultural environment in school.

The management structure of the school for the organization of the educational environment should include the director, deputy directors, teachers, class leaders, heads of creative and sports associations, student staff, parents. The school's educational management system should be seen as a governing subsystem (director and deputy director of educational work) and as a managed subsystem (teachers, students, parents). In the organization of the educational environment, it is very important to develop common rules and rules of nurturing interaction, which involve respecting the basic principles of the teacher's professional ethics (the teacher's relationship with the students, with the administration, with the Parents (legal representatives) of students; communication between school staff, teacher-social relations, academic freedom and freedom of speech, use of information resources, etc.); rights and responsibilities of students (the culture of behavior at recess, in class, communication, culture of appearance, etc.), the conditions under which the organization of the educational environment will be successful. These rules and regulations should be reflected in the school's charter, local acts and orders. The existence of this single map of behavior, characteristic of students and teachers in the institution, due to the dominance of certain behavioral forms, indicates that the school has formed a behavioral environment, which is an important criterion for the presence of educational environment at school.

The tasks of the teacher in the organization of the educational environment: 1) the study of the personalities of pupils, inclinations, interests, spheres of talent, characteristics in order to assist them in self-development, self-determination and self-realization; 2) Direct monitoring of the individual development of each student and the necessary pedagogical adjustments in the system of his upbringing; 3) creating the best conditions for the formation of each individual, contributing to the free and full disclosure of all her abilities; 4) organizing all kinds of individual, group and collective activities that engage students in social-value relations; 5) Ensuring that students' rights and freedoms are respected, their lives, health and safety are protected during the process; 6) organizing creative, personal and socially significant activities.

The main criteria for the presence of an educational environment in the school are information, behavioral, event, subject-spatial environment in the school. High level of pupils' education, provision of qualified and professional specialists in the field of education, scientific and methodical support of the educational process, involvement in school education and satisfaction parents are important criteria for having an educational environment in school. The content of the organization of the educational environment in the school — a set of actions leading to the creation and improvement of the subject-spatial, behavioral, event and information-cultural environment, as well as, relationships between subjects educational environment, jointly implementing educational goals, purposefully influencing the personal development of pupils contributing to their entry into modern society and culture.

An analysis of the work of the staff of the Municipal Budget General Educational Institution «Sokolovsky Secondary School in the Korochan district of Belgorod region» on the organization of the educational environment showed that for a successful The school's education environment is run by the principal so that they can successfully work with a particular class as classroom leaders. The Principal, together with the deputies, organizes a system of teacher development in the school.

The school has a meeting plan for the principal, which is attended by deputy principals. The meetings discuss acute school problems, develop a line of action of the teaching team to organize activities within the educational environment in the school, determine the activities of the institution on additional education of children. The director and his deputies prepare the subject and organize the conduct of pedagogical councils and seminars.

The main indicator of the success of the educational environment in school is the level of pupilsy of the student. For the diagnosis was used the method of diagnosing the level of education of schoolchildren, the authors of the methodology I. V. Kuleshov, P. V. Stepanov, D. V. Grigoriev. Respondents were in grades 3–5 (26 students), 6–7 grades (22 students), 8–10 grades (23 students).

Having received the data of diagnosis of the level of pupilsy of schoolchildren can be drawn the following conclusions. The attitude of the child to his Fatherland in most respondents is situational-positive. Teenagers experience the feeling of the Motherland as a feeling of home, village, city.

Speaking about the attitude of children to the Earth, we can say that the majority of the students surveyed have a very developed ecological consciousness. It is natural for them to feel pity and empathy for any animal; they are ready to clean the forest and clean the reservoirs.

On the attitude of school children to the world, it has been found that most adolescents generally share the ideas of peace and non-violence, but believe that in separate cases the use of force is justified.

Analyzing the results of the diagnosis and the attitude of schoolchildren to work, it turned out that the attitude is stable-positive and situational-positive. Teenagers are distinguished by diligence in everything from cleaning the class to reading a difficult book.

The attitude to culture among most respondents is situational and positive. They recognize the objective value of cultural behaviours, but they are not always guided by them in their daily lives. They would certainly like to look like «cultural people» but are not ready to make daily efforts to do so.

The attitude to knowledge is expressed by a situationally positive and sustained positive attitude. Students can study well, but on their own initiative are unlikely to dig into books for a long time to find the meaning of a term or fact that is incomprehensible to him. In their minds, knowledge and future career, of course, are connected, but they do not try to put a lot of effort into it!

Respondents' attitude to a person can be characterized as situational-positive. The value of a person can be understood by teenagers, but not fully felt.

The attitude of schoolchildren to themselves is characterized by a steadily positive attitude. For adolescents, the value of health is a priority. They understand what a healthy way of life is, consciously cultivate it and associate with it their further life successes.

Opinions were divided on the internal world. Situational-positive attitude and situational-negative attitude prevail. Teenagers accept themselves as they are, only at certain points in their daily lives.

An analysis of the work of the staff of the Municipal Budget General Educational Institution «Sokolovsky Secondary School in the Korochan district of Belgorod region» on the organization of the educational environment showed that the school created the necessary subject-spatial, event and information-cultural environment for the development of the educational environment, and as a consequence of the level of education of the student. It was found that the school has five children's associations and 42 % of students attend them. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the educational environment of the school through the development of the system of children's associations. Another problem that can be seen in the work of class leaders has been revealed. Education exists only in the form of imitating lessons and classroom hours, conversations, in elementary classes should be game programs, joint creative meetings with parents. It was determined that it was necessary to review and improve school education plans, regular meetings, seminars, conferences, in order to better organize the educational environment in the educational institution.

Thus, the educational environment of the school acts as an important factor in ensuring the success of the upbringing and development of children. Ignoring the requirements for the organization of the educational environment leads to the impoverishment of children's development, which can lead to the pedagogical neglect of children.


  1. Akatova V. V. Educational role of social and educational space AND Specialist. 2017. No8. S. 24–39.
  2. Liimets H. Y. Learning organization as a fact-or-education. How does the learning process educate? M., 2016. S. 86–95.
  3. Selivanova N. L. Contemporary ideas about the educational space / Pedagogy. 2017. No.6. S. 35–39.
  4. Jurkova N. E., Workshop on Teaching Technology. M.: Russian Educational Society, 2017. 234 with.86.
  5. The method of diagnosing the upbringing of schoolchildren (authors I. V. Kuleshov I. V., P. V. Stepanov P. V., D. V. Grigoryev D. V.).
  6. Educational space as an object of pedagogical research / under ed. N. L. Selivanova. Kaluga: Institute for Teacher Improvement, 2017. 248 s.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AND.

Ключевые слова

education, educational environment of the school, organization of educational environment in school

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