Integration of health saving technologies in foreign educational cluster | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №50 (288) декабрь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 16.12.2019

Статья просмотрена: 306 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зюзюкина, А. И. Integration of health saving technologies in foreign educational cluster / А. И. Зюзюкина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 50 (288). — С. 341-343. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The article is devoted to an actual problem of health saving technologies in foreign language lessons, the choice of such technologies of teaching that would be adequate to the age of pupils, remove the overload and would retain the health of schoolchildren. Introduction in educational process of medical technology makes it possible to achieve positive changes in the health status of students.

Keywords: health saving technology, comfortable atmosphere, positive emotions, autogenic training.

There is nothing more valuable for a person than health. And there is nothing more important for the nation than the health of the younger generation. Moreover, health is not only the absence of disease, but also physical, social, psychological and pedagogical harmony of a person, friendly, calm relations with people, with nature and with oneself.

That’s why one of the priorities of education today is to preserve and strengthen the health of students, the formation of their attitude to a healthy lifestyle, the choice of such teaching technologies that would fit to the age of students, would eliminate overload and preserve the health of students. The introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows to achieve positive changes in the health of students

The use of health-saving technologies in English lessons, in our opinion, is very important. After all, English is a serious and complex subject. From the first lessons children learn to communicate in a foreign language. At the same time, you must learn a lot of new linguistic material (lexical units, grammatical forms, acquire pronouncing skills). In the classroom, students have a lot to remember, speak, write, read, listen and analyze information, so the teacher should pay special attention to health-saving technologies.

The main task of the teacher should be to ensure the most comfortable and favorable environment and the creation of positive emotional mood in the classroom. Positive emotions are able to completely remove the effects of negative effects on the body of the student. The teacher should evoke a positive attitude to the subject, increase the interest and motivation of students. It is important that children do not have a sense of fear, fear of this subject. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is often observed among young children. To avoid this phenomenon, we learn to pronounce our problem: «I can do anything, I'm not afraid of anything, I have to learn to read, write, speak English». Combining the physical exercises with mental images in a foreign language, we achieve two goals at once: strengthen the physical condition of the child and relieve his psychological stress. It is no secret that with the help of imagination you can improve the condition of the body, affecting the processes occurring in it. Mental images should have a certain orientation. For example, if you imagine that you hold an apple in your hand, the sensations are the same, and if you imagine that you bring it to your mouth and bite into the juicy sweet flesh, the digestive system will react as if you were biting a real fruit. In this system, physical exercises are combined, imagination is developed and foreign vocabulary is practiced.

In middle and high school classes, it is also useful to conduct autogenic training at the beginning or in the middle of the lesson, because many of the students can not yet «move away» from the previous lesson, when not all their problems are successfully solved, and they need psychological support. Moreover, autogenic training is organically combined with speech warm-up or dynamic pause and does not distract children from the lesson.

Undoubtedly, the game is of great importance in the process of learning English. The game is the door to a child's soul. As a foreign language teacher, we use games that promote relaxation, evoke positive emotions, ease and pleasure. For example, pantomime games, various contests and competitions, outdoor games. Role-playing games in a group provide an opportunity to recreate a variety of relationships that people enter into in real life. Middle school students like role-playing games (Hospital, Pharmacy, doctor's Appointment, market, shopping, Interviews with athletes). They forget about their psychological discomfort.

At the English lessons it is necessary to use songs, and not only with kids. The song is good at all levels of learning. It is one of the most effective ways to influence the feelings and emotions of students. Thanks the songs, the vocabulary is learned, the grammatical structures are practiced, the phonetics of the language is practiced, etc. In addition, the songs provide an opportunity to relax, take a short break from routine educational activities in the classroom. This is a kind of relaxation in the middle or at the end of the lesson, when you need to unload, relieving tension and restoring efficiency. The song activates the functions of the voice and breathing apparatus, develops musical hearing and memory, increases interest in the subject. In addition, the song teaches proper breathing. Proper breathing prepares the body for the upcoming work in a foreign language lesson. Its rhythm, intensity and quality are of great importance. We teach children not only to breathe correctly, but also to recover with the help of different types of breathing, after experiencing stressful situations in other lessons, physical activity and fatigue. Breathing exercises in the English lesson is done for 2–3 minutes with smooth music. This dynamic pause is not only useful in the classroom, we recommend doing it at home when the child is doing homework. The emotional discharges (sayings, funny quatrains, humorous or instructive picture) are also necessary to relieve mental stress and tiredness.

To improve the health of students of great importance is the organization of the lesson. In order to avoid fatigue and overload of children, foreign language teachers should build a lesson in accordance with the dynamics of students ' attention, taking into account the time for each task, alternating types of work. The development of mental operations, memory and at the same time the rest of students contribute to: individual dosing of the amount of study load; change of species; physical training, game pauses and even a change of posture of students.

The modern textbooks help the teacher in solving this problem. In the new textbooks, especially for high school students, there are many topics related to health care, which are a very good means of developing language learning skills. They help students learn a lot of interesting and useful things to be healthy, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, contains information about harmful and healthy habits, how people keep their shape in other countries of the world, what Russian differ in their health habits from other peoples, about nutrition, diet.

Thus, the use of health-saving technologies in complex with protective pedagogical modes of training plays an important role in the life of every student, makes it easier and more successful to master the necessary knowledge in the classroom, overcome difficulties, allows you to achieve goals, solve learning problems. It is very important to teach children to live stress-free, strengthen, maintain their own and appreciate other people's health. The use of health-saving educational technologies in foreign language lessons promotes self-determination, self-realization of the student on the basis of his internal motivation, introduces the child into the educational field without loss for health, but with increased motivation. This approach to learning does not give additional stress on the nervous system and promotes creative development of the individual.


  1. Health saving technologies in the English language, the magazine «Foreign languages at school». — No. 2, 2002
  2. The use of the FSES in English language teaching,
  3. Pedagogy of cooperation in German lessons, journal «Foreign languages in school». — No. 1, 2001
  4. Education system: a new dimension, newspaper «First of September» No. 1, 2014
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FSES.

Ключевые слова

health saving technology, comfortable atmosphere, positive emotions, autogenic training

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