Using English teaching applications in an EFL classroom for primary and secondary schoolchildren | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №10 (300) март 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 04.03.2020

Статья просмотрена: 217 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Богатова, Е. А. Using English teaching applications in an EFL classroom for primary and secondary schoolchildren / Е. А. Богатова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 10 (300). — С. 128-131. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article discusses the idea of using English mobile and web applications in an EFL classroom to aid pupils to increase their productivity and learning process. Various applications to use in the learning process and at home as a self-instrument for autonomous learning are considered.

Key words: EFL, mobile applications, innovative methods.

In conditions of the complex transformation processes that take place in the world, the dynamic formation of the modern high-tech society, the emergence of new forms of social and cultural life intensified communication connection, social relations have undergone significant upgrades. Innovative shifts in the technological, social, human spheres caused the transformation of traditional communication models, the transformation of agents of communication, changes of the cultural paradigm, the creating of the new world view. It is not only new hardware but new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. Technical progress, the introduction of the information technologies at all levels of education, increasing the flow of information and the ability to orient in the information flows requires from the modern specialist with high education a high enough level of knowledge in the field of information technologies.

Teachers struggle with the problem of choosing the content to teach, as pupils would like to learn English using modern methods and equipment. It is one of the primary aims of English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers to find a solution to the problem of bored and exhausted pupils at school. With the help of globalization and the Internet, teachers have an opportunity to master their teaching skills just with one click and a good Internet connection. There is a great variety of applications that we can implement in an EFL classroom to boost the quality of teaching at primary and secondary schools. Teaching with technology gives a great chance for teachers to involve all students in a studying process. Technologies have become a crucial part of teaching to increase study productivity. This article will shed light on modern applications to use in an EFL classroom.

One of the useful mobile applications which may be used in an EFL classroom is Puzzle English. It is an application for learning English, which is aimed at improving learners' listening skills. There are many exercises for practice which are suitable for beginners and students of higher levels. The speaker pronounces the phrase, and you need to collect it as a puzzle of individual words. Moreover, there are video puzzles. Students can listen and watch videos at the same time. This task is more difficult. Here you are not required to develop critical thinking and listening skills. This program asks you to choose a movie (there are more than 1200 kinds of films.) and watch it with subtitles, then do exercises and collect puzzles from words.

A useful instrument of teaching English is Google Word Coach, a fun word game in the search results. The international search engine Google added a new feature to help non-English speakers expand their English-language vocabulary. Students would be involved in this game while searching for information for their study. The program which is convenient to use does not require a high-quality Internet connection. Moreover, it helps students to see whether they are on the right path of learning. EFL teachers could use this application for assessment of students' vocabulary as well as help students guide their learning. When you do a search that triggers a dictionary or translate box, Google may show you this Word Coach that helps you “expand English-language vocabulary in a fun and engaging way,” a Google spokesperson told us.

At a present time, it is hard to imagine our life without the Internet. The Internet gives us many advantages, and one of them is for educational purposes. Both students and teachers can use the Internet for educational purposes. A great example of it is using the Canvas Learning Platform. Owing to Canvas students have an opportunity to take up online courses that their university suggests. Moodle is a specialized learning management system, which was developed on pedagogical principles to make our education more accessible. A learning platform is used for different e-learning projects, distant learning and communicating students with teachers with the internet from around the world. Using Canvas in an EFL classroom for pupils of the 10–11th grades would be a good example. Providing that pupils are encouraged to take up a course on the Canvas Learning Platform, they could find a course that will be helpful for the future profession. [2]

When it comes to improving students' vocabulary, there is a special application that is popular nowadays among teachers called Quizlet. This application gives a chance to students to control their learning of new words with the help of the system of exercises and quiz. It is a great application that can be used both on the web and mobile platforms. For instance, pupils can play games to learn new words and even make their flashcards themselves. Moreover, an EFL teacher could use Quizlet in an EFL classroom by making a quiz as a progress check and enhance the pupils’ productivity in a class. [3]

One of the best mobile applications which can be used outside the classroom is HelloTalk. This application is aimed to increase pupils’ speaking skills. While using this app, pupils have an opportunity not only to increase their receptive skills but also to make foreign friends around the world. They are encouraged to use this app to practice speaking skills and come across various cultures. For example, as for the home project, pupils could be given a task to find a new English-speaking friend from any part of the world and make an interview, write a reflection on using the app or an article review for this mobile app.

To increase pupils’ writing skills and critical thinking, schoolchildren can be given a specific task to analyze what mobile apps can be a great teaching tool for mastering their English skills. For example, pupils can be given a checklist for analyzing mobile apps and make a mini-presentation of their findings, feelings, and results. It would be a great opportunity for them to engage in the process of learning English and motivate them to use critical thinking skills and simplify their learning process.

As we see, using technologies to simplify a teaching process does not have definite stringent standards. Therefore, teachers could not only use the methods above but also use webinars, image creators, smart boards and other useful techniques to underpin a qualitative educational system.

A great opportunity to engage pupils in the learning process would be creating a video presentation using a video maker. For instance, using Powtoon for pupils would be a great way to increase their ICT skills and make them use English to practice making presentations. Pupils can be given a small task to create a video presentation on the topic they covered in the classroom. They should find pictures and prepare information in small groups. Subsequently, they could make a video presentations during ICT lessons.

The importance of English language learning is higher in Uzbekistan than ever before. Several English language professionals are adapting to life new methods and techniques for learning the English language. This will certainly increase the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages. Technology slowly replaces traditional teaching. Today new programs and broadcasts are regularly transmitted in television programs to help teach some English.

It should be noted that to increase the effectiveness of teaching, new methods of using modern innovative technologies have been introduced in Uzbekistan. For example, through using multimedia student who is learning a foreign language has had the opportunity to develop four skills, to learn and read through interesting materials. Besides, the student will be able to anticipate the meaning of certain words and try to understand them. Of course, using modern technologies such as computer, radio, CDs, DVDs in any foreign language lessons allow the younger generation to learn quickly foreign languages.

The inability to use technology in some English teachers during the English language classes can lead to some boredom of students. For this reason, that avoids losing the learners' enthusiasm during the course of the lesson the use of technology and at least a computer will increase the interest of the learner. [4]

After all, the training materials will be effective which are prepared following the age, interests, abilities, and lessons of the student. On the contrary, if elementary school pupils hear video files, songs or texts of complex words, or teachers do not select the curriculum based on these requirements, if display them on multimedia, computers, then high and middle school students have very simple texts, the student's interest in language learning slowly begins to decline and they begin to assimilate lessons. This, in turn, can lead to a fall in prices and a loss of respect for the teachers. Therefore, it is important to ensure that not only the use of technologies in the course but also the ability to apply them and to use the technologies to increase the student's knowledge. The current CEFR is based on the requirements of the International European Educational Standards: (writing, reading, listening, speaking) it is important to use technology efficiently and conscientiously during the English comprehension of reading, writing, listening, speaking skills lessons. For instance, listening comprehension classes have their own rules of broadcasting audio. It is important for the student to understand the audio material that he listens and to analyze it without difficulty. First of all, to do this, create the environment for broadcasting audio materials, the audience is to provide a peaceful environment, and the teacher should focus on the quality of the audio and sound operating an audio announcement that it is ready to be performed before and after training and learning materials to ensure the distribution. All the requirements have been carried out, the teacher can begin broadcasting to the learners. Listening is performed at least 2 times; otherwise, language learners may not be able to understand the content and may not be able to accomplish the exercises when the audio material is heard on ICT lessons. [5]

In this case, innovative methods of teaching contribute to the development of cognitive interest in students, the systematization and synthesis of the study material, the ability to discuss and enter into a discussion. Realizing and processing the acquired knowledge, students acquire practical skills, get the experience of communication. Innovative teaching methods have their advantages over traditional ones, as they contribute to the development of learners; teach them independence in cognition and decision-making.

An innovative approach to learning allows organizing the learning process in such a way that students will be motivated to work on the topic of the lesson, will be active, participate in the discussion, prove their point of view on a certain problem and give arguments in favor of their point of view. They will demonstrate the ability to use creativity, inventiveness with the help of the technologies listed above.


  1. 10 English Teaching Apps for the 21st-century ESL Teacher // FluentU English Educator Blog. URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.2020).
  2. The 9 Best Mobile Apps for Your ESL Students // URL:–9-best-mobile-apps-for-esl-students.html (дата обращения: 25.02.2020).
  3. My Students and I Just Love This Online Quiz Tool // URL: (дата обращения: 26.02.2020).
  4. Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English, Harlow, Essex: Pearson-Longman
  5. Johnson, D., & Eisenberg, M. (2006). Learning and Teaching Information Technology
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): EFL, ICT, URL, ESL, CEFR.

Ключевые слова

EFL, mobile applications, innovative methods

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