Methodological basis of formation of socio-cultural competence in the students of higher educational institutions | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №11 (301) март 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 13.03.2020

Статья просмотрена: 266 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Джакбарова, Зарифа. Methodological basis of formation of socio-cultural competence in the students of higher educational institutions / Зарифа Джакбарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 11 (301). — С. 163-165. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

In this article, the content of the concepts of culture, social culture and socio-competence, as well as the printing and mechanism of the formation of socio-cultural competence in young people, the spiritual and educational importance of socio-cultural competence, innovative methods in the process of formation of socio-cultural competence of students are covered. Also, the work of educators and students in this area is shown and recommendations are given.

Key words: education, upbringing, culture, socio-culture, socio-cultural competence, economic culture, political culture, culture of professional skill, culture of pedagogical skill, environmental culture, moral values, social development, youth, potential, perfection, morality, traditions.

Сущность понятий культуры, социальной культуры и социально-компетентности, а также принципы и механизмы формирования социокультурной компетентности у молодежи, духовно-воспитательная значимость социокультурной компетентности, инновационные подходы к формированию социокультурной компетентности студентов. Кроме того, учителям и ученикам предоставляются рекомендации и рекомендации.

Ключевые слова: образование, воспитание, культура, социокультурная, социокультурная компетентность, экономическая культура, политическая культура, культура профессионализма, культура педагогических навыков, экологическая культура, нравственные ценности, социальное развитие, молодежь, потенциал, совершенство, этика, обычаи — статьи.

Today, among the developed countries, the independent Uzbekistan, which has its rightful place on the world map, began radical reforms in all spheres. All these reforms have brought the human factor to a higher level than ever, and its strength, perception, potential, spiritual perfection are inextricably linked with direct development, development and civilization. From this, the problem of Man and his perfection, his work on himself, his concern for his own perfection has become more urgent than ever before.

In today's environment, where education is valued as the most unique capital in the world, «it is an urgent task to create an opportunity for all people to receive quality education throughout their lives by increasing the effectiveness of the evaluation of educational results and the introduction of methods of improvement»at all stages of Education. [1]

Today, as one of the important factors for the reform of the educational system, attention is paid to increasing the socio-cultural potential of the students, that is, future teachers, organizing various events, seminars, pedagogical and psychological consiliums with the participation of students of different nationalities among the youth. All these works are based on establishing socio — cultural relations, increasing the social culture of students and young people, becoming a broad and powerful specialist in the future world outlook.

Increasing the social culture of young people is now one of the pressing issues. We can not deny the existence of these species, although it is controversial that we have a special emphasis on the concept of culture in increasing social culture in young people, the application of culture to the groundbreaking species. Social progress does not eliminate discrepancies, but further the diversity of discrepancies. Therefore, an ever-deeper study of the differences will serve to exceed our understanding of cultural development. The concept of " culture «is called by different words in different languages, including in English» culture», in Russian» kultura». [5, p.105] the word «culture» in Uzbek came from the Arabic word «Medina», that is, the city, which means «city specific», «city specific». [6, p.16]

Culture is not only a complex of material and spiritual wealth created by the creative activity of these people, but it also expresses the level of development of society, that is, the sum of knowledge, norms and values in society is reflected in social culture. [4, p. 224] culture is a complex that includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morality and laws, customs, as well as other abilities and skills acquired by man as a member of society.

On the areas of culture are classified as follows:

a) economic culture (this field includes such types as production culture, distribution culture, turnover culture, consumer culture, management culture, Labor culture).

b) political culture: political culture in a society is the presence of civil and political rights of an individual as indicators of progress. These rights are determined by their compliance with international criteria, their practical application, methods and forms of struggle between the parties, etc.

Political culture is a complex of political and legal ideas that characterize the political interests, beliefs, goals of people. Political culture refers to spiritual values.

c) The culture of professionalism: consists of the sum of specific theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to the specific type of Labor.

d) The culture of pedagogical skill is to convey scientific knowledge and moral values to the younger generation in this society.

e) Ecological culture-covers the relationship between man and nature. This area is the most actively developing area in research on culturology.

In order to apply innovative methods in the formation of socio — cultural competence of young people, it is desirable if the following printotypes are used. [2, p.22]

  1. A print of loyalty to national traditions.
  2. Systematic printsipi.
  3. Re-creation printsip.
  4. Customized printsipi.
  5. Achieve quality of Education printsipi.
  6. Conformity printsipi.
  7. Esthetic principles.
  8. Cooperation printsipi.
  9. Printip to take into account the personal interests of students, age characteristics and level of preparation.
  10. Constant control over the emotional state of educators in the independent work of students, the organization of course and diploma projects, modeling of collaborative activities in the field of play.

This is the thinking ability of students through printouts, worldview.

In the process of forming a socio — cultural composition of students, as innovative methods can certainly achieve positive results if the following are used: [3, p.18]

− Organization of extractions in different directions.

− Organization of lessons «excursion», «visit» with pedagogical students.

Through this method, it is possible to analyze any OBE, event or work familiar to students, summarizing their knowledge about it.

− Organize seminar trainings with students.

− Filling out surveys.

− Conduct negotiations.

− Conduct a Virtual-technological lecture.

− Organization of online conferences.

− Conducting video training.

The concepts of culture, social culture and socio — cultural competence complement each other. The main areas of study of culture, socio — culture and socio — cultural competence and the object of its study can be identified as follows:

− the role of language in social society in which people are the instrument of treatment;

− knowledge with the wealth and criterion of society;

− traditions created by humanity, oral creativity of the people, Art and literature, religions;

− social relations and methods of communication between them, social organizations;

− ritual, traditions in place of everyday life, family, property;

− socio–economic, political demographic, ethnic processes taking place in the society, etc.

The creative (creativity) ability and socio — cultural competence of the teacher can be seen in the course of the lesson. This creates the opportunity for teachers to establish reliable cooperation with students. Collaboration is imitation (imitation, excitement), and student-centered disputes arise, but the tasks that have been set are still unresolved. It is important for the music education teacher to develop the socio-cultural competence in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The study aims to encourage the following members to promote creative and socio-cultural competence:

− informing students about national values,

− interesting story about a subject,

− an open and friendly conversation with students,

− fair assessment of students' knowledge,

− encouraging their creative achievements,

− personal example,

− engaging students with interesting people,

− the only problem is that you can look for solutions together.

The student needs the teacher to work on himself to build the creative and socio-cultural competence of young people. That is why any educator should strive to be successful in the field of education, to achieve positive results, to develop their own style. Because pedagogy guides the future of society.

The time itself requires that the development of a society depends primarily on the potential of young people who determine its future. In fact, as we constantly protect young people from spiritual threats, we must also seek to build their immunity against spiritual threats.

In short, there are many reasons, and there are many reasons why our tomorrow is bright. But none of them are as important as the upbringing of a perfect generation. And teachers have to do it. Therefore, respect for teachers and providing them with the necessary conditions is a guarantee of our great future.


  1. Incheon Declaration/ Education 2030: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all (Word Education Forum, 19–22 may 2015, Incheon, Republic of Korea).
  2. Kalinina N. V. The development of ethnosocial competence of a person in the context of increasing life stability // Pedagogical science: history, theory, development trends. 2010, No. 2. p. 76.
  3. Safonova V. V. Communicative competence: modern approaches to multilevel description for methodological purposes. — M.: SIC “Euroschool”, 2004. P. 18.
  4. Kostomarov V. G. Speech culture and style. — M., 1960. P. 224.
  5. A large explanatory dictionary on cultural studies. Ed. Kononenko B. I. 2003. P. 105.
  6. Abdurahmanov M, Rahmonov N. Cultural Studies. — T.: 2015. p. 16.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): социокультурная компетентность, OBE, SIC.

Ключевые слова

culture, youth, education, potential, political culture, upbringing, socio-culture, socio-cultural competence, economic culture, culture of professional skill, culture of pedagogical skill, environmental culture, moral values, social development, perfection, morality, traditions

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