Theoretical and pragmatic foundations of the use of blended learning in English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (306) апрель 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 21.04.2020

Статья просмотрена: 6 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Тошбоева, М. Э. Theoretical and pragmatic foundations of the use of blended learning in English / М. Э. Тошбоева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 16 (306). — С. 215-217. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).

The role of education as the basis of the socio-economic and spiritual development of any society is always determined by how significant the knowledge of people and their skills are for social development, and skills, experience, development of personal and professional qualities. This role is constantly growing under the influence of socio-political and economic transformations of society, generating new ideas about educational results that cannot be achieved within the framework of the old education paradigm.

With properly organized distance learning, the relations between the teacher and students become more individualized, subjective and subjective, the teacher becomes a “tutor”, that is, a consultant, a “manager” of the educational process that helps the student throughout the entire period of study. In the classical paradigm, there is only one subject — the teacher, the student is the object of pedagogical influence. In connection with the changing role of the teacher, the status of the subject of the educational process acquired by the student makes him an equal participant in this process.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the “weaknesses” of distance learning, which are often manifested in the absence of the possibility of real didactic communication due to the specifics of the distributed learning process. And focus on certain categories of the population, as well as personal interaction between students; lack of organization of some students and the ability to learn independently, without the constant support of the teacher. In the absence of the possibility of immediate discussion with the teacher arising in the course of working with the material of questions and clarification of the situation with specific examples, as well as the preparedness of the students, i.e. the presence of initial skills for working in a remote system. In addition, not all specialties can effectively train specialists in a remote form.

Thus, we can say that the priority areas of modernization of education are the competency-based approach, personality-oriented learning, computerization of education, the transition to a system of continuing education; creation of a fundamentally new educational environment based on the use of information and communication technologies, etc. — cannot be fully realized within the framework of only traditional full-time study. One way to solve this problem is to use a form of blended learning. Today, domestic education is undergoing the initial stage of the formation and development of blended learning, which is also called integrated, combined or hybrid, due to the fact that the very concept and content of this phenomenon has not yet stabilized. The concept of blended learning suggests that under the current conditions of the transformation of the education system, the “strengths” of traditional education can be optimally combined with the advantages of distance learning technologies. When students on their own in the remote component of a program or course, full-time classes master a significant part of the material can be more eventful and effectively organized. The blended learning system also offers real approaches to solving one of the main tasks of modern traditional education: the realization and development of the full potential of each student.

Based on the concept of blended learning, it can be assumed that the introduction of this form of teaching into pedagogical practice can increase the effectiveness of the educational process in the context of a changing paradigm of modern education:

This assumption is based on an analysis of the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of blended learning, which allows us to highlight the following advantages of blended learning:

– the flexibility of the learning model, which is a combination of self-study through distance learning with classroom instruction (it is assumed to independently study theoretical material at an individual pace, which frees up time for the active practical study of specific skills in full-time classes);

– development of critical thinking and ability to work independently (the ability to work with information, select the material necessary for work, training and development);

– interactivity is a concept that implies, firstly, the ability of a person to actively influence the content, appearance and thematic focus of a computer program or electronic resources; secondly, the ability to communicate, expressing your opinion and learning the opinion of a communication partner;

– information availability and the multiplicity of the use of educational materials (posting information in accessible formats on Internet servers and delivering them using standard mechanisms, for example, by e-mail, allows the reuse of information resources, both for teachers and students). An increase in the amount of assimilated material (the flexibility of the learning model allows us to solve the problem of traditional learning associated with the inability to absorb a large amount of material in a short time. In blended learning, the student gets the opportunity to master it at an individual pace);

– taking into account the student’s temperament and representative system (blended learning allows students with different temperaments and representative systems to equally successfully learn educational material, as it provides more opportunities to prove themselves in connection with a variety of forms of work, and also allows you to vary the pace of learning).

The organization of classes using blended learning requires high professionalism from the teacher. The teacher acts as a consultant-adviser to the coordinator of the educational process, which organizes the independent work of students and an effective monitoring system, and not just broadcasts educational information. Teacher leading a course in the form of blended learning; is in constant contact with students both in full-time classes and in the electronic communication environment, therefore, in addition to generally accepted requirements; for example, only from the side of traditional pedagogical professionalism a number of new requirements are presented to it; dictated by the specifics of working with ICT. Here we are talking about the technical preparedness of the teacher, familiarity with the features; model works: blended learning; psychological and temporary burden associated with the implementation of continuous operational feedback, etc.

It is assumed that teaching students the types of speech activity, forming the appropriate skills and abilities, practice, in this activity is provided to each student in the required volume. However, research and practice show that in full-time study, the share of an individual student is not more than one minute of real-time oral practice. The inclusion of the remote component allows you to individualize the learning process, offering unique opportunities for providing practice to each student in such a volume that is necessary in accordance with his individual capabilities and abilities.

World experience shows that the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process contributes to the successful formation of communicative competence, which is defined by the Council of Europe as one of the basic competencies of the individual and is today the main goal of teaching a foreign language. Speaking about the accumulated experience, it is worth noting that we are talking about both disparate, although quite successful attempts to use information and communication technologies, and about whole systems of blended learning a foreign language. However, to date, the model for the implementation of training courses in the form of blended learning in the system of language education has not found proper theoretical development and practical implementation, which determines the timeliness of this study.


  1. Mokhova M. N. Active methods in blended learning in the system of additional teacher education: dis. Cand. ped sciences. Moscow, 2005.155p.
  2. Robert I. V. Modern information technologies in education: didactic problems; prospects for use. — M.: School-Press, 1994. — 205 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT.

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