Organization of the process of in-school professional development of primary school teachers | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (309) май 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 11.05.2020

Статья просмотрена: 97 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Серкина, Е. О. Organization of the process of in-school professional development of primary school teachers / Е. О. Серкина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 19 (309). — С. 495-497. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The article considers the need to develop professional competencies of primary school teachers, their professional qualities, as well as the development of modern pedagogical technologies used in primary school.

Keywords: primary education, in-school professional development, teacher training.

The modern school and its educational process are constantly undergoing various transformations, including those related to the introduction of new educational technologies. In this regard, the question of the need for continuous development of professional competencies of teachers and their professional qualities is acute. This is necessary so that they can quickly and effectively master the new educational technologies introduced in the educational process, and then successfully use them in the course of their professional activities.

In the context of updating the content of education, the need for a teacher who can modernize the content of their activities through critical, creative development and application of scientific achievements and advanced pedagogical experience has increased. In this regard, the functions of methodological support that provides the activity of the teacher are also changing [4, p. 21].

Updating education today requires teachers to know the trends of innovative changes in the system of modern education, differences in traditional, developing and personality-oriented learning systems; understanding the essence of pedagogical technology; knowledge of interactive forms and methods of teaching, criteria for manufacturability; knowledge of goal-setting technologies, design, diagnosis, design of the optimal author's methodological system, developed didactic, reflexive, design, diagnostic skills; the ability to analyze and evaluate their individual style, as well as the features and effectiveness of the applied pedagogical technologies and their own pedagogical activities in General [4, p. 26].

Continuous professional development is one of the essential attributes of a teacher. For the implementation of continuing professional education of teachers, the system of in-school professional development is also used.

The in-school system of professional development is a self-developing system aimed at professional training of teachers through teaching them new knowledge, skills, and skills that are as close as possible to their needs.

The in-school system of professional development of teachers is aimed at developing professional competence and professional qualities of employees. In order to create the conditions necessary for the continuous professional development of teaching staff at the school, an annual program of in-school professional development of teachers is developed.

The concepts of professional competence and professionalism are closely related to the concept of qualification. The basis of the personality of a primary education teacher is his professionalism. It is important to note that it is not limited to a set of professional skills, but is also determined by the level of personal and professional qualities of specialists, the direction of their personality, and the features of motivation [4, p. 14].

The task of the educational organization is to assist the teacher in acquiring and developing their professional competencies, skills and knowledge necessary for them to effectively solve the tasks facing them. Also, an educational organization should strive to unlock the potential of each teacher.

The basis of the system of in-school professional development of teachers is:

– attracting teachers to participate in such events as: (courses, conferences, district methodological associations, round tables, workshops, etc.);

– providing methodological support to teachers,

– organization of events for the exchange of experience, information and organizational support for teachers participating in such events (conferences, master classes, competitions of professional skills, etc.);

– psychological and pedagogical support of professional activity.

An important role in the organization of the intra-school model of pedagogical potential development is assigned to curators, who usually act as the most experienced teachers, Deputy Director for OIA, methodologist.

According to this model, teachers are offered support in accordance with their needs and capabilities. Among the forms of support for teachers can be distinguished:

  1. Passive. For example, speaking at a pedagogical Council, conference, reading printed information, participating in a survey, questionnaire, etc.
  2. Active. For example, participation in a discussion, business game, training, etc.

Also very important is the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of teachers, which is indispensable for overcoming psychological barriers associated with readiness for innovation, acquiring skills of emotional self-regulation, possession of constructive ways of communication, building positive interaction with colleagues, school management, parents and students.

Thus, the intra-school model of pedagogical potential development contributes to the creation of an integrated system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensive professional development and professional growth of each teacher in the context of the introduction and implementation of a new generation of FSES.

The in-school system of teacher training is an important component necessary for the professional growth and development of each teacher, especially in modern conditions characterized by adjustments to educational standards and the General growth of requirements for professional qualifications of teachers.


  1. The ABC of the young teacher. Methodological guide / Compiler: Kruglova I. B.-M.: UC «Perspektiva», 2010.
  2. Influence of professional development on the quality of education / Comp. Chernousova F. P.-M: UC «Perspektiva», 2012.
  3. Didactics of self-confidence: we are designing a lesson that implements the requirements of the FSES. Basic General education / G. L. Kopoteva, I. M. Logvinova. — Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.
  4. Model of continuous professional development of teachers at the municipal level / E. Y. Zimin, A. I. Frolova / / Questions of education, 2009. No. 7 P. 10–16.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FSES, ABC, OIA.

Ключевые слова

primary education, in-school professional development, teacher training

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