Water for sustainable development continuation of water initiatives of the Republic of Tajikistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (309) май 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 07.05.2020

Статья просмотрена: 34 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Курбонов, Алиджон. Water for sustainable development continuation of water initiatives of the Republic of Tajikistan / Алиджон Курбонов, З. А. Набиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 19 (309). — С. 207-210. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/309/69714/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article discusses the stages of the fourth Global Initiative of the Republic of Tajikistan — the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028”, the official launch of the international high-level conference on water “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028”, as well as the goals and objectives Tasks of the International Decade of Action. Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028.

Key words: water, drinking water, water supply, Republic of Tajikistan, sanitation, population, water resources.

В данной статье рассматриваются этапы четвертой Глобальной инициативы Республики Таджикистан — Международного десятилетия действий «Вода для устойчивого развития, 2018–2028 годы», официального запуска международной конференции высокого уровня по воде «Вода для устойчивого развития, 2018–2028 годы», а также цели и задачи Задачи Международного десятилетия действий.

Water is one of the richest natural resources in the world and is associated with abundance, prosperity and sustainability in the world. Without a doubt, where there is water, there is also evidence of advanced life, prosperity and prosperity.

The Republic of Tajikistan has been recognized internationally as a leading country in addressing global and regional problems related to the effective use of water resources. Although much progress has been made in addressing water issues and initiatives in Tajikistan, now about one billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water [1].

The International Decade for Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028" was first presented by the founder of peace and national unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Mr. Imamali Rahmon at the opening ceremony of the Seventh World Water Forum in South Korea in April 2015. was made. It should.

During speeches at this important international event, which was attended by many leaders, representatives, politicians and specialists, scientists and experts from around the world, UN agencies, international organizations, financial institutions, and other interested institutions and organizations. The leader of the nation, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, expressed his views on the process and results of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005–2015, and made a valuable contribution to the world community to solve water problems and expand cooperation but in the field of water. Strengthening the capacity of water sector organizations, creating the basis for the transition to integrated water resources management. Achieving the seventh goal of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, we needed to double reduce the number of people in need of safe drinking water [1;5].

At the same time, the Leader of the Nation, despite numerous achievements and a significant contribution to the solution of water issues, has faced new challenges and challenges, such as population growth, climate change, natural disasters, water shortages, infectious diseases, political conflicts, and other challenges. it did not fully fulfill the purposes of the International Decade of Action “Water for Life”.

With this in mind, the president of the country to increase the achievement of the International Decade for Action «Water for Life”, 2005–2015, has the potential to improve water operations in the world, in particular, additional space for promotion and achieving sustainable development goals in the water sector.

The announcement launched the new international Decade of Action under the slogan “Water for Sustainable Development”, which was adopted by the participants of this important forum. It is also necessary to announce a new decade in the framework of the High-level International Conference following the results of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005–2015 and the Sixth International Symposium on Sustainable Development in Dushanbe. The leader of the nation, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, was once again confirmed and supported by participants in these important international events. This proposal is included in the outcome documents of these forums and submitted to the UN General Assembly.

Fortunately, due to the efforts and regular consultations with representatives of UN member states, the International Decade for Action «Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018–2028 was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 21, 2016, and supported by 177 Member States of the Organization. They voted that it is evidence of the successful policy of the President and the Government of the country in the international arena [2;5].

In the draft of this resolution initiative of the Republic of Tajikistan was declared the year 2003 as the International Year of Fresh Water; The announcement of the International Decade for Action «Water for Life” 2005–2015 and the announcement of 2013 the International Year of Water Cooperation was particularly highlighted.

The main purpose of this resolution is to provide an additional mechanism and platform to facilitate the achievement of sustainable development goals in the water sector and other internationally agreed water objectives.

In particular, the resolution requires that the Member States, intergovernmental organizations and other stakeholders pay particular attention to the sustainable development of water resources, and strive for enhanced collaboration and involvement in all levels, programs, and projects in the water sector through Integrated Water Resources Management.

Bearing this in mind the global adoption of this resolution will provide an important platform for solving water problems, which will help realize the goals and objectives related to sustainable development goals. In addition, this resolution brings together financial resources, various technical assistance and recommends the efficient use of available financial resources for the implementation of the Sustainable Water Development Goals, and also creates the conditions for attracting additional investments from various sources.

On March 22, 2018, the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly will be held in the UN building in New York to mark the beginning of the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028”. The high-level event was held in the Republic of Tajikistan.

At the session, General Secretary of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, Vice-President of the United Nations General Assembly, Mahmoud Saykal, Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, international experts and special representatives of the UN.

At the beginning of the session, the Vice-President of the United Nations General Assembly, Mahmoud Saikal, commented on the objectives of this high-level summit, and together with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, global initiatives of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In the first session of the session, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon, made an official speech as the main initiator of the adoption of the new International Decade [3;5].

An international high-level conference on the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028” was held on June 20–22, 2013 in Dushanbe.

The event was attended by about 1,500 people from 120 countries, including official delegations from 75 countries (three delegations at the level of president and prime minister, three vice presidents, 46 at the ministerial / deputy level and 48 at the ministerial level). special envoys and ambassadors).

The event was led by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, co-chair of the conference Lee Zhenmin. In addition, the President of IFAD, the United Nations Fund for Agricultural Development, chaired the UN-Water Office. The World Bank and the EBRD were led by vice presidents. The number of delegations of intergovernmental, financial, regional and other organizations reached 69 units.

The final meeting of the International Steering Committee was held on June 18, 2018, in preparation for the conference. The final document of the conference was discussed, and during this meeting, the necessary amendments were made.

On June 19, 2018, the following events were held in the building of the National Library and the Dushanbe Plaza complex:

– Forum of children and water UNICEF and the Ministry of Education and Science;

– Women and Water Forum, UN Women and the Committee on Women and Family Affairs;

– Forum of scientists and water scientists, Central Asian Regional Center for the Environment and the Academy of Sciences;

– Climate and Water Forum, UNESCO and the Committee on Environmental Protection.

The work of the Conference was welcomed at the first meeting of the Conference, which was attended by leaders of high-level countries, as well as international and financial organizations. First, the founder of Peace and National Unity, the leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, drew the attention of the participants to the most pressing issues and the most important factors for sustainable water management. The opening was also attended by UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Jenming, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Pakistan Mamnon Hussein, President of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah, World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia. Maria Chotardova, UNESCO Chairperson, Head of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Gilbert Hongbo, and UN Assistant General Secretary Gerda Werberg delivered a speech on Tajikistan’s global initiatives. At the opening of the event, a video message from Miroslav Lajchak, Chairman of the UN General Assembly, was demonstrated.

On the first day of the plenary session, about 15 official delegations from different countries and intergovernmental organizations praised Tajikistan's contribution to the promotion and resolution of water-related problems. The results of the before-conference forums were also presented at the plenary meeting on June 20, 2018 [4;5].

In the afternoon, a constructive dialogue took place in the framework of six round tables on issues of access to drinking water and sanitation; Integrated management and efficient use of water resources; water quality and ecosystems; capacity building, knowledge, and education; promoting water cooperation and cooperation; a partnership in the water sector.

On the second day of the Conference, dialogue continued at six other round tables on the following topics: water, food, energy, and the environment; climate change and disaster risk reduction; sustainable water supply in cities and towns; investment, capital and sustainable infrastructure; transboundary cooperation and water diplomacy; and water issues for vulnerable groups, including migrants and asylum seekers.

As a result, on the second day of the conference, about 45 officials shared their views on the path to the Decade and its role in achieving the sustainable development goals related to water resources.

The conference concluded with a closing meeting chaired by the Prime Minister and the President of ECOSOC. During the closing session, the round table participants had the opportunity to present the round table recommendations to the participants. Conference Outcome — The Final Declaration on the Promotion of Political Action and Policy was unanimously adopted at this meeting.

At the end of the event, a press conference of the co-chairs of the conference was held with the participation of representatives of the media and journalists. In general, the work of the conference was covered by 300 journalists from different countries.

It should be noted that all global water initiatives of the Republic of Tajikistan are aimed at solving water problems on the planet, and we hope that the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028” will play a key role in solving global water problems [5].


  1. Message from the President of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the Directions of the Domestic and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Tajikistan”, Dushanbe Monday, December 26, 2018
  2. 25 steps in the universe. — Monday: Irfon, 2016.220 s.
  3. Nabiev Z. A. International Water Initiatives of the Republic of Tajikistan // Materials of the III scientific-practical conference of graduate students, undergraduates, and students entitled «Science — the basis of innovative development”. Part 1. — Dushanbe: Publishing House of the Tajik Technical University, 2018, -353 p.
  4. Azimov N. S., Azimov A.Yu. Water is the source of life and development of mankind // Collection of scientific articles by water workers of the Republic of Tajikistan, dedicated to the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development” (p. 2018–2028). -December: Contrast, 2018. -344 p.
  5. Report UN “Millennium Development Goals: Achievements in Tajikistan”, 2010.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNESCO, EBRD, ECOSOC, IFAD, III, UNICEF, устойчивое развитие.

Ключевые слова

drinking water, water, water resources, population, water supply, Republic of Tajikistan, sanitation

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