Androids and robot evaluation facts about them | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (310) май 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 17.05.2020

Статья просмотрена: 17 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ибадуллаева, З. О. Androids and robot evaluation facts about them / З. О. Ибадуллаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 20 (310). — С. 39-40. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

When we think about how technology will evolve in the future, first and foremost, robots come to things that make human weight lighter. Of course, such robots and perfect techniques are controlled using artificial intelligence. In this article, we will discuss how robots are created, the connections between robots and Android (humans).

Keywords: Android, teleworks, robots, TV and radio devices

Когда мы думаем о том, как технологии будут развиваться в будущем, в первую очередь, роботы приходят к вещам, которые облегчают вес человека. Конечно, такие роботы и совершенные техники управляются с помощью искусственного интеллекта. В этой статье мы расскажем о том, как создаются роботы, о связях между роботами и Android (людьми).

Ключевые слова: Android, телеработа, роботы, теле- и радиоустройства

So what is android itself? Android is said to be artificial (mechanical) to humans. The word «Android» is derived from the Latin word «andros», which means male, earth. The design and manufacture of mechanical creatures in terms of the appearance and functionality of human or other living beings began in the eighteenth century. This period was the «golden age» of mechanics. Because at that time, all sorts of small (miniature) and intricate (intricate) instruments, music boxes, mechanical humans and wonderful «living» creatures were invented. The creators of these products were usually watchmakers. By this time, they had mastered all the subtleties of their specialty and devoted all their knowledge to the preparation of androids [2].

About twenty androids of the XVIII — XIX centuries are known. The most famous are the androids created by French mechanic Jacques De Vaucanson and Swiss masters parent-child Ryer and Henri Drolar.

By the beginning of the 19th century, androids were replaced by electromechanical robots with high technical capabilities. The term «robot» was first used in the 1920s R. U. R. «Painting Universal Robots» by Czech writer Karel Chapek. The word is derived from the Czech word “gobot”, which means a machine that moves like a human. Pessa's protagonists were human-like mechanical people who were physically and intellectually superior to humans. K. Chapek called them «pobots». This word squeezed out the term “android” and the word “android” was preserved only in the names of mechanical dolls of the past, absorbed into all languages ​​of the world.

The first robot was a steam-powered pigeon created by the Greek mathematician Arkitas in 350–400 BC. [8]

The world's first robot was created in 1927. It was designed by American engineer J. Wexley and has been exhibited around the world. Was a televox robot. Later, as a result of the development of microprocessor technology, electromechanical robots were replaced by electronic robots.

Modern robots have gone through 3 stages of development. The first generation is called software robots, the second generation is called «sensing» robots or adaptive robots, and the third generation is called intelligent robots. [2]

A characteristic feature of software robots is that it can replicate precise movements given in advance in the same way. First generation robots are used in various industries. In particular, the welder-robot works at the Ford Automobile Plant in the United States and General Motors, on the conveyors of automobile plants in Tolyatti, Japan, the United States, France and Russia. There is such a complex in Moscow that robots deliver finished raw materials weighing up to 160 tons to metal-cutting machines.

The robots are helping to make TV and radio equipment in Riga, refrigerators in Sratov, tools in Leningrad, and agricultural machinery in Tashkent. The robot does not know fatigue and performs its task precisely, it is able to work day and night. Although the introduction of robots into production requires additional costs, it is fully justified. The industrial robot can work three shifts, replacing one or two people, and ensures that the quality of work does not change.

Unlike first-generation robots, second-generation robots are called robots that are equipped or otherwise equipped with sensing technical members. Basically, these robots are used to do things that endanger human life. For example, around nuclear reactors, in outer space, in the depths of the ocean, and so on. The third generation robots are called intelligent robots, in the first and second robots their behavior must be of a specific goal-oriented nature. Intellectual robots are currently in the development stage. The highest stage of creation is observed in countries with highly developed industries (USA, Western Europe, Japan and Russia). In these highly developed industries, the scientific product has an octa network. The computer center of the Russian Academy of Sciences is working on the creation of a highly mobile robot. Research is underway to create intelligent robots for various applications, including in the Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan, and other enterprises.

Today, five countries buy 70 percent of the robots. These are China, the United States, Japan, Korea, and Germany. [8]

In conclusion, in order to put the idea of creating intelligent robots into practice, it is necessary to solve more complex theoretical problems related to the development of artificial intelligence in general.


  1. Information systems and technologies in the national economy: a textbook for university students // Authors:Р. Х. Алимов, Б. Ю. Ходиев, Б. А. Бегалов ва бошқалар.; С.С.Ғуломовнинг умумий таҳрири остида. — Т.: «Шарқ», 2004. — 320 б.
  2. Ҳ.Н. Зайниддинов, Т. А. Хўжақулов, М. П. Атаджанов. Artificial intelligence.T.:, 2018.-268 p.
  3. D. Kriesel. A Brief Introduction of Neural Networks, Bonn, Gwermany, 2011
  4. David Poole Alan Mackworth Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents, Cambridge University Press, 2010
  5. Агальцов В. П., Титов В. М. Информатика для экономистов: Учебник. — М.: ИД «ФОРУМ»: ИНФРА — М, 2009. — 448 с.
  6. Информационные технологии в бизнесе / Под ред. М. Желены.–СПб:Питер, 2002. — 1120 с.
  8. https://
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA, робот.

Ключевые слова

Android, teleworks, robots, TV and radio devices

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