The main directions of forming the value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (313) июнь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 09.06.2020

Статья просмотрена: 54 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Сердюк, Е. В. The main directions of forming the value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health / Е. В. Сердюк. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 23 (313). — С. 639-640. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article substantiates the need to create directions as an important stage in the formation of the value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health. The potential of the educational space of the school for the formation of teenagers ' value attitude to reproductive health is revealed. Specific features of organizational and pedagogical conditions and their relationship with the solution of existing problems in the field of education of the younger generation are revealed.

Keywords: reproductive health, conditions, adolescents, value attitude, educational space, social position.

From the point of view of socio-economic and political interests of both the state and each individual, the preservation and strengthening of reproductive health is one of the priorities. The health of the younger generation will directly determine the level of health of the adult population in the following years and, as a result, the state of labor and demographic resources of the state.

The creation of a formative environment is possible if adapted organizational and pedagogical conditions are implemented, as a primary component on which other, conditioned phenomena and phenomena of value attitude to reproductive health, which indirectly affect its formation, depend.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that in the formation of the value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health, a special role also belongs to the educational space of the educational institution, which is the most important forming social environment for a teenager. Unlike all other social spaces, the school space is created by the pedagogical team in interaction with the team of students and the social environment [1, p.5]. It includes complexes of certain norms and values, the sources of which are: first, the teaching staff, its leaders as carriers of individual norms and values, approved and cultivated by society; second, professional, age groups as carriers of norms and values that do not coincide with the first; third, teenagers-carriers of individual norms and values.

Analyzing the above-mentioned aspects, data from the research results, we come to the conclusion that it is appropriate to highlight the main directions of forming the value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health.

The first direction is to increase the socio-pedagogical significance of forming a value attitude to reproductive health in the educational process of General secondary education. The implementation of this condition will allow to resolve the existing discrepancy between the high social need for the formation of a value-based attitude to reproductive health in adolescents and the insufficient inclusion of these aspects in the content of the educational process.

Inclusion in education process of reproductive health, the use of the information space of the lesson for the formation of values related to reproductive health (five-minute class hours of mini-lectures, theme days, etc.), use of the potential of the sixth school day with consideration of these issues will contribute to the improvement of the level of relations of teenagers to reproductive health.

The second direction of forming a value attitude to reproductive health is the formation of cognitive and emotional experience of students associated with the knowledge and understanding of reproductive health phenomena. The implementation of this condition makes it possible to resolve the contradiction between the growing interest of teenagers in the opposite sex, due to puberty, and the popularization of free sexual relations on the Internet, which distorts the idea of marriage and family happiness.

Taking into account this fact, it is necessary to form knowledge among adolescents about family and love as a value; healthy lifestyle; awareness of themselves as a person responsible for preserving their reproductive health; physical structure of the body, in particular the organs of the reproductive system; reproductive health as a vital value; factors affecting the deterioration of reproductive health and ways to preserve it; psychological aspects of gender relations based on the value of chastity; prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;

According to research (M. Y. Surmach, M. E. Minova, A. Bigrigg), the active use of the Internet information space influences the formation of the subjective attitude of adolescents to reproductive health, role models of behavior, and the assimilation of moral norms. Own observations and special analysis of information sites of schools in Minsk (47 secondary schools, 12 high schools) showed that 65 % of sites contain the heading «Healthy lifestyle», «health Improvement». These categories provide information on the prevention of bad habits, drug addiction, and AIDS. Most school websites also provide information about proper nutrition and prevention of seasonal diseases. About 10 % of the analyzed school sites offer parents guidance on the prevention of Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction in school children; 5 % of sites contain information on gender education on their Internet portals; 3 % of sites contain information about healthy lifestyle projects. And only 5 % of information portals contain information about the basics of reproductive health.

The third direction of forming a value attitude to reproductive health is the training of teachers (class teachers, subject teachers, social teachers, psychologists) to form a value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health. The implementation of this condition allows us to remove the contradiction between the significant role of teachers in forming the value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health and the insufficient level of their readiness for this process.

Pedagogical communication performs almost all the main functions that are realized in everyday non-pedagogical communication. The following functions of pedagogical communication are distinguished: informational, educational, the function of people knowing each other, the implementation of the need for contact with another person, the function of introducing the partner to the experience and values of the initiator of communication, the initiator of communication to the values of the partner [2, p. 19].

The fourth direction is due to the interaction of teachers with parents of adolescents on the issues of educating the value of reproductive health, which removes the contradiction between the most important role of parents in forming a value attitude to reproductive health and their lack of readiness to educate the value of reproductive health in the family.

The forms and methods of education in the modern theory of pedagogy are formulated from the position of a humanistic paradigm that defines a person as a «Creator of culture», «self-creating subject», «the reason for what happens to him», «the source of his own development» [2, p. 4].

The formation of the system of views and value orientations of adolescents, the moral basis of behavior is influenced by the lifestyle of parents, rules of behavior in the family, the General educational level in the family, emotional relations in the family, and the style of family education. In adolescence, the circle of communication with peers and adults expands. in the process of joining different groups, a teenager acquires the experience of various contacts that will be needed in life [3, p. 18–20].

Analyzing the selected areas, we come to the conclusion about the special significance of the style of family education in the formation of the value attitude of adolescents to reproductive health. In this context, the results of the study of the communication style prevailing in the relationship between parents and adolescents are interesting. Thus, 35.7 % of teenagers noted an authoritarian style of relationships, 33.9 % — liberal and 30.4 % — democratic. A comparative analysis of the responses of adolescents and their parents shows a significant difference in the assessments of adolescents and their parents. Only 11.1 % of parents indicated their style of communication with the child as authoritarian, 15.6 % — liberal and 62.2 % — democratic, 11.1 % of parents found it difficult to answer the question. Quite a sharp discrepancy in the assessment of communication style between parents and teenagers is alarming.

Systematic and step-by-step implementation of the above organizational and pedagogical conditions will help to remove the current ambivalent situation associated with obtaining unreliable and irrelevant information on reproductive health from various sources (family, TV, Internet, peer group, etc.), the difference in broadcast values and social attitudes in the family and school.


  1. Torkhova A. V. the Content of education as a means of forming the basic culture of the individual and its development / A. V. Torkhova // Pedagogy of the modern school: the Basics of pedagogy: Didactics: study-method. manual / I. I. Tsyrkun [et al.]; under the General editorship of I. I. Tsyrkun. — Minsk: BSPU, 2012. — Pp. 81–83.
  2. Education and science in the XXI century: ezheg. SB. nauch. Trud. BSPU / Belarusian state pedagogical University named after Him.M. Tank; editor: A. I. Zhuk (chief editor) [et al.]. — Minsk: BSPU, 2019. — 305 p.
  3. Martynova, V. V. Prevention of students ' offenses: manual for teachers of institutions of General secondary education with Belarusian and Russian languages of instruction / V. V. Martynova, E. K. Pogodina, D. O. Donchenko. — Minsk: National Institute of education, 2019. — 192 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): BSPU, AIDS.

Ключевые слова

conditions, reproductive health, adolescents, value attitude, educational space, social position

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