Theoretical and methodological substantiation and modeling of information technology problems in sociological research | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Социология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (313) июнь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 08.06.2020

Статья просмотрена: 44 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Дьяков, Н. В. Theoretical and methodological substantiation and modeling of information technology problems in sociological research / Н. В. Дьяков. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 23 (313). — С. 524-526. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that currently the development trends of society are directly related to the deep penetration of information technology in all spheres of life. Modern sociology cannot be used to collect and process information, as well as to compile reports. Large-scale testing means a large number of problems associated with the subsequent collection, systematization and initial processing of data. The introduction of modern information technology will automate most of the routine work.

Computer and information technologies open up new opportunities for applied sociology. They allow, first of all, to significantly facilitate the task, both to sociologists and to respondents. CAPI (personal interview using a computer; personal interview using a computer), CATI (telephone interview using a computer; telephone interview using a computer), CSAQ (self-managing using a computer) Questionnaire; self-filling questionnaire using a computer), CASIIP (self-service using a computer, interview with an interviewer present; computer-assisted interview in an interview).

On the basis of electronic sources and computer technologies, new methods and directions of research of social processes are developing.

In this area of development, a number of problems arise related to the implementation of information technology in the survey industry.

Theoretical study of the topic. The current state of the study of the problems of informatization and computerization of society, in which questions are examined regarding the impact of technology on the development of the information society, as well as the possibility of their use in various spheres of life, including in polling and sociological science. Theoretical definition of scientific works of such authors as S. G. Antonova, M. G. Vokhrysheva, A. A. Grechikhin, N. B. Zinoviev, LB. The use of information technology in sociological research. Ivanova, V.Yu. Leshchenko, S. V. Astafyeva, V. S. Vitko et al.

The problem of the study is to identify mechanisms to improve the efficiency of the use of information technology in the survey industry.

The object of study is the survey industry.

The subject of the study is the use of information technology in the survey industry.

The purpose of the study is to identify opportunities for optimizing sociological mass surveys through the use of information technology.

Research Objectives:

– consider the theoretical and methodological justification and modeling of IT problems in sociological research;

– carry out systemic diagnostics and analysis of the problems of using modern IT in sociological research (for example, the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Consulting Agency for Social Monitoring and Mass Communications”);

– to design a change in the system of conducting sociological research using IT.

The methodological basis of the study was the methods of systemic, comparative analysis, the method of structuring goals, methods of comparative analysis. The theories and concepts of S. G. Antonova, M. G. Vohrysheva, A. A. Grechikhina, N. B. Zinovieva. The provisions of the theory of social change, the theory of social conflict, the theory of social systems, structuralism, the theory of social exchange, symbolic interactionism, and phenomenological sociology were also used. The work paid attention to the theory of social realism of E. Durkheim, «understanding sociology» of M. Weber.

The method of data collection

In the practical part, the methods of the Ishikawa matrix, the Pareto method, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, questionnaires and the in-depth interview method of experts, the MACE model, generalization and grouping methods were used. The results of the study are presented in summary tables and graphs.

The information base of the study was the work of modern Russian and foreign authors on the topic of research, legal acts, data from statistical services, Internet sources, data from organizations active in the field of sociological research and information technology. The work used the provisions of scientific concepts of such authors as Stepchenko SV, Livanova VV

The structure of the work. The study consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications.

Analysis of experience in solving problems in the field of implementation of modern information technologies in sociological research

As an example of organizations engaged in sociological research, and successfully overcoming the problems of implementing information technology, we can consider the experience of VTsIOM.

A few years ago, the automation of mass polls looked exotic. The main data arrays were collected on paper, which seemed to be a completely natural and reliable way to organize research. They talked about computer technologies only in terms of saving on data entry, speeding up the research process, reducing errors due to the shortening of the polling cycle. Any automated system was thought of as a substitute for a person: in a conversation — an interviewer, in transferring data — a typist, in automatic processing and compilation of template reports — an analyst. A careful examination of the methodology of mass surveys suggests the falsity of this view. Automation does not replace a person, but only introduces the previously ignored aspects of communication between the customer, researcher, interviewer, respondent and analyst. This is not about saving costs and narrowing the field of analytical action, but expanding the space of signs, dividing data into direct and indirect, digital and visual, organizing an integrated approach for recording and processing the flow of analog and digital information.

Innovations do not need agitation. The VTsIOM aims at monitoring what is happening, analyzing deviations, errors, and shortcomings related to both technology that is becoming a thing of the past and the latest techniques and methods that are only included in research practice.

For example, when implementing tabletization, the goal was to increase the efficiency of data collection and data quality.

The results of the field tabletization experiment were as follows:

1) Problem: Lack of technically competent interviewers who can work on tablets.


Training of interviewers and contractors on test projects before entering the field.


Replacing 40 % of interviewers in the regions when switching to tablets.

2) Problem:

Fears of individual regional partners when switching to tablets.


Training of regional partners, providing the possibility of internal data control.


Replacement of 15 % of regional partners.

In total, from the moment the first region was connected to tablets until the tablets were fully sampled, the cost of the project questionnaire increased by 35 %.

Regarding the organization of the production process of VTsIOM employees:

A) The stage of preparing the input layout for paper questionnaires is excluded.

B) The programming phase of the paper questionnaire in the questionnaire designer is excluded — the analyst develops the questionnaire immediately in the program.

Regarding the organization of data collection in the regions:

A) The step of entering data into the layout is excluded.

B) The data collection time was reduced by 24 hours.

C) Failed interviews are recorded.

Data Control Tools:

Audio recordings — allow you to establish the fact of the interview.

Time counter — allows you to set the time of the interview (in the interval from 08.00 to 23.00 local time)

GPS coordinates — allow you to set the location of the survey.

The following solutions are used as tools to combat fraud:

Fixing fraud:

Audio recordings: the interviewer qualitatively reads out the questions that fell under the audio recording. Time spent for other questions — below average.

Solution: Hide the audio for the interviewer. Fixing the time spent on each question.

Remarks and conclusions

1) GPS coordinates may not match the exact location of the survey.

Coordinates may shift depending on the quality of communication.

2) Tablets can “freeze” in the winter.

3) It is difficult to verify the reliability of fixing the reasons for the unattainability of the respondent.


If we turn to the existing experience of conducting sociological research using Internet technologies, we can clearly say that ICTs do not replace traditional quantitative and qualitative methods for measuring social reality, but only improve methods and means of measurement, relying on the classical methodology for collecting primary information. Among such methods and means we can name the gamification of survey tools, which today occupies a special attention among sociological and marketing agencies in the promotion and study of specific brands (products) using computer gaming methods; technology for the creation and functioning of Internet panels built on the basis of constant participation of respondents identified by socio-demographic characteristics; mobile survey forms conducted using the mobile Internet; interactive qualitative methods (on-line — focus groups in the forum format — BBFG, the “electronic responder” method, online interviews using the Skype service, etc.) and social media analytics (media, blogs, social networks). As B. Doctors correctly observes, each new, more effective measuring technology reflects certain changes in public life, and is the result of a deeper understanding of the properties of mass consciousness, based on achievements in the construction of measuring instruments of the social sciences. It is appropriate to cite here the opinion of Professor G. Batygin regarding the use of the Internet and Internet technologies in collecting primary data in the professional activities of sociologists: “One thing is clear: this is a matter of exceptional importance. This is a completely new technique of work and technique of life ”, requiring new theoretical and methodological approaches in the logical and epistemological programs of research of social sciences.


A) Building long-term relationships with regional partners, recruiting interviewers minimizes costs.

B) Internal control of questionnaires by regional partners with a short study period improves the quality of the study.

C) Prevention of fraud is more effective than data control after the survey.

D) Improvement and addition of criteria for the control of questionnaires preserves the quality of the data.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): GPS, BBFG, CAPI, CASIIP, CATI, CSAQ, KDU, MACE, OMI, PEST.

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