Building a national online trading platform, and modern ICT | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №25 (315) июнь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 20.06.2020

Статья просмотрена: 30 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кулдашева, Н. К. Building a national online trading platform, and modern ICT / Н. К. Кулдашева, М. Т. Эркинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 25 (315). — С. 106-108. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Electronic trading platform is a complex of information and modern technical solutions. There are several types of electronic trading platforms — for commercial customers, for placing government orders. The sites on which electronic transactions are performed by commercial customers are divided into specialized and multi-profile. Users, participants of the sites, held auctions and trades themselves can decide on which of the sites it is more convenient and profitable to work with.

Keywords: multi-functional electronic trading platform, information flow, data flow, information flow objects, users, customers, suppliers.

The final result of the procedure for synthesizing the functional structure of the TIAV system is its structural and functional scheme-the scheme of information and information flows, indicating the points of their transformation, summarizing the preliminary results of the spatial organization of the multimedia process in the unity of its components, as well as a set of specifications for the scheme containing the qualitative characteristics of the main, Auxiliary and serving processes in the space-time dimension.

The development of such a scheme will allow to describe in detail the operation of the TIAV system, to study its behavior in various modes and multimedia situations, to determine with great certainty the composition of the technical facilities and workstations of the TIAV personnel, and will serve as the basis for selecting the optimal composition, the number of TIAV containers in the TIAV system.

Rational use of information resources required for the TIAV-multimedia system is an intensive factor, since with the same and the volume and composition of the information resources used, the expansion of the development of new TIAV containers or its development will be the greater, the greater the «return» to each unit of these resources. The main components of the intensive factor are:

1. Increase the technical level of the development of multimedia content: the creation of centralized systems for visual monitoring and analysis of the progress of the multimedia process by the administrator-operator of the TIAV multimedia programmer; Administration of the TIAV-multimedia system; Automation of the multimedia process, due to the development of a software package; Improvement and modification of the program part of the TIAV-multimedia system; Modification of multimedia processing schemes for TIAV objects taking into account the characteristics of the initial information resources, improving the quality of TIAV containers; The modernization of the used multimedia technology; Increase the reliability and security of both individual technologies and multimedia schemes in general.

2. Change in the volume and structure of the multimedia process: change in the specific weight of individual TIAV objects; Relative decrease in the number of staff due to the increase in the volume of development of multimedia content.

Literature review Functions of electronic trading platforms. Electronic trading platforms perform a large number of claimed functions. First of all, it's informational. All participants can quickly get acquainted with the latest and up-to-date information. Also, the site performs marketing services — it helps suppliers find profitable buyers, and vice versa. In addition, all participants can receive data about objects of sales or purchases of other entities. Trading platform is an advertising function, because all participants immediately enter into a single advertising space. There is also an analysis of the activities of organizations, the analysis provides an opportunity to find more suitable partners for business, clients. The platform protects all transactions, business, and document circulation. [1, p.72–76].

Electronic trading platform is a hardware and software complex that provides the interaction of suppliers of goods/services with buyers and customers before the conclusion of a transaction. In some cases, trading platforms additionally allow you to monitor the performance and compliance of obligations from all sides of the transaction.

Features of electronic trading platforms:

— the combination of demand and supply on a single web-resource;

— low transaction costs;

— direct income from the first buyer (sometimes from the auction organizer);

— operational aggregation of goods/services in accordance with market trends;

— simplicity of working time of the client base;

— high level of safety.

Modern electronic trading platforms, among other things, are accompanied by modules of accounting and electronic signature, which provides legal value to the bidding process.

Research methodology to provide a convenient interface and high performance for mobile devices on mobile devices, React Logic practices the integration of the system with the Twitter Bootstrap platform. The unique technology has shown itself well in the international market and is now actively used by the largest trading platforms from around the world. [2, p.116–123].

The interface and structure of electronic trading platforms are individually developed for the customer's tasks and preferences. For example, the website of a trading platform can be equipped with special sections of information or functionality that will not only facilitate its promotion in the search networks, but will also is useful to users [3, p.511]..

The code and structure of electronic trading platforms developed by web-studio React Logic, by default provide search optimization on system Google, Yandex, Bing and Yahoo. Thus, in order to occupy a leading position in the search output, it is enough just in time to fill the trading platform with unique texts and purchase the reference mass.

The development of the electronic trading platform is planned to be implemented according to the User experience (UX) model, built on the basis of perception and reciprocal interaction of users with the web resource. Unlike traditional design, oriented to the perception of aesthetic qualities, the UX model involves working out the logic of the trading platform in order to stimulate the maximum number of conversions — transactions.

Analyze and results: Creation and implementation of an electronic trading platform on the basis of solutions the leading company is a complex of information and technical solutions responsible for the implementation and conduct of procurement procedures in electronic form built on the electronic trade platform architecture. The system allows you to fully consider and implement all the nuances and features of conducting procurement procedures, organizing the training process, attracting potential participants to procurement procedures — this allows you to achieve additional budget savings as a result of the overall increase in the efficiency of procurement activities [4, p.13–26].

In conclusion, we can say that today ICT is very developing not only in foreign countries, but also in our own country. We are happy with these benefits and are required to create comfort using the maximum and create new technologies from scratch.

In addition, the president of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev Miromonovich should also pay attention to the information and communication sector with more emphasis. Therefore, new IT schools, colleges are being built universities.


  1. Nasakin, R. Commercial Runet Today Text. / Nasakin R. // ComputerPress. 2005. — No. 10. — P. 72–76
  2. Novomlinsky, L. A. Internet Commerce. Part I Text. / LA Novomlinsky. / Networks and communication systems. 1998. — № 8. — P. 116–123.
  3. New technologies for e-business and security Text. / LK Babenko, VA Bykov, OB Makarevich, OB Spiridonov. 2. ed., Ext. and pererab. — Moscow: Radio and Communication, 2002. — 511 p.
  4. Newcomer, E. Web Services: XML, WSDL, SOAR and UDDI Text. E. E. Newcomer; trans. with English. St. Petersburg. [and others].: Peter, 2003. — 256 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TIAV, ICT, SOAR, UDDI, WSDL, XML.

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