Educational Characteristics of Module teaching of English Learning | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №25 (315) июнь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 22.06.2020

Статья просмотрена: 44 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Дастенова, Ф. А. Educational Characteristics of Module teaching of English Learning / Ф. А. Дастенова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 25 (315). — С. 389-391. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

This work examines the rules, the difference between modular technologies and other training systems, cycles, implementations, requirements, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of module teaching.

Key words: modular technology, self-control, independence, individuality.

For each module, a list of basic language concepts and foreign language skills is compiled, which the student must learn during preliminary training.

B.Ziemuhamedov [1:54] distinguishes between a large module, an average module and a small module. The entire course of the subject is divided into several large modules, which include knowledge interconnected with each other. Each large module consists of several medium modules, each of which in turn is divided into small modules. The number of small modules can be 5 or 6, the first of which is devoted to the repetition of the material passed in the previous lesson. The second and third modules introduce new knowledge, the fourth and fifth reinforce a new topic, check the formation of skills in speech and give homework.

Module teaching, which is based on a modular program, is a promising form of training organization that promotes individualization and variability in the learning process, activating trainees, reducing training time and improving the quality of education. According to V. V. Valetova, “module teaching consists in breaking down the training material into separate, interrelated learning elements, each of which is a specially designed and accordingly designed training question” [2:14].

T. I. Shamova notes the peculiarity of module teaching in the strict content of educational material, in a clear requirement for knowledge and methods of activity, in the algorithmization of labor [3: 280]. Another essence of module teaching is that the learner independently achieves the specific goals of educational and cognitive activity in the process of working with the module. The essence of modular learning is its difference from other learning systems:

Firstly, the content of training is presented in complete independent complexes (information blocks), the assimilation of which is carried out in accordance with the goal. The didactic goal is formed for the student and contains not only an indication of the volume of the studied content, but also the level of its assimilation

Secondly, the form of communication between the teacher and the student is changing. The role of the teacher is to manage the learning process, counseling, help and support for students. Each student receives advice from the teacher on how to act more rationally, where to find the necessary training material.

Thirdly, the student works the maximum time on his own, learns goal-setting, self-planning, self-organization, self-control and self-esteem.

The specificity of this modular technology is that a student with a greater degree of independence than in traditional training achieves specific goals. When using modular technology, the student is placed in conditions when he must acquire knowledge using the information provided to him, develop the skills of operating educational material using the instructions offered to him. The module includes:

1) an action plan with specific goals;

2) information bank (educational content);

3) a methodological guide to achieve these goals (written advice from the teacher to the student on how best to complete the task, where to find the right material, etc.).

When compiling a module, the following rules are used:

  1. At the beginning of the module, an input control of students' skills is carried out to determine the level of their readiness for further work. If necessary, the knowledge is corrected by an additional explanation.
  2. Be sure to carry out current and intermediate control at the end of each training element. Most often this is mutual control, reconciliation with samples, etc. Its purpose is to identify the level of gaps in mastering the educational element and eliminate them
  3. After completion of work with the module, the output control is carried out. Its purpose is to identify the level of assimilation of the module with subsequent refinement.

Thus, the implementation of modular technology provides for three cycles:

  1. The cycle of initial familiarization with new material.
  2. The cycle of independent classroom and extracurricular work and self-control by keys (“input” control).
  3. The cycle of the final («output») control in the audience.

Module teaching technology should be introduced in stages, forming the students' learning skills of independent work with unfamiliar information (the ability to work with theoretical material, complete tasks, check them by key, fill out tables, make self-assessments).

All of the above leads us to the conclusion that module teaching technology is the most appropriate form of implementation approach to the formation of skills in the use of temporary forms of verbs in the context and in complex sentences, because it meets the following necessary requirements:

− it is intended for training those who have the necessary and sufficient level of logically conceptual thinking;

− it is aimed at the conscious mastery of linguistic means of expression, based on the meaning of the utterance and the semantic meanings of linguistic units;

− provides an understanding of the internal logic of language knowledge;

− involves the expansion of the philological competence of students with the simultaneous development of their intellectual, mnemonic and perceptual activities.

Advantages of module teaching:

  1. Learning objectives relate exactly to the results achieved by each student.
  2. The development of modules allows you to compact training information and present it in blocks.
  3. The individual pace of educational activity is set.
  4. Phased modular control of knowledge and practical skills gives a certain guarantee of the effectiveness of training.
  5. A certain “technologicalization» of training is achieved. Education to a lesser extent becomes dependent on the pedagogical skill of the teacher.
  6. Priority formation of self-education skills.

Didactic conditions under which the high efficiency of module teaching is achieved:

  1. High-quality development of modules, selection and design of the content of educational material, taking into account the interests, age characteristics and other personal qualities of students.
  2. The consistent implementation of modules that allow you to intensify learning activities at all its stages.
  3. The development and presentation of modules to combine the study of theory and the formation of practical skills.
  4. Variation of problem tasks and tasks with typical ones requiring reproductive reproductive activity of students
  5. The use of supporting literature along with the basic didactic materials.
  6. The combination of control with self-control of students, which is relatively easily achieved on the basis of module teaching.

Disadvantages and limitations of modular learning:

  1. Great complexity in the design of modules.
  2. The development of module teaching programs requires high pedagogical and methodological qualifications, special textbooks and teaching aids.
  3. The level of problem modules is often small, which does not contribute to the development of the creative potential of students, especially the highly gifted
  4. Under the conditions of module teaching, the dialogue functions of training, the cooperation of students, their mutual assistance often remain practically unfulfilled.


  1. Зиемухамедов Б., Тожиев М. Педагогик технология — Замонавий узбек миллий модели. — Т.: 2009. –54 с.
  2. Валетов В. В., Пашкас В. К., Мамчиц В. Р. Проблемы организации управления модульной системой обучения // Адукацыяiвыхавнне. 1999. — № 12.– С.14–16
  3. Шамова Т. И. Педагогические технологии: что это такое и как их использовать в школе. — Тюмень, 1997.–280с.

Ключевые слова

individuality, modular technology, self-control, independence

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