On the issue of innovative materials in the construction industry | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Круглякова, А. А. On the issue of innovative materials in the construction industry / А. А. Круглякова, Н. С. Печкуров, И. А. Полушкина, А. А. Стукалин. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 35 (325). — С. 92-94. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/325/73315/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article discusses the issue of modern approach to construction and innovative technologies that are currently used.

Keywords: construction, innovative technologies.

Innovation activity (ID) at the present stage is a diverse in functional parameters, a rather complex system of extended social reproduction that exists and evolves in a constantly changing external economic, scientific, technical and social environment.

The most important factor in the development of the competitiveness of domestic producers is innovative development i. e. the knowledge and technologies that are obtained in the process of this development. Science, technology and innovation policy have become an integral part of modern socio-economic development.

Now innovative technologies are being actively introduced into the construction industry. [4, p. 147–149] There are more and more equipment and technologies that allow replacing human labor with the work of robotic devices [1, p. 8] because of innovative technologies, the construction time was reduced significantly.

Another factor indicating the usefulness of the technology is the cost, which results from the speed of the machine. Do not underestimate the work of a person in these processes though. Since there will always be a need for people who will manage these processes. And also those who will design, create and maintain equipment. In this article, we will analyze several domestic developments, which are used in construction, with their foreign counterparts. Let's identify their pros and cons.Firstly, consider the domestic technology, the name of which is brick-chameleon.

Chameleon brick, also known as velvet or velor, is a type of red brick. A distinctive feature of such a brick is that it changes its appearance depending on a number of factors: time of day, angle of incidence of sunlight.

Advantages of velor bricks, in comparison with conventional bricks:

– Affordable price

– Good sound transmission

– High strength and reliability

– Excellent combination with various types of colors.

The next Russian technology is nano-concrete. The Russian scientist P. G. Komokhov has developed a recipe and technology for a nano-concrete preservative using shungite. [1, p. 19]

Advantages of nano-concrete:

– Ultralight

– Particularly durable

– Resistant to temperature extremes.

– Improved frost resistance (50 % better)

The most important indicator is its mechanical strength, which is 150 % higher than the usual strength of concrete, and the probability of cracking is three times lower. The weight of a structure made of such concrete is six times less.

As you can see, Russian developments are aimed at creating new innovative materials or improving the specific properties of previously created materials.

From the side of foreign technologies, we will also consider a couple of innovations. Let's start with Chinese developments. Construction waste will be used as a raw material, so the Chinese architects decided to combine the environmental aspect and innovative technology. Thus, China gets rid of a large amount of garbage, giving it a chance for a second life and also saves huge amounts of money on the destruction of old materials and the manufacture of new raw materials.

Modular construction is another example of recycling technology. [3, p. 211–214] The technology of modular construction from containers [5, p. 56–62] is actively used in European countries, especially the Scandinavian countries.

In the Scandinavian countries, you can already find entire neighborhoods consisting of modular houses with beautiful modern finishes.

«A container house is a great idea». This is what the authorities of the Amsterdam town “Keetwonen” thought and built a whole hostel using this technology. At the moment, it consists of 1034 modules, including the houses themselves, common recreation areas, cafes and laundries.

However, not all foreign technologies follow the recycling trend. There are also technologies that, like Russian developments, improve existing building materials. Take self-healing concrete, for example. The concept of concrete that «heals itself» was proposed by microbiologist Henk Jonkers. It took the microbiologist 3 years to deduce the formula for such concrete.

The most important part of the technology is special bacteria that interact with calcium lactate (another name for calcium lactic acid). When bacteria interact with calcium lactate, a chemical reaction occurs, due to which limestone is created. It then acts as a filler for pores and cracks in concrete. As a result, limestone helps to restore the original structure of the concrete, preventing the concrete from collapsing.

Therefore we see that foreign technologies are mainly aimed at selling secondary raw materials, the possibility of their repeated use, in our case as a building material, for creating buildings and structures, but some are also aimed at improving the properties of already existing materials. While Russian technologies are aimed at creating new or improving existing materials that will be many times better than their counterparts.


  1. Automation and robotization of construction. Textbook. Manual / A. G. Bulgakov., V. A. Vorobiev, S. I. Evtushenko, D. Ya. Parshin. — 2nd ed. –M.: RIOR: INFRA-M, 2013–452p.
  2. Badin, G. M. Modern technologies of construction and reconstruction of buildings: monograph. / G. M. Badyin, S. A. Sychev. –Saint-Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2013. –288 p.
  3. Zhukova LG Modular buildings // Innovative science. — 2017. — No. 12. pag. 211–214.
  4. Shkrabovskaya A.Yu., Abakumov R. G., Innovative technologies in construction // Innovative Science — 2017. — No. 4. pag. 147–149.
  5. Borovik E. B. Modern modular architecture: a departure from the stereotype «change house» // Noema — 2019. — № 1 (1). pag. 56–62.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): INFRA-M, RIOR.

Ключевые слова

construction, Innovative technologies

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