Features of the organization of outpatient dental care in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Тухватчин, И. Э. Features of the organization of outpatient dental care in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation / И. Э. Тухватчин, В. И. Нестерова, А. В. Смирнова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 36 (326). — С. 46-48. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/326/73459/ (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).

Keyword: PPSK, dental, DMC, attached.

The organization of the provision of dental care against the background of a steady increase in dental morbidity remains an urgent problem for the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. One of the directions of work to solve this problem is the creation of Mobile Dental Offices and Mobile Dental Complexes (DMC) [8].

The legal basis for the organization and functioning of the Mobile Dental Сabinets is laid down in the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 “On the Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period Until 2020” and in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 “On the Approval of the Procedure for Rendering medical care for adults with dental diseases ”, which refers more to the prevention of dental diseases, and its objectives and structure are defined in the Order of the Minister of Defence of February 20, 1996 “On the approval of the regulations on the management bodies of the medical service, medical military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for peacetime”.

One of the tasks during all stages of the formation and development of military dentistry was the organization of medical care for the wounded and sick, and, in particular, people with diseases of the maxillofacial region.

As the result, the question arose about the provision of dental care in remote areas. To solve this problem appeared a field dental chairs, which are manned depending on their modifications. The main advantage was considered their light weight relative to a stationary unit. Portable dental units were also developed (the simple ones included a micromotor and a turbine handpiece, and complex ones included polymerization lamps, chip-blower, a vacuum cleaner and other components).

Of course, in the field it is difficult to achieve the level of hospital equipment — for the most part this is fragile and difficult to transport equipment. Therefore, Mobile Dental Offices and DMC were created that allow performing both a minimal and an expanded range of dental operation.

In the 40s of the 20th century, in the United Kingdom, the Rolls-Royce civilian modification was converted to «DentalUnit», a truck with a raised luggage compartment. The Royal Air Force of Great Britain was equipped with dental trailers, which were pulled by the American Buick. The next stage of development was the application of a series of CMP trucks Canadian dental service. In the USSR in the 60s, «dentobuses» (Mobile Dental Offices) were created on the basis of the Hungarian Ikaruses, which carried out preventive work in the regions [4].

Today, the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation uses several modern types of Mobile Dental Offices to provide complex dental care outside hospital of the military hospital in remote areas.

One of these is the DENTAL MOBILE Offices KSP-01 «P-R-S» (limited liability company «Radiozavod» in Penza). Mobile Dental Offices KSP-01 is intended for the provision of diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical dental care. For this, the offices includes: a dental unit with a compressor, an X-ray machine, a dry heat sterilizer, an ultraviolet bactericidal chamber, an air conditioner and fan heaters. The staff includes a dentist and a nurse. The battery life of the offices is up to 5 days. Transportation of KSP-01 is carried out by a car of the UAZ-3962 or GAZ-3321 type, the maximum speed on the highway is 20 km / h. The temperature mode of operation of the clinic is from -10 ° С to + 40 ° С (from 14 ℉ to 104 ℉) which is a problem for the offices to operate in the cold season in the northern territories of the country. The disadvantages of the KSP -01 are the lack of autonomous power supply, the limited body area, the inability to use rail and air transport to transport the Mobile Dental Offices, the need to remove people from the premises when the rebreather is operating [1,6].

Another mobile office has more functionality — The Field Mobile Dental Complex («Research and Production Association» Polyus, Voronezh), designed specifically for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A distinctive feature of this complex is the ability to provide orthopedic care to soldiers, including the clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing dentures. The composition of the Field Mobile Dental Complex: the Field Dental Office is located in the K4310 box body mounted on the KamAZ-43114 car chassis; a field orthopedic office with a Dental Laboratory is located in a KP10M2 box body mounted on the chassis of a 2-PN-10M2 car trailer. The battery life of the complex is 30 days, the deployment time is 1 hour, the temperature mode of operation is from -40 ° C to + 50 ° C. (from -40 ℉ to 122 ℉). The staff includes a dentist-therapist (surgeon), dentist-orthopedist, dental technician, nurse-X-ray laboratory technician, driver-electrician-nursing assistant. The main advantage of the Field Mobile Dental Complex is that the complex is powered by both an external alternate current network and autonomous electrical units.

Thus, a high level of dental morbidity in military districts leads to the formation of a set of measures aimed at studying the causes of dental morbidity, ways to reduce it and the introduction of dental prevention in military districts in the form of mobile dental offices (hospitals), especially for work in remote areas of military deployment parts. The field mobile dental complex is able to perform a full list of dental operation in an offline mode and provide assistance to soldiers in any weather conditions [2,4,5].


The state register of medical devices — 29/13040503 / 5535–04 Kabinet stomatologicheskij podvizhnyj v pricepe dlya okazaniya diagnosticheskoj, terapevticheskoj i hirurgicheskoj stomatologicheskoj pomoshchi KSP-01-P-R-Z. [Mobile dental office in a trailer for the provision of diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical dental care KSP-01-P-R-Z.] — 2004.

Field mobile dental complex (PPSK) [Electronic resource] /. — The electron. text data — Access mode: http://www.arms-expo.ru/armament/samples/816/91396/?sphrase_id=14215266, free. (in Russian)

Mobile Dentistry [Electronic resource]. — The electron. text data — Access mode: http://maxanto.ru/news/top-novostey/mobilnaya-stomatologiya-vchera-i-segodnya/, free. (in Russian)

Field mobile dental complex (PPSK) [Electronic resource] /. — The electron. text data — Access mode: https://poleznayamodel.ru/model/7/72184.html,free. (in Russian)

Field mobile dental complex (PPSK) [Electronic resource] /. — The electron. text data — Access mode: http://dlyakota.ru/31195-polevoy-podvizhnyy-stomatologicheskiy-kompleks.html, free. (in Russian)

Mobile dental office KSP-01 «P-RZ» [Electronic resource] /. — The electron. text data — Access mode: http://www.penza-radiozavod.ru/produktsiya/grazhdanskaya-produktsiya/peredvizhnaya-meditsinskaya-tekhnika/kabinet-stomatologicheskiy-podvizhnyy-ksp-01-p-r-z.html, free. (in Russian)

Soldatov, I. K. Dissertaciya — Organizaciya okazaniya stomatologicheskoj pomoshchi prikreplennym kontingentam v territorial'noj sisteme medicinskogo obespecheniya voennogo okruga. [The dissertation — Organization of dental assistance to attached continents in the territorial system of the medical security of the military district] / I. K. Soldiers. — St. Petersburg,2015.— 232p.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PPSK, DMC, CMP, DENTAL, KSP, MOBILE, USSR.

Ключевые слова

PPSK, dental, DMC, attached

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