Proficient attributes of the teacher's character | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №38 (328) сентябрь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 21.09.2020

Статья просмотрена: 23 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Юсупова, Н. Т. Proficient attributes of the teacher's character / Н. Т. Юсупова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 38 (328). — С. 206-208. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The personality of the teacher is the personality of the bearer of culture and its creator, heir and founder of the world pedagogical experience. The modern teacher is a creative individual with critical thinking. The purpose of this article is to examine the personal characteristics of representatives of the profession «teacher». The article investigated: the teacher's professiogram, pedagogical abilities, skills, personal qualities of the teacher and the development of pedagogical creativity.

Keywords: personality, teacher, personal characteristics, teacher's professiogram, individual abilities.

Today, in psychological science and pedagogical practice, great interest is paid to the study of the essential characteristics of a person's personality and the specifics of his activities [1, p. 3]. Personal development is the process of entering a new social environment and integrating with it. Personality is a person as a representative of society, independently and responsibly placing his place among other people. It is formed in the relationship and interaction with the outside world, the structure of social and human relations [2, p. 6].

Having considered the personal characteristics of the teacher, we realized that on the one hand, each person is individual and cannot be repeated, on the other hand, representatives of the “teacher” profession have specific features. Everyone who chooses the profession of a teacher assumes responsibility for those whom he will teach and educate, he must also focus on himself, on his professional training. Decent fulfillment of a professional pedagogical duty requires a person to make a number of obligations. To begin with, you should objectively determine your own capabilities, understand your strengths and weaknesses. The next commitment is that the teacher needs to master the general culture of intellectual activity (thinking, memory, perception, representation, attention), the culture of the mode of action, communication and pedagogical communication in particular. The teacher is a standard, which intentionally and not intentionally, students imitate, adopting all the teacher's actions. Also an important prerequisite and basis for the successful work of a teacher is respect, knowledge and understanding of his student [3, p. 6].

In our time, we have acquired a valuable skill of constructing a teacher's professiogram, which allows the professional requirements for a teacher to be combined into three important complexes, holistic and complementary to each other: general civil qualities; qualities that determine the specifics of the teaching profession; special knowledge, abilities and skills in the specialty. Psychologists, when proving a professiogram, establish a list of pedagogical talent, which is a synthesis of the qualities of the mind, feelings and will of the individual. For example, VA Krutetskiy defines communicative and didactic abilities, in addition, pedagogical imagination and the ability to divide attention [4, p. 35].

In the formation of the personality of the teacher, the professional and pedagogical orientation takes a significant place. It is a kind of framework around which essential professionally important characteristics of the teacher's personality are combined. The professional orientation of the teacher's personality contains a passion for the profession, pedagogical vocation, professional pedagogical intentions and predispositions [4, p. 37].

The foundation of a pedagogical vocation is love for children. This quality serves as a condition for self-improvement and purposeful self-development of many other professionally important properties that characterize the teacher's professional and pedagogical concentration [4, p. 35]. Of course, personal qualities are integral to professional ones. Some of these: possession of the subject of teaching, teaching methods of discipline, psychological readiness, universal erudition, voluminous cultural outlook, pedagogical skill, mastery of pedagogical technologies, organizational skills, pedagogical technique, pedagogical tact, eloquence and various other qualities [5, p.... 89].

As for the creative type of pedagogical activity, it should be noted that it determines the exceptional style of the teacher's mental activity, interconnected with the novelty and importance of its results, giving rise to a complex synthesis of all mental spheres (cognitive, motivational) of the teacher's personality [4, p. 40].

The personal value of professional activity requires a sufficient degree of teacher activity, the ability to manage, regulate their actions in accordance with emerging or deliberately set pedagogical tasks. Self-regulation as a volitional expression of personality reveals the nature and system of such professional personality traits of a teacher as initiative, independence, responsibility and others [4, p. 41].

A creative personality is determined by such qualities as willingness to take risks, autonomy of judgments, impulsiveness, cognition, individuality, courage of imagination, sense of humor and various others [4, p. 42].

Subjective requirements for the development of pedagogical creativity are: knowledge of the main laws and rules of the integral pedagogical process; a high degree of general cultural readiness of the teacher; possession of modern ideas in teaching and education; analysis of exemplary situations and the ability to solve them; pedagogical skill; problematic vision and mastery of pedagogical methods [4, p. 44].

Personal characteristics and creativity are reflected in various forms of the teacher's creative self-realization. Self-realization is the branch of application of the individual's creative advantages of the individual. [4, p. 45].

The above gives us the opportunity to conclude that each person is individual and not repeatable, despite this, representatives of the “teacher” profession have specific traits: their own personal qualities, characteristic of each teacher, pedagogical abilities, skills and abilities.


  1. Borisova E. V. The influence of the teacher's self-understanding on the productivity of professional-pedagogical communication. URL:
  2. Luzina L. M. Dictionary of pedagogical use. — Pskov.: PSPI Publishing House, — 2003. — 71 p.
  3. Golovanova, N. F. Pedagogy: textbook / N. F. Golovanova. — M.: Academia, 2019. — 352 p.
  4. Yarullin I. F. Pedagogy: Introduction to pedagogical activity: Brief lecture notes / Yarullin I. F.; Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. — Kazan, 2013–112 p.
  5. Slastenin, V. A. Pedagogy: Textbook / V. A. Slastenin. — M.: Academia, 2019. — 400 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PSPI, URL.

Ключевые слова

personality, teacher, personal characteristics, individual abilities,

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