Information technology «Innovative development of science» | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №41 (331) октябрь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 09.10.2020

Статья просмотрена: 17 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Саидова, М. Р. Information technology «Innovative development of science» / М. Р. Саидова, Л. Т. Кадырова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 41 (331). — С. 74-76. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article discusses how to properly educate and develop the future generation to achieve better learning outcomes across the country. As we know, youth is the future of our state, which means that all efforts and all attention must be paid to youth and the growing generation.

Key words : learning progress, investment in the future generation, innovative teaching methods, presentation materials, higher system

The XXI century — the high development of technology, science it was a time of great achievements. Information of the globalized era it is impossible to imagine without technology. Every day of his lifeabsorption has become one of the natural needs. Information technologyrapidly took over all aspects of social life. Great progress in any part of the world in the twentieth century, no matter what happens finding instant messages has become commonplace. And such «violence» not to forget that it has both positive and negative effects on the younger generation. Every representative of a nation with high spirituality, especially teachers increased his sense of responsibility.

It is not for nothing that our people say, «Teacher is the educator of the nation». Every educator today is a highly qualified specialist of students, thus together, this nation, this country is a high-spirited, perfect man who will benefit it is a great responsibility and duty to grow as a person should feel from the heart. After all, as noted by our first president, “The path to the human heart begins, first of all, with education. That is why when it comes to remembering the priceless legacy of our ancestors, along with our parents, there is another great one who is closest to us. Respectfully mention the noble work of teachers and coaches we can. It is as if we are raising a new generation, a new way of thinking in our country this is a difficult profession, first of all, in the performance of responsible duties.We rely on the owners, the young people who will replace us tomorrow how incomparable their contribution to the formation of the spiritual world is we imagine ourselves well [1, 130]. Teaching is one of the most complex and difficult professions. He is his own only if he sincerely loves his profession, has strong knowledge and skills what difficulties can be easily overcome. Its high captures the hearts of students with its potential.Today’s smart and high students with intellectual potential in the traditional, simple way and it is impossible to be interested in science by any means. The educator of the new era to the younger generation today with its activity, speed and creativity in all spheres should be an example. First of all, from information technology tools the most important thing is to master the secrets of use is one of the requirements.

One of the main goals of modern education is social life instead, it has its own views, its own word, its own creative potential is the perfection of the individual. The teacher is in the process of teaching science educational, pedagogical, spiritualand physical development and its contribution to society in a rapidly changing world will have to focus on adapting to life. Such it is a bit of a challenge to achieve comprehensive goals at once it is natural to give birth. In this case, the teacher needs a variety of information technology multimedia can be a help. Through them the teacher science with information and data on various spheres of social life enriches resources. Informed, multimedia educational technologies.The content of subjects taught through the introduction of higher education easily absorbed into the minds of students, in many respects to the advantage.The ownership is becoming more and more evident. Information on science video, audio and presentation materials of the course makes it interesting and colorful. Especially in higher education. The application of the system is incomparable in all respects of information technology demonstrated once again that it has advantages. Students' self-directed, able to perform assigned tasks freely, comfortable it was an important step for him to acquire knowledge in a methodical way.

Effective use of multimedia in lessons and lessons is unique has advantages:

 Ability to see all the information in the student on the basis of technological means will be;

 student's interest in science increases;

 inspires him to search;

 Meaningful, colorful training is provided; student all see, hear, analyze and reinforce materials will be able to;

 student's thinking is formed; new ideas appear in it;

 will be able to save and view the material on a computer;

Information and communication tools strengthen the ideological immunity of students.It also plays an important role in shaping and strengthening.The student can access the source of knowledge through various sites, get information, get acquainted with the news of the day. Today as a result of the ever-expanding possibilities of information technology young people also enjoy the great spiritual heritage of our ancestors have the opportunity to be. Every source of opportunity is positive no matter how many aspects, there are, of course, its disadvantages cannot be ignored. Including information technology tools some foreign ideas, giving the student endless possibilities. The information on the site is a threat to their spiritual world it is also possible that two different from any development product can be used for the purpose. The youth of nation given indifference it is natural to lose a bright future. Actions in the information field today so fast that it happened so far away from us, his to us it is impossible to look indifferently.That's the mood given that the people are far behind in development. Age reference, educated, vigilant, close to this country, this nation his achievements know no bounds.


  1. Karimov I. A. «High spirituality is an invincible force». Tashkent-2008.
  2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Development of developmental concepts for 20–30 year old about Tashkent-2019.
  3. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Spiritual and enlightenment works on measures of high qualification level. «People the word». Tashkent-2019. 3.05

Ключевые слова

innovative teaching methods, learning progress, investment in the future generation, presentation materials, higher system

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