The importance of the principles of collaborative learning in teaching English to middle school students | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №43 (333) октябрь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 22.10.2020

Статья просмотрена: 46 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Набиева, М. С. The importance of the principles of collaborative learning in teaching English to middle school students / М. С. Набиева, Р. Р. Пулатова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 43 (333). — С. 115-119. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Learning happens for the duration of the lives of people. It is a consistent cycle and everybody needs to learn to gain new information or alter the current one. Regardless of whether it is a course, a subject, and aptitude (expert or fundamental abilities), or a language, learning occurs in all the fields and constantly. While learning dialects likewise, individuals put a ton of training and self-control. In language homerooms, educators actualize a few methodologies, approaches, and procedures though students gain proficiency with these with appropriate regard for make them learn a productive one. In this learning cycle, the students will in general receive different strategies like pair work, bunch work, helpful learning, collaborative learning, etc. Presently a-days, a large portion of the students follow the strategy of synergistic realizing where they learn new information and new things. The students additionally follow similar procedures while learning new dialects, particularly, in learning the English language and they become familiar with the English language in bunches by sharing their insight among the gathering individuals inside a brief timeframe. So communitarian learning is a valuable procedure for the students to become familiar with the English language efficiently in the cutting-edge English homerooms. This paper reveals an insight into the significance communitarian learning approach where the students learn through exercises dependent on bunch work or collaboration. Above all else, this paper examines the significance of learning, particularly, in the ELL condition. At that point, this paper gives a prologue to synergistic learning and it additionally clarifies the prescribed procedures for collective inclining. From that point forward, it additionally delineates the striking highlights of collaborative learning. Afterward, it epitomizes extensively how collaborative learning is valuable in ELL conditions. At long last, valuable tips are given for the two educators and students for building up their instructing and learning aptitudes.

Keywords: collaborative learning, ELL environment, team work, productive learning, collective learning, communication, self-sufficiency.

Обучение происходит на протяжении всей жизни людей. Это последовательный цикл, и каждый должен научиться получать новую информацию или изменять существующую. Независимо от того, является ли это курсом, предметом и способностями (экспертные или фундаментальные способности) или языком, обучение происходит во всех областях и постоянно. Подобным образом, изучая диалекты, люди прикладывают массу усилий для обучения и самоконтроля. В языковых классах преподаватели актуализируют несколько методологий, подходов и процедур, хотя учащиеся овладевают ими с должным учетом, чтобы сделать их изучение продуктивным. В этом учебном цикле студенты, как правило, получают различные стратегии, такие как парная работа, групповая работа, полезное обучение, совместное обучение и т. Д. В настоящее время большая часть студентов придерживается стратегии синергизма, понимая, где они изучают новую информацию. и новые вещи. Студенты дополнительно следуют аналогичным процедурам при изучении новых диалектов, в частности, при изучении английского языка, и они знакомятся с английским языком группами, делясь своими мыслями с собравшимися людьми в короткие сроки. Таким образом, общинное обучение — это ценная процедура для учащихся, позволяющая эффективно освоить английский язык в передовых классах английского языка. Эта статья раскрывает понимание важности общинного подхода к обучению, когда студенты учатся с помощью упражнений, зависящих от совместной работы или сотрудничества. Прежде всего, в этой статье исследуется важность обучения, в частности, при условии ELL. На этом этапе эта статья дает пролог к синергетическому обучению и дополнительно разъясняет предписанные процедуры для коллективной склонности. С этого момента он дополнительно выделяет яркие моменты совместного обучения. После этого он широко демонстрирует ценность совместного обучения в условиях ELL. Наконец, двум преподавателям и студентам даются ценные советы по развитию их способностей к обучению и обучению.

Ключевой язык: совместное обучение, среда ELL, командная работа, продуктивное обучение, коллективное обучение, общение, самодостаточность.

In the twenty-first century, people's information has been expanded significantly and it is conceivable simply because of their mentality towards learning. Consistent learning is the way into the correct accomplishment of individuals' turn of events and they make incredible progress in practically all the fields that they work in. Persistent adapting additionally keeps people to fit well both truly and mentally. Through learning just people update their insight occasionally and apply similar information to get productive outcomes in their genuine endeavors. People are profited a great deal through consistent learning, for example, learning new abilities, getting groundbreaking thoughts, sharing information, time the executives, better association, keeping up great connections, keeping admirably with the most recent turns of events and drifts, and picking up understanding from the viable information. In addition, people likewise recognize the potential issues rapidly and attempt to produce arrangements imaginatively by invigorating their psyches and keep themselves motivated and energetic about what they perform. To create and refine people's information and aptitudes that they need for a mind-blowing duration, it is conceivable just through consistent learning. Since learning has that much significance, we need to flourish for it so as to get increasingly more information which leads individuals to get accomplishment for the duration of their lives. In study halls, instructors utilize different instructing procedures to inspire the students towards their learning [1]. The instructors receive novel procedures, techniques, and approaches so as to make their education learning more viable. At that point, the students' focus increments regarding the matter instructed and adapting likewise happens in a more lovely climate. At the point when educators comprehend different foundations, learning levels, and needs of their students, the instructing learning measure turns out to be more productive and important. The educators should attempt to utilize the accessible advances in their homerooms to include their students more regarding their matters. The students likewise should attempt to receive new procedures of learning their subjects with the goal that the learning cycle turns out to be very simpler and quicker.

In the English language learning (ELL) condition, powerful learning happens when the learning cycle is done in a student-focused way. It is conceivable when the English language educators apply different methodologies and procedures that are reasonable for their English language students (ELLs). The ELT instructors need to bid farewell to the good old techniques and ought to receive the most recent strategies and approaches of their education in the ELL condition. The fundamental worry of the instructors must be on the necessities and premiums of their understudies and they need to include their students in accomplishing work two by two or gatherings as it improves their insight just as their learning aptitudes. At the point when the students perform different exercises in their study halls as assignments or undertakings, every student of the gathering contributes something to the given errand and productive outcomes will be the result of the errand. Since the idea of collective learning is to achieve victories by carrying out the responsibilities in gatherings or groups, the ELT educators ought to receive this methodology in their customary homerooms. At the point when the students have the ability to master something, it is actually their blessing and in the event that they can pick up something, it is their expertise. Yet, when the students have the readiness to learn, it is their decision. Synergistic learning includes gatherings of students who work for finishing an assignment or finding an answer for the issue or making an item and it is an instructive way to deal with educating and learning. At the point when the students learn in gatherings, they are more agreeable and offer their insight with one another and take in numerous new things from the gathering individuals. Indeed, even the students who are in reverse in their examinations can perform well when they carry out the responsibilities in gatherings. While cooperating in bunches in collaborative learning, they normally partake in the work as per their decisions and it inspires them to carry out the responsibility with more eagerness. Consequently, there are a lot of opportunities to get generally excellent consequences of the offered errands to them and these victories lead them to have more productive shared learning. In addition, students in collective learning do things simpler and faster by sparing their time, stress, and vitality while they play out these assignments in gatherings. At the point when the students partake in bunches in synergistic learning, the inspiration of the students will be elevated and the students feel better and autonomous while carrying out the responsibilities. The students likewise get vanity as they carry out the responsibilities by examining with the other gathering individuals. Besides, the students' certainty levels are expanded and the advancement towards student self-sufficiency [4].

In synergistic learning, a gathering or group of students cooperate to accomplish a typical target that is for the most part to help each other so as to become familiar with their instructing material. Shared learning groups have a more significant level of intuition as well as store data for longer occasions than those of the students who work independently. The facts demonstrate that bunches normally learn through 'conversations, explanation of thoughts, and assessment of other's thoughts'. The data that they chat in their conversations holds in their memory for quite a while. Vygotsky, the father of social learning, is supportive of evaluating the capacity of the students in tackling issues instead of simply gaining information. Thus, the idea of collaborative learning is somehow or another worried about Vygotsky's thought of «zone of the proximal turn of events». It examines what a student can do on the off chance that he/she is helped by friends or grown-ups. By thinking about this model for learning, we may think about a coordinated effort to expand students' consciousness of different ideas. Presently, we will examine the approaches to remember the prescribed procedures for shared learning for the study halls.

Method. Generally, powerful collaborative learning involves the development of objectives for the gathering and furthermore responsibility for people. This dispatches an obvious or distinct reason and furthermore holds the gathering on task. Prior to giving any task, the instructors ought to characterize clear objectives and goals to spare their valuable study hall time. While gathering the understudies additionally, the instructors should consider the ideal and moderate size. The gathering ought to be neither little which doesn't permit different reasoning nor enormous where all the individuals may not include in the errand given for the gathering. Thus, the ideal gathering size ought to be with at least 4 to 5 students to make the learning condition a fruitful one. At that point, the gathering guidelines ought to be more adaptable. Exchange and intelligence assume an imperative part in bunch learning. A few discoveries in research additionally recommend that the nature of associations impact collective learning. Jacob and Campbell, in their examinations during the 1960s, recommend, «Standards are unavoidable, even freak standards are passed on and not addressed». That is the explanation that the gathering standards ought not to be extremely unbending, they ought to be adaptable. As indicated by circumstances, there ought to be changed in the standards. Thus, the gatherings become neither bigoted nor unbending and don't build up any sub-gatherings.

The educators should make the students create fruitful relational correspondence and manufacture trust among the gathering individuals. Normally, tasks give some sort of consolation to the students of the gathering which brings about disclosing the ideas completely to one another. Indeed, even it is additionally settled from considers that students who convey and get intricate clarifications profited a great deal from synergistic learning. Subsequently, open correspondence is the way into the genuine accomplishment of collaborative learning. At the point when the errands are bigger, the educators should make certain functions to the gathering by making the difficult assignments into littler parts so as to spare time and vitality. When it is isolated into parts, at that point various jobs are relegated. The students get an opportunity to choose the jobs that they like and change their functions by the division of the errand or meetings. The instructors need to direct a pre-test and post-test to ensure whether the learning happens all together or not. Actually, this strategy is utilized by numerous sorts of exploration to check whether the gatherings are learning. As an aspect of their obligation, educators should consider the students' learning cycle. Besides, students create social connections in learning as well as help assorted variety. The joint effort of this sort licenses students to become «specialists» in the subject appointed to them. The University of Iowa talks about some different procedures, for example, learning cells, buzz gatherings, utilizing bunches, fish bowl discusses or cooperative effort[8].

Discussion. While learning an unfamiliar or second language, above all else, students need to get familiar with the structure of the language and its utilization in unseemly circumstances. A Spanish local who learns English will be acclimated to put modifiers after things and when he learns English, he ought to do in the switching request. Since the students originate from differing foundations, the most important step that the educators need to take is to make an amicable learning climate so the students feel cheerful, welcome, prepared, and engaged to gain proficiency with the subject that is instructed in their homerooms. The little things that the instructors do in their homerooms to arrive at their English language students (ELLs) make a significant difference when they attempt to become familiar with another dialect and frequently exploring a completely unique culture too. Along these lines, an empowering domain is required in the English homerooms for ELLs since the students are spurred a great deal with the best possible support of the educators. So as to improve their English, the ELLs need to complete two things — commit time to learn and practice what they have realized. ELLs utilize English to disclose ideas and add to their work when exercises are organized to help student-to-student or gathering association. This gives the English language educators to check what the students have realized and it likewise shows the students' advancement in English language improvement. The development of the number of inhabitants in ELLs has been expanding step by step. For example, in the US, the development of ELLs in the course of the most recent decade has been gigantically expanded. As per the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (2011), «More than one-portion of states have encountered a development pace of over 100 % in their ELLs numbers». It unmistakably shows how much increment is there in the absolute number of ELLs in the US as well as wherever on the planet. Collaborative learning happens in English language learning study halls when educators do some ecological changes. These alterations may incorporate changing the guest plans, utilizing the most recent innovation, including the understudies more in getting the hang of, applying different strategies and techniques for showing English, permitting cell phones while learning, etc. Besides, successful learning in an ELL domain is conceivable where the English educators actualize various procedures and methods to spur their students in their normal homerooms. At the point when the instructors present data utilizing different exercises in the study halls, the students effectively become familiar with the subject and get fruitful progress towards the cycle of English language improvement.

Subsequently, the English language educators need to introduce the subjects in a simpler manner for their ELLs to see with the goal that the language advancement measure becomes smoother. At the point when students feel more fruitful in their special difficulties, they will turn out to be more certain about their learning. At the point when the students feel that the assignments are more troublesome, at that point the instructors need to piece these undertakings to make the students more versatile. The quantity of ELLs has expanded definitely in US government-funded schools. As per the Center for American Progress, the number of ELLs expanded by 51 % in US government-funded schools between 1997–1998 and 2008–2009. TESOL International Association expresses that 6,000,000 ELLs right now selected which is the quickest developing understudy populace in the US state-funded schools. In this manner, evenhanded practices are to be actualized both all through the study hall condition to guarantee ELLs get a reasonable possibility of both learning and dominating in learning[13].

Conclusion. This paper has given an accentuation on synergistic learning dependent on bunch exercises that are more fitting for the advanced ELL condition. Above all else, the significance of learning, particularly, in the ELL condition has been talked about. Afterward, a prologue to cooperative learning and its accepted procedures have been altogether inspected. Besides, the notable highlights of collective learning have been clarified in detail. Besides, the value of collective learning in the ELL condition has been significantly exemplified. At long last, some significant proposals have been given for ELT and ELL educators, analysts, educational plan engineers, and students for improving their instructing learning aptitudes in the ELL condition. Communitarian learning hoists ELLs' language learning aptitudes as it offers them a chance to impart their plans to the individuals from their gathering and makes ready to master anything inside and out that reestablishes in their psyche for an extensive stretch of time. Since the students have been acclimated to work in bunches since their tutoring days, they will unquestionably actualize similar techniques while they need to become familiar with any troublesome undertaking even in their higher examinations in any ELL condition. It is the obligation of the educators to actualize different techniques and approaches of ELT and ELL so as to include the ELLs in learning the language abilities completely. At the point when educators find that there is no advancement in their leaners, at that point thy need to comprehend the gathering elements of the ELLs and coordinate them with collective ways to deal with structure students' groups so they will give to the ensuing degree of learning through the collaborative learning approach. It is certain that genuine coordinated effort happens when the ELLs take an interest in their work with a ton of assurance, commitment, and dedication towards the work that they do in gatherings. Besides, every individual from the gathering needs to contribute his part to achieve the given assignment for the gathering and help out one another in a student inviting condition with the goal that the principle part of collaborative learning in an ELL domain will be an extraordinary achievement.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ELL, ELT, английский язык, совместное обучение, SAGE, TESOL, обучение.

Ключевые слова

communication, collaborative learning, ELL environment, team work, productive learning, collective learning, self-sufficiency

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