Effect of different storage conditions on wheat seed germination | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Сельское хозяйство

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №52 (342) декабрь 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 24.12.2020

Статья просмотрена: 21 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Джайхун, Али сина. Effect of different storage conditions on wheat seed germination / Али сина Джайхун. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 52 (342). — С. 111-114. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/342/76776/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Seed germination depends on various factors, including storage condition, temperature, humidity, type of soil, seed size, dormancy, etc. (Benvenuti, 2007). In this study, Storage significantly influenced germination of wheat seed. The highest germination (99.5 %) was recorded in warehouse seed storage treated, Kando seed storage treated (98 %), plastic grain bag storage (89.5 %), respectively. The findings of this study the best and most suitable storage system for Parwan province wheat seeds germination are warehouse storage condition. Reported that no significant germination occurred at plastic grain bag storage system. Total germination percentage during day interval for warehouse storage seeds was significantly higher than that for Kando and plastic grain bag storage seeds.

Keywords: storage condition, wheat seed and seed germination.

Всхожесть семян зависит от различных факторов, включая условия хранения, температуру, влажность, тип почвы, размер семян, состояние покоя и т. Д (Бенвинути, 2007). В этом исследовании хранение значительно повлияло на прорастание семян пшеницы. Самая высокая всхожесть (99,5 %) была зарегистрирована при хранении семян на складе, при хранении семян Кандо (98 %) и при хранении в полиэтиленовых мешках для зерна (89,5 %), соответственно. Результаты этого исследования показывают, что наилучшей и наиболее подходящей системой хранения для прорастания семян пшеницы в провинций Парван являются складские условия хранения. Сообщается, что в системе хранения полиэтиленовых пакетов для зерна не наблюдалось значительного прорастания. Общий процент прорастания в течение дня семян для складского хранения был значительно выше чем для семян Кандо и семян хранящихся в полиэтиленовых пакетах.

Ключевые слова: пшеница, семена, прорастание семян пшеницы, хранение семян, всхожесть.


Wheat (Triticum aulstivum L.) is one of the important grains used in the world, being one of the crops of major importance for food security (Walia 2015).

Seed germination is a factor which contribute yield of the crop. Among the abiotic and biotic factors, Storage is considered an important issue for wheat germination, because it persuades seed development (Rao and Sinha, 1993). The poor ability of germination is a big problem which farmers faced in Parwan province of Afghanistan, the high ability of germination depends on different factors special good storage condition. Germination is the first growth stage of wheat, it is very important. Including germination speed, uniformity and vigor of germination are the most important parameters (Sultan et, al, 1375).

Seed storage is the maintenance of seeds under controlled environmental conditions to keep seed viability (germination and vigor) for long periods from harvesting through to planting of the processed seed by the farmer. However, storage is often thought to mean simply keeping the seed in a physical “storage” structure. (Samuel Kugbei, seed storage, FAO. Rome 2018. Pages (5, 12)

The quantity of seed stored by farmers in Afghanistan is determined by the size of the land they cultivate, which is relatively small in general. If we assume that small-scale farmers cultivate one hectare, we can estimate that the quantity of seed to be stored will be 120 kg. In many cases, farmers keep small quantities of seed at home, in bags or small containers such as Kando. Farmers usually manage to keep small quantities of seed in good conditions of low temperature and low moisture content, without incurring major losses in quality, quantity, or germination potential. Maintenance of seed quality and seed longevity in storage warehouses depends on the initial seed viability, initial moisture content and the combination of temperature and relative humidity during storage. Management practices adopted during warehouse storage (e.g. regulation of temperature and relative humidity) can only build on the initial seed quality (FAO, 2018).

Some studies have analyzed the physiological performance of wheat seeds during storage, as a function of temperature, relative humidity and seed moisture content, as well as different packaging and storage condition (Strelec et al. 2010, Chattha et al. 2012, Petrenko 2014).

Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the germination ability of Chunt#1 wheat seeds variety, right after different storage condition.


Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the germination ability of wheat seed variety “Chunt#1” under various storage regimes at department of Agronomy, Parwan University, Parwan, Afghanistan during 20.Nov.2020. Chunt#1 wheat seeds variety were kept under three storage conditions (T1=warehouse storage, T2=Kando storage “Local grain storage system” and T3=plastic grain bag storage). The treatments were set in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) having four replications. Selected seeds of each treatment were placed in 30 cm 2 Petri dishes (100 seeds in each Petri dish) on double layer of Watman filter paper number one and kept at 8 days in normal temperature. The seeds were moistened whenever necessary. Evaluations occurred on the 3d day after sowing, by counting the number of normal seedlings (Brazil 2009). The germination speed index was also carried out simultaneously to the germination test, by counting the number of normal germinated seeds per day, from sowing to the 8th day (Maguire 1962).

The germination percent and germination speed of wheat seeds were recorded respectively from third to 8th days (Egli and Tekrony 2005, Agarwal 1991), germination percentage determined through germinated seeds in the last day (Agarwal, 2003). The first germination count was performed with the germination test. Evaluations occurred on the 4th day after sowing, by counting the number of normal seedlings (Brazil 2009). The germination speed index was also carried out simultaneously to the germination test, by counting the number of normal germinated seeds per day, from sowing to the 8th day (Maguire 1962).

Germination percentage (GP): calculating by using the equation:

GP = A˚/A

In which: A˚ = Number of germinated seeds. A = Total number seeds.

The data analysis is analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Excel program and SPSS software version 19. The LSD test use to determine if there will significant treatment effects (1 % and 5 %).


Seed germination depends on various factors, including storage condition, temperature, humidity, type of soil, seed size, dormancy, etc. (Benvenuti, 2007). In this study, Storage significantly influenced germination of wheat seed. The highest germination (99.5 %) was recorded in warehouse seed storage treated, Kando seed storage treated (98 %), plastic grain bag storage (89.5 %), respectively. The findings of this study the best and most suitable storage system for Parwan wheat seed germination is warehouse storage condition. Reported that no significant germination occurred at plastic grain bag storage system. Total germination percentage during day interval for warehouse storage seeds was significantly higher than that for Kando and plastic grain bag storage seeds (table 1).

Table 1

Germination data for wheat seeds which kept in different storage conditions. The seeds were sowed in petri dishes with two layer of Watman filter paper No1. The seed germination were recorded after 3 days. Date: During 20.Nov.2020 to 28.Nov.2020

Days since start


Total seed in treatment

# seeds germinated during time interval

% Germination during time interval (per day)

Cumulative percent germination





98 %




96 %




77 %

4 th




99 %

1 %




96 %

0 %




80 %

4 %

5 th




99 %

0 %




96 %

0 %




84 %

8 %

6 th




99 %

1 %




96 %

0 %




87 %

13 %

7 th




100 %

2 %




98 %

2 %




91 %

17 %





100 %

2 %




98 %

2 %




91 %

17 %

The results show that there are differences among different storage condition regarding warehouse storage of wheat seed. It is significant at 1 % and 5 % level. Because the F-value that obtained from experiment is larger than F-Table at 1 and 5 percent levels (Table 2).

Based on the results there are differences among treatments. As LSD compare there are statistic differences between treatment 3 and other treatments. Treatment 3 has low germination percent then other treatments (Table 2).

Table 2

Analysis of Variance “ANOVA” and Percentage of germination on wheat seeds which stored in different storage conditions


Regarding storage effects on seed germination ability, the seeds of Chunt#1 supplied with warehouse storage condition responded well for germination.


  1. Agrawal, P. K. and M. Dadlani. 1992. Techniques in seed science and technology. South Asian Publishers, New Delhi. 279 pp
  2. Benvenuti, S. (2007). Natural weed seed burial: effect of soil texture, rain and seed characteristics. Seed Science Research, 17(3), 211–219. doi:10.1017/S0960258507782752
  3. CHATTHA, S. H. et al. Effect of different packing materials and storage conditions on the viability of wheat seed (TD1 variety). Science, Technology and Development, v. 31, n. 1, p. 10–18, 2012
  4. FAO, Seed toolkit, Modul 6: seed storage, Rome 2018, pages (17, 37, 38).
  5. MAGUIRE, J. D. Velocidade de germinação na seleção e avaliação de emergência e vigor de plântulas. Crop Science, v. 2, n. 1, p. 176–177, 1962.
  6. PETRENKO, V. Influence of storage conditions on germination of winter wheat seeds (Triticum aestivum L.) in relation to agriculture systems. Žemės Ūkio Mokslai, v. 21, n. 3, p. 173–180, 2014.
  7. Rao, N.K., J. Hanson, M. E. Dulloo, K. Ghosh, D. Nowell and M. Larinde. 2006. Manual of seed handling in genebanks. Handbooks for Genebanks No. 8, Bioversity International, Rome, Italy.
  8. STRELEC, I. et al. Influence of temperature and relative humidity on grain moisture, germination and vigour of three wheat cultivars during one year storage. Poljoprivreda, v. 16, n. 2, p. 20–24, 2010.
  9. Sultani, A., Alamkar, B., Galshy, C., Effect of wheat burnout on seedlings development. Agriculture and natural science journal, volume 15 No: 16
  10. Van Gastel, A. J. G., M. A. Pagnotta. and E. Porceddu. 1996. Seed Science and Technology. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. 265 pp.
  11. WALIA, K. B. H. Drought stress delays endosperm development and misregulates genes associated with cytoskeleton organization and grain quality proteins in developing wheat seeds. Plant Science, v. 240, n. 1, p. 110–119, 2015.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AND, FAO, LSD, прорастание семян пшеницы, хранение семян, ANOVA, CHATTHA, CONCLUSION, CRD, DISCUSSION.

Ключевые слова

storage condition, wheat seed and seed germination

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