Reflection of the local concept «toi-business» in Kazakhstani online-media | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (357) апрель 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 05.04.2021

Статья просмотрена: 12 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Скрипникова, А. И. Reflection of the local concept «toi-business» in Kazakhstani online-media / А. И. Скрипникова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 15 (357). — С. 385-387. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

In the article the author analyzes the ways of using the «toi-business» localism in media texts.

Keywords: localisms, toi-business, media texts, online media.

In one way or another, local concepts are reflected in local media; and while it is more difficult for them to «infiltrate» the official press, they appear regularly in more democratic online media. This article will consider the ways of using and interpreting the local concept (localism) «toi-business» in Kazakhstani online media. Outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, the concept under consideration is not so widespread in the media language, as evidenced by the results of search queries.

The term «toi-business» in Kazakhstan is not new or incomprehensible to anyone. It is inextricably linked with the mentality, with a love for lavish celebrations, with the prevailing opinion that any major event, be it a wedding, birth of a child, anniversary or circumcision, should be magnificent, with a large number of guests and an entertainment program. Moreover, the concept «toi-business» has firmly entered the lexicon of Kazakhstani journalists and bloggers, which will be demonstrated with specific examples. Since journalism, and online journalism, in particular, is a reflection of the situation in society, we can also say that in Kazakhstani society the concept «toi-business» is used in everyday speech in various variations.

Let's clarify that «toi» in translation from the Kazakh language means «feast, holiday, wedding» [1].

To begin with, we note that there is no definition of this term in modern explanatory dictionaries, but it can be given by analyzing several interpretations from media texts:

  1. «Toi-business» in our country is a perfectly streamlined system of both creative and financial relationships. Of course, this definition has already flickered the edge among journalists, bloggers, and even customers themselves, the warped wording of the show-business has grown with hashtags, has become a trend in speech usage and still causes ridicule for those who consider the expression «toi-business» to be a creative designation of the wedding services segment [2].
  2. Toi-business is a popular direction in the Kazakhstan entertainment industry [3].
  3. Toi-business should not be confused with the restaurant business, it is more of an event (an event with a specially invited audience)... The work is done on a prepaid basis, which is much calmer and more marginal [4].
  4. Toi-business is a banquet industry in Kazakhstan [5].
  5. Toi-business — an opportunity to make good money at Kazakh weddings [6].

Having analyzed the above designations, let's try to give our own definition of the concept. Toi-business is a special, stereotyped-related direction of show-business in Kazakhstan, focused on holding mass celebrations, mainly weddings; a kind of analogue of the banquet business.

Many media in their materials note the importance of this business sector for the country's economy as a whole. For example, the information portal «» writes: «The salaries of representatives of the sphere of toi-business in Shymkent reach up to 800 dollars. This is 2.4 times higher than the national average» [7].

The newspaper «Liter», in turn, cites the following data: «There are about 500 banquet halls in Almaty and Almaty region. They hosted about eight thousand banquets every month. On average, the cost of one banquet per person is from five thousand. In monetary terms, it is 7.5 billion tenge per month or 82.5 billion tenge per year. This is just one area. Add here Taraz, Shymkent, Kyzylorda (capitals of the Kazakh toi), then these numbers can be multiplied by five, so, the overall capacity of the toi-industry per year is about one billion dollars» [5].

Next, we will try to analyze how and in what materials this concept is most often used in online media.

For the convenience, we will draw up a table, which will reflect the options for headings of media materials with the word «toi-business».

Table 1

Using the concept «toi-business» in the headlines of journalistic articles.

Article title

Media title

Media description



Toi-business in crisis

Portal of visual and social journalism



Toi-business: demand dictates content to artists

Business information portal



Toi-business in Kazakhstan: where are the highest salaries

News portal of Kazakhstan and Russia



«Toi-business» and coronavirus: what lessons did the epidemic teach?

Online version of Radio Azattyk



Opera singers in Kazakhstan also make money on «toi-business»

Informational portal



How a toi-business in Kazakhstan will survive

Internet newspaper «»



Wandering Kazakh. Quit toi-business and became a traveler

News portal



Coronovirus kills toi-business

Electronic version of the newspaper «Express-K»



Toi-business is on the verge of ruin in Shymkent

News portal



The end of toi-business in Kazakhstan

Online version of the «Forbes» magazine in Kazakhstan


The table contains not the entire list of heading options, but even from the above journalistic works it follows that the concept of «toi-business» is often used in the title of the materials: articles, interviews, reports, etc. in publications of various topics and target audience.

Thus, localism was used in online versions of newspapers and magazines, online radio, information, news portals, and online newspapers. The concept is declined in cases: Nominative, Prepositional, Genitive, Dative, etc. In some headings, as well as within the text itself, the authors highlight localism with quotes, but most often, it is written without them, which indicates that the author of the text assumes that information consumers have knowledge of this concept.

Let's consider the options for using the concept «toi-business» within media texts. For example, one of the online newspapers writes: «From 150 to 600 thousand tenge in the south of Kazakhstan there are services of a toastmaster, a professionalrepresentative of toi-business who will undertake to hold a wedding evening» [8].

Due to the increase in the incidence of coronavirus, the government recommended Kazakhstanis to refrain from holding feast. In this regard, writes: «Earlier, in a number of cities of Kazakhstan, restaurant owners, artists and hosts of entertainment events came out with a demand to allow weddings to be held during a pandemic. Because of the ban, they were left without 10–15 million income. Now let's think, where did they get such earnings from? In the wallets of the representatives of the toi-business, our money, which we earned with our sweat» [9].

As it can be seen from the above examples, the use of the «toi-business» localism within a media text does not differ from the options for its use in headings.

It is impossible not to single out the moment that with the «strengthening» of the concept in the vocabulary of Kazakhstanis, its derivatives began to appear, which are also reflected in the media texts. One of these derivatives is «toi-credit». Here are some specific examples.

«Almost in all banks that deal with consumer loans, around 9.5 % — are toi-loans» [10].

A striking example is the headline of an article on the website «» magazine: «Will toi-loans be banned in Kazakhstan after debt cancellation? The journalists asked the chairman of the National Bank Yerbolat Dossayev about this» [11].

The localism is also found on the «» news portal, where an interview was published under the title: «Alikhan Smailov: toi-loans are bad. First Deputy Prime Minister — Minister of Finance Alikhan Smailov in an interview shared his opinion on loans for magnificent weddings» [12].

Another example taken from the website of the «KTK» TV channel is the material «In Kazakhstan, every tenth loan is taken on toi» — the National Bank is unable to prohibit Kazakhstanis from arranging weddings on credit... The problem of toi-loans was raised today at the Senate meeting» [13].

As follows from the above examples, not only the basic localism «toi-business» is regularly used in Kazakhstani online media, but also its derivative words and phrases are often used in media texts.


  1. Kazakh-Russian electronic dictionary. Retrieved from:
  2. Toi-business in Kazakhstan (2016). 1show. Retrieved from:
  3. Bizhikeeva, M. (2019). Toi-business: demand dictates content to artists. Retrieved from:
  4. Maiskaya, Y. (2019). How to combine toi-business and tourism in Kazakhstan? Retrieved from:
  5. Mamyrkhanova, M. (2020). Toi is more important than life: is it worth bury the banquet industry in Kazakhstan? Liter. Retrieved from:–2/.
  6. Kamzieva, G. (2020). Coronavirus and Kazakh toi-business. Retrieved from:
  7. Toi-business in Kazakhstan: where are the highest salaries. Retrieved from:
  8. Ergaliev, G. (2018). Kazakh toi — senseless and merciless. Retrieved from:
  9. Abubakarova, T. (2020). Kazakhstanis are strongly advised not to hold tois and weddings. Retrieved from:
  10. Zhanuzakov, A. (2019). Almost 10 % of consumer loans are taken on toi. 365info. Retrieved from:
  11. Sevostyanova, I. (2019). Will Kazakhstan prohibit toi-loans after debt cancellation? Retrieved from:
  12. Akhmet, O. (2019). Alikhan Smailov: Toi-loans are bad. Retrieved from:
  13. Darkeev, B. (2019). Every tenth loan in Kazakhstan is taken on toi. KTK. Retrieved from:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): KTK.

Ключевые слова

localisms, toi-business, media texts, online media

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