Analysis of the modern political picture of the world | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Политология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (359) апрель 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 27.04.2021

Статья просмотрена: 86 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Адилханкызы, Кассиет. Analysis of the modern political picture of the world / Кассиет Адилханкызы. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 17 (359). — С. 328-331. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In this article, we will consider the modern political picture of the world, namely the place of countries in the modern world, state structure and their form of government. High political dynamism in the world is characteristic of many countries: the formation of new independent states, a change in their political status, the loss or acquisition of sovereignty by states, the merger of some states with others, a change in the territorial area of states, their borders, transfer and renaming of the capital, change of the name of states and their capitals, the division of one state into smaller sovereign states, a change in the state form of government, and also briefly touch on the issue of a pandemic, etc.

Keywords: state, state border, delimitation, demarcation, monarchy, republic, political alliances, blocs, political system, UN, geopolitics, COVID-19 pandemic, globalization, crisis management.

The political map of the world has been formed for many centuries, centuries, reflecting all historical events. On the political map of the world, several stages of development and formation can be distinguished:

  1. the ancient period (up to the 5th century AD) — at this stage the formation, development and collapse of the first states is observed: Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome;
  2. the medieval period (V-XV centuries) — the stage is characterized by the desire of feudal states for territorial conquests, in connection with which large tracts of land were divided between the following states: Byzantium, Kievan Rus, Holy Roman Empire, Muscovy, Spain, Portugal, England;
  3. a new period (XVI-XIX centuries), characterized by the beginning of European colonial expansion (colonies appear in America, Africa, Asia);
  4. the newest period (from the beginning of the XX century), characterized by the end of the First World War, as well as the beginning and end of the Second World War and almost completed by the beginning of the XX century the redivision of the world. The newest period was full of many different political events, so we will analyze in more detail:

A) important events took place in the first half of the 20th century — the First World War and the October Revolution in Russia. As a result of these events, serious adjustments were made to the world map;

B) the 40–50s — first of all, the victory of the Soviet Union in World War II and the formation of the world socialist system, the split of Germany into the GDR and the FRG;

C) in the 60–80s, the colonial system collapsed, Cuba entered the socialist camp, relations between the two systems sharply deteriorated: capitalist and socialist («cold war»);

D) the 90s were marked by the collapse of the world socialist system

(4 states are considered socialist: Cuba, Vietnam, China, DPRK). The political map of the world has undergone quite strong changes: their main reason was the disintegration of the world system of socialist countries. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed and fifteen independent states were formed — an epoch-making event on the political map of the world; Czechoslovakia was divided into two sovereign states: the Czech Republic and Slovakia; two Germany became one state of the Federal Republic of Germany; division of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia into independent states: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Yugoslavia (as part of Serbia and Montenegro); In addition, the province of Eritrea separated from Ethiopia, becoming an independent state, North and South Yemen united, etc. In 2016, 193 states had legally grounded state sovereignty.

Sovereign (or independent) states are characterized by the completeness of legislative, executive and judicial power on their territory.

Some of the state entities (over 20) are non-self-governing. Currently, 7 states have dependent territories: Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Denmark, USA, Australia, New Zealand. All possessions of Great Britain (Gibraltar, Cayman, Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Montserrat, Falkland Islands, Saint Helena, etc.), the Netherlands (Antilles and Aruba) and Denmark (Greenland and Faroe Islands) received the status of «internal autonomy», have their constitutions and elected authorities. Political changes are divided into:

quantitative , associated with the annexation of land to the territory of the state, unification of the state or disintegration, exchange of land areas between states;

qualitative — the acquisition of sovereignty by the state, a change in the form of government, the formation of various political unions and associations.

To answer the question: is the modern political map of the world the result of a long-term collision of the spheres of influence of powerful states, consider the concept of the state, as the political dictionary explains.

The state is a political form of organization of society in a certain territory. State territory is a part of the territory of the globe under the sovereignty of a certain state, including natural resources, is recognized within the state border. Also, the state territory includes the territory of ships flying the flag of the state, the territory of diplomatic missions, the territory of military bases. The most important and generally accepted norm of international law, on which peaceful coexistence is based, is the principle of the inviolability and integrity of the state territory, which, in particular, means the prohibition of the acquisition of territories by the threat of force or its use. [1, p.2]

The famous American sociologist and economist, the most authoritative scientist, Immanuel Wallerstein, who deals with the issues of world-system analysis, in his scientific work «Analysis of world systems and the situation in the modern world», explains the concept of the state in this way: «What is the meaning of the statement that the state appeared. Within the framework of the capitalist world economy, the state is an institution whose existence is determined by its relations with other states. Its boundaries are more or less clearly marked. Its level of legal sovereignty is from full to zero. Its real power to control the flows of capital, goods and labor resources across its borders is more or less» [2, p.311]

Delimitation (from lat. Delimitatio — «marking») — the determination of the general position and direction of the state border between neighboring states through negotiations — are usually an integral part of peace treaties or special agreements on the establishment or change of state borders. In the course of delimitation, the contracting parties draw up a description of the passage of the border line, and it is drawn on geographical maps.

Demarcation (from Lat. Demarcatio — «demarcation») — carrying out any dividing line. Border demarcation — drawing the state border on the ground with its designation with special border signs (poles, wire fences). Border signs are not subject to arbitrary movement, and the parties are obliged to monitor their maintenance in good condition.

The state system is characterized by a form of government. There are two forms of government:

Republican, where the highest authorities are formed on an elective basis;

Monarchical, where the source of power is one person, and power is inherited.

In addition, countries can be classified according to:

– area;

– population size;

– geographical location;

– ethnic composition;

– the level of economic development.

According to the level of economic development, countries are divided into three large groups:

  1. Economically developed countries (the «big seven» — USA, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy and Canada; smaller countries of Western Europe — Belgium, Spain, Austria; non-European countries — Australia, New Zealand, South Africa).
  2. Developing countries (according to UN typology) (key countries — India, Brazil, China, Mexico; newly industrialized countries — Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines; oil-exporting countries — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Oman; lagging behind in their development — Bolivia, Nigeria, Syria, Nepal; least developed countries — Afghanistan, Angola, Somalia).
  3. Countries with «transitional economies», former post-Soviet countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Mongolia, etc.).

At the beginning of the XXI century. in the world there were about 240 state formations. Their exact number cannot be named, since some state formations exist outside the international legal field — they have proclaimed state independence, which the world community recognizes to a limited extent (for example, the Republic of Abkhazia, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenian Republic on the territory of the former USSR, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the northern part of the island of the same name).

An important role in international relations is played by military-political alliances (blocs) — an agreement of states with the aim of joint actions to solve common political, economic, military, diplomatic, trade, migration and other tasks.

To describe the state as a special organism striving to expand its zone of habitation and activity, the term «geopolitics» was introduced, formed from two Greek words — «geo» (land, country) and «politics», was introduced into science by the Swedish geographer R. Chellen in early XX century, during the First World War.

Geopolitics, as a science, is a section of political geography, and its main task is to study the geography of international relations and the balance of power between powers.

The competence of the geopolitical factors, on the basis of which the state policy is built, includes the following issues:

– geographical (natural conditions, natural resources, nature management);

– economic (development of branches of agriculture and agriculture);

– military (combat effectiveness of the armed forces, spending on the army);

– demographic (composition and location of the population, type of reproduction);

– ecological (the degree of degradation of the natural environment);

– cultural and historical (the level of development of science, education, health care, religious issues).

The largest alliance of our time is NATO, created in 1949 with the aim of «strengthening stability and increasing prosperity in the North Atlantic region». «The participating countries (29 countries) have joined forces to create collective defense and preserve peace and security». In general, the bloc was created to «repel the Soviet threat», "... to keep the Russians aside, the Americans inside, and the Germans under». NATO's 2010 Strategic Concept «Active Participation, Modern Defense» represents NATO's three core missions:

– collective defense;

– crisis management;

– Cooperative security.

Speaking about the analysis of the modern political picture of the world, it is impossible not to touch upon the issue of globalization, since it is globalization that has a huge impact on the political picture of the world. The most significant trend that will determine the development of the world community in the foreseeable future will be globalization — closer and wider interaction of states and international organizations in search of solutions to aggravating problems that affect the interests of not only individual states, but also of all mankind, which constitute the essence of comprehensive security. The Russian philosopher Yuri Granin defined globalization as a megatrend towards the unification of mankind, embodied in the dialect of space-time movements, interactions and transformations of anthroposocial values. [3, p.6]

The main global problems of our time are the danger of the presence and use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, various types of terrorism and international crime, interethnic conflicts, the demographic situation in the world due to the aging population of developed countries and high birth rates in developing countries, etc. The goals and objectives of foreign policy of states, development trends of individual regions and the entire world community in the context of globalization of international relations will increasingly be linked to the prospects for the survival of earthly civilization. [4, p.1]

In the same work, the scientist Immanuel Wallerstein, on his analysis of the modern political picture of the world, in the chapter «The beginning of» chaos "(the word chaos is quoted) says that this seems to be the main direction of the next A-period, approximately 2000–2025, although it may prove to be a period of significant expansion in some respects, but in others it will be very dark. This is why I expect peace, little stability, little legitimacy. The result will be the onset of chaos, which is simply an extension of the normal fluctuations of the system with a commutative effect. In the article, raising the issue of analyzing the modern political picture of the world, it is impossible not to touch upon the United Nations Organization (UN) — an international organization created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, develop cooperation between states, created in 1945, which includes 193 states... «The UN remains a universal forum, endowed with a unique legitimacy, the supporting structure of the international system of collective security, the main element of modern multilateral diplomacy», says the UN Charter. About the role of the United Nations in the modern world, the scientist says: «The interstate system over the course of several years, from the Peace of Westphalia to the Concert of the Nation and further to the UN and the United Nations family, has also become more and more structured and regulated. There was a tacit assumption that we were slowly moving towards a functional world government». The political map of the world is highly politicized. On maps published in different countries, you can see different contours of certain countries. This is due to the fact that the governments of these countries have recognized or not recognized certain historical events. For example, on the political map of the world published in Russia, the DPRK and the Republic of Korea (South Korea), the PRC and the Republic of China (Taiwan) are painted over with the same color, although for more than 50 years they have been completely independent from each other (and sometimes hostile) states. [5, p.1] Speaking about the analysis of the modern political picture of the world, it is impossible not to touch upon the issue of a pandemic that has spread throughout the world. The virus has spread far beyond China, where it was first detected at the end of 2019. Our fragile world has crossed a tragic milestone: during the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people infected exceeded 135 million, over 2.9 million died. Behind these figures are the lives of our relatives, friends, relatives, loved ones. The pandemic has done its dirty deed, because it does not make up for the loss of their loved ones. The United Nations and its agencies supported the adoption of a joint statement in line with the UN principles on personal data protection and privacy adopted by the UN system agencies to support the use of data and technology in the fight against COVID-19 in a way that respects the law to privacy and other human rights; and to promote economic and social development. Humanity is convinced that it is possible to cope with the virus if we all tackle the problem together and, helping each other, get rid of this insidious disease.

According to the scientist I. Wallerstein, it is impossible to understand the current state of capitalism and its future without considering its history. Like any system, capitalism had a beginning and, therefore, will have an end. Its laws are not «natural», because earlier there were other societies that lived according to different laws, but they are also not «unnatural» or contradicting human essence, for they have been working successfully for five hundred years. The problem is not in the moral merits or demerits of capitalism, not in the industriousness or laziness of individual peoples, but in the historical boundaries that exist for the development of any system. In this regard, according to I. Wallerstein, it is the global expansion of capitalism, the integration of the whole world into one world economy that is a harbinger of shocks: the possibilities of external, extensive expansion have been exhausted. Almost all known sources of growth have already been mobilized. Big changes are coming. [6. p.32]

Changes on the political map of the world in the future can carry both quantitative and qualitative changes. «Territories» are likely to change their legal status and boundaries, which can be observed in the established sovereign states. All modern world economic, social and political changes will have to be reflected on the political map. In our time, although the political situation is difficult, and there is a war in some regions, nevertheless the scientist I. Wallerstein has the most benevolent and peaceful feeling and hopes for humanity that it will preserve peace in the world. «Probably, the promised land is just our land, our home, our world. Probably the only people chosen by God is humanity. We can probably achieve redemption if we make an effort». [2, p.322]


Due to the intense dynamics taking place in the world, it is very important to identify and correctly interpret changes in the political system. The most pressing economic, social and political issues, and currently the fight against the pandemic, require analysis in this area. It is possible to explain the ongoing socio-economic processes in the context of modern modernization of society and its formation as digital.

I believe that by means of constructive dialogue, tolerant attitude to other points of view, peacefulness and altruism, I am able to formulate and correct my position.


  1. https: //
  2. Wallerstein I. Analysis of world systems and the situation in the modern world, 364–365; Per. from English P. M. Kudyukina. Under the general editorship of Cand. polit, sciences B. Yu.
  3. Yu.D. Granin «Globalization» or «Westernization»? // Questions of philosophy. -2008, -No. 2, p.6
  4. K. D. Shelest, «Contemporary problems of globalization and regionalization», Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University, ser. 7, 2004, no. 4, page 2.
  5. https: //, p. 1
  6. Kagarlitsky — SPb.: Publishing house «University book», 2001. —416 p. ISBN 5–94483–042–5, c. 311, 364, 365
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): DPRK, USA, FRG, GDR, ISBN, NATO, PRC, UAE, USSR, V-XV.

Ключевые слова

globalization, demarcation, state, state border, delimitation, monarchy, republic, political alliances, blocs, political system, UN, geopolitics, COVID-19 pandemic, crisis management

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