Methods of calculating the cost-effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in insurance | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (361) май 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 05.05.2021

Статья просмотрена: 22 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Бурханов, А. У. Methods of calculating the cost-effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in insurance / А. У. Бурханов, Д. Б. Бегалова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 19 (361). — С. 110-113. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article describes the methods of calculating the cost-effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in insurance activities, the overall cost savings due to the use of information and communication technologies, the coefficient of automation of the fleet, describing the level of automation of departments. Analytical data on the total savings in production costs as a result of the use of communication technologies, the coefficients of automation of the work performed.

Key words: Insurance, information and communication technology, efficiency, economy, computational methods, automation

В статье описаны методики расчета рентабельности использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в страховой деятельности, общая экономия средств за счет использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий, коэффициент автоматизации автопарка, описывающий уровень автоматизации. отделов. Аналитические данные об общей экономии производственных затрат в результате использования коммуникационных технологий, коэффициенты автоматизации выполняемых работ.

Ключевые слова: страхование, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, эффективность, экономика, вычислительные методы, автоматизация.

The main purpose of the formation of the information and communication technology network of the insurance company is the final result, that is, the achievement of economic efficiency. Otherwise, a large amount of financial resources spent can go in vain. The efficiency of the use of tokens in the information and communication market is the effectiveness that can be obtained from the fact that intractive services operate. This is reflected in the growth of national income on account of the use of information communication technology.

Information and communication shows that the use of insurance tokens and the complex effectiveness of information activities are one of the main indicators:


here: E i information efficiency; E ib + information communication the effectiveness of the use of insurance services; E id efficiency of information activities.

If the use of the commodity of the information communications market is carried amalgamated in several areas, then the main option is considered in each area. Estimates of the cost savings of the use of these market tokens in t — year are carried out on the basis of the following formula:


here: ZT b The amount of expenses for the use of basic technologies in year t ;

Z di the amount of expenses for the implementation of additional measures using the basic technologies of processing information products; Z nj quoted regulatory costs are comparable with the additional results obtained as a result of the application of new technologies provided with socio — economic results of the J — type in t year without the malfunction of new technologies; Z ok calculated on the basis of quoted costs and provides compensation of social and economic negative results of the k — type that arise as a result of the application of these technologies; Z n the costs incurred as a result of the application of new technologies for the processing of information products in t-Year.

The costs incurred through the use of the information and communication technologies market will be determined as follows:


here: Z t the amount of costs listed in t-Year ; C t the amount of current expenses in t-Year; K t resources that we use in t-Year; E ht Normative coefficient of efficiency of use of tokens of the information and communication market in t- Year. The spiritual wear-out period of these techniques and technologies is 3–5 years.

On the basis of the above formula, the calculation of annual cost savings by t — year, the use of information and communication market margins are calculated separately in each sector.

The sum of annual savings in the use of information and communication insurance tokens by Fields (E t ) can be determined on the basis of the following formula:


here: E k — the amount of annual effectiveness of the application of information and communication technologies in the field of k for t year.

The sum of the effectiveness of the use of the tokens of the information and Communication Market obtained in each sphere and for all years is as follows::


here: T — the size of the period to be calculated should be taken so that for the entire period in which it is predicted, the meyori socio-economic result should be obtained;

E t the annual effectiveness of information and communication for t year obtained as a result of application in insurance; E h normative co-ordination of the effectiveness of the use of information and communications.

The use of the information and communication market can be identified below by selecting the most cost-saving option based on the annual average cost savings:


here: H t magnitude can be found by the following equation:


here: T — the amount of the predicted period.

The wide application of information and communication technologies in management facilities has its own pleasing aspects, that is, the level of reliability and accuracy and accuracy of the work performed is constantly increasing. In the process of applying these technologies, labor and material costs in the sphere of management and the amount of time spent are reduced.

The market of information and communication is determined as a result of the cross-comparison of the levels of workability before and after their applicationadorlik the economic efficiency obtained as a result of the introduction of TB and DM into production.

  1. Total labor requirement of manual labor ( QV )


here : j – the number of operations performed at i workplace; QV ij — I- the workmanship of the j -opera performed in i workplace.

General working capacity of the work carried out as a result of the implementation of information and communication technologies ( QW ):


here: QW — labor force of j operation carried out in i place of work as a result of the application of information and Communication Technology technologies.

Table 1

Solving management and production issues


Labor intensity of the work done, person/ day


Development of technical issue

QV i1

QW i1


Analysis of primary data of the obyekt

QV i2

QW i2


Formation of information arrays on the basis of primary data

QV i3

QW i3


The process of implementation of the information and communication market

QV i4

QW i4


Solving management and production issues

QV i5

QW i5


Choosing a method for calculating economic efficiency

QV i6

QW i6


Formalization of results

QV i7

QW i7

2. The number of workers who need to attract is determined from the ratio of one year to the following:

a) after the application of information and communication technologies:


b) until the application of information and communication technologies:


here: 260 — the amount of the average working day in a year.

3. Below is the monthly salary that must be paid to workers:

a) up to the application of information and communication technologies:


b) after applying information and communication technologies:


here: OY — average monthly salary of a worker; 12- number of months in a year.

4. Amount of wage fund savings:


The amount of production shipping letter cost saving (NH) is as follows (decrease in material, machinery and other costs):


here: PH - degree of tightening (on account of %).

5. Total savings in the amount of production costs as a result of the application of information and communication technologies:


  1. The coefficient of automation of the technical means Park, which contributes to the degree of automation of the Departments of the enterprise:


here: N a number of technical tools used for automation, units;

∑ N — this section, the total number of technical means on the plot, units.

  1. 7. The coefficient of automation of the work performed (q p ) is determined as follows:


here: T m workmanship of automated work; T p — manual labor, person / hour.

8. Automation coefficient of Labor ( K M ):


here: P m the number of workers involved in the automation of jobs; P p — the number of workers doing manual work, person.

  1. 9. The rise in labor productivity as a result of the introduction of information and communication technologies:


here: P 2 that is, the number of workers engaged in the maintenance of one grain of equipment and technology, person; Y — increase in labor productivity as a result of the introduction of new techniques and technologies. %; N — the amount of new technical tools that have been introduced over the course of a year, units.

10. The efficiency that the consumer will receive as a result of the application of new techniques and technologies (E e ). In the calculation of annual total economic efficiency, a decrease in the price of the product produced as a result of the application of new techniques and technologies is of great importance:


here: C 1 and C 2 — recognition price of the product before and after the introduction of new techniques and technologies (Cost of use in 1 hour), sum; P 2 — annual volume of products manufactured using new techniques and technologies (or the working hours of new techniques and technologies throughout the year); N — number of new techniques and technologies being implemented throughout the year.

11. Coefficient of circulation of information products, representing the level of rational use of the information product Fund ( K un ):


here: E H the volume of information products used in the visible period (month, quarter, year) (documents, number, table); E oc the average volume of this type of information products collected in automated information systems during this period.

  1. General workmanship of preparation, storage, search and processing of information products ( T OH ):


here: T im i — general workmanship of preparation, storage, search and processing of information products; E i i — labor productivity of the worker.

The overall annual volume of information processing labor plays an important role in determining the level of automation possible on each document and as a result of the application of new techniques and technologies. Currently, the normative term of self-coverage of information and Communication Technologies is equal to 3 years. Thus, if the coefficient of efficiency is greater and the term of capital expenditure is less than or equal to one third, then this issue can be considered effective and widely applied in practice.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Учебное пособие.

Ключевые слова

efficiency, insurance, automation, economy, Information and communication technology, computational methods

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