The specific methods of military translation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (361) май 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 08.05.2021

Статья просмотрена: 371 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Абдрасил, Н. С. The specific methods of military translation / Н. С. Абдрасил. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 19 (361). — С. 155-158. — URL: (дата обращения: 12.03.2025).

The article examines the types of special texts — the difficulties arising in the process of military translation, and their features, as well as differences in the delivery of language characteristics in Kazakh and English to the recipient during translation. Military translation contains a lot of accurate information and is a special type of these special texts due to the wide use of special terms. As the military sector is currently developing rapidly, contextual analysis of direct translation into English and Kazakh is at the core. Today, the comprehensive development of military translation contributes to the development of international defense relations. This special type of specialized texts is widespread, so the main goal is to study and fully understand the field of translation studies. Due to the rapid and rapid development of military affairs, the translation is constantly updated, new military terms and formulations are added. Taking into account these features of translation, several methods are proposed, based on theoretical and practical knowledge, when solving the problem of direct translation of military translation terms from English into Kazakh.

Key words: military translation, lexical and semantic differences, translation properties of terms, context analysis, military term.

В статье рассматриваются типы специальных текстов — трудности, возникающие в процессе военного перевода, и их особенности, а также различия в доставке языковых характеристик на казахском и английском языках получателю во время перевода. Военный перевод содержит много точной информации и является особым типом этих специальных текстов из-за широкого использования специальных терминов. Поскольку военный сектор в настоящее время быстро развивается, в основе лежит контекстный анализ прямого перевода на английский и казахский языки. Сегодня всестороннее развитие военного перевода способствует развитию международных оборонных связей. Этот особый тип специальных текстов широко распространен, поэтому основная цель — изучить и полностью понять область переводоведения. В связи с быстрым и стремительным развитием военного дела перевод постоянно обновляется, добавляются новые военные термины и формулировки. С учетом этих особенностей перевода предлагается несколько методов, основанных на теоретических и практических знаниях, при решении задачи прямого перевода терминов военного перевода с английского на казахский язык.

Ключевые слова: военный перевод, лексико-семантические различия, переводческие свойства терминов, контекстный анализ, военный термин.

Military translation is a kind of special translation with a pronounced military communicative function. A distinctive feature of military translation is a very accurate and clear presentation of many terms and materials in the absence of relatively figurative and emotionally expressive means. Translation of military texts requires translator’s special training, skills and abilities. This includes skills in all types and methods of translation: from translation of documents to legal translation on the radio, two-way translation in military conversations and simultaneous translation, work with annotations of military correspondence, military-technical and military-political texts.

Military materials are usually subdivided into military-artistic, military-journalistic and military-political, military-scientific and military-technical materials, acts of military command. It should be noted that all materials of military assignments are distinguished by special military and scientific-technical terminology, the availability of a certain number of variable-permanent and regular word-for-word, nomenclature, characterization. “Terms are widely used only from the point of view of symbols and syntax used in military materials. Structures in the short form of expression use a multitude of parallel constructions expressed in one sentence with infinitive and communicative phrases” [5].


The study of the problem of translation of the military term and military terminology was carried out by such linguistic scientists as L. L. Nelyubin, G. M. Strelkovsky, V. N. Shevchuk and others. Thus, V. N. Shevchuk defines military terminology as “... an ordered set of military language terms that reflect the conceptual apparatus of military science and are associated with the forms and methods of warfare, with the strategic use of the armed forces, as well as the operational and tactical use of formations, formations, units and subunits, with their organization, armament and technical equipment” [2].

The functionality of the military discourse should also be noted. Communication within the framework of the charter requires conciseness, clarity and concreteness of wording, accuracy and clarity of presentation, which ensures a logical consistency of presentation, harmony of construction, a clear limitation of one thought from another, ease of perception of the transmitted information. This is how L. L. Nelyubin: “... a term is a word or phrase of a special (scientific, technical, military, etc.) language, created (adopted, borrowed, etc.) for the exact expression of special concepts and designation of special objects” [4].

In the military translation translators have to pay attention to the lexical and semantic differences between two languages, because of a careful analysis of military terminology reveals its extreme diversity. Along with clear terms that have precise and clear semantic boundaries, there are also polysemantic terms. For example, the term «security» can mean « қорғау, сақтау, құпиялылық, контрбарлау» ; the term «armor» denotes « сауыт, сауытты әскер, танк» ; the terms unit and command have up to ten or more meanings.

All this should be taken into account in the course of a military translation, since all this implies accuracy and clarity, linking with the fact that the translated text or oral message can be a direct order to start a certain operation or an order to start hostilities. Starting from this, one should observe the sequence during the translation, as well as fully convey its structure, since even the smallest formalities can be very important, which is why the use of translation transformations during the translation may completely disappear, which makes the translation seem very clumsy, everything this is also due to the low use of verb tense forms. Also, translators must not forget about the individual-linguistic peculiarities in the military discourse, each language has its own ones.

Results and Discussion

Based on the material of the book by Stepanov S. A. and Fomenko Ya.V., “…not so much about the requirements for the finished product of the military translation, but about the translator himself, it should be noted that a military translator, then in comparison with a simple translator, the list of requirements, in this case” [6], the requirements for an officer are significantly expanding due to the peculiarities of the specialization of a soldier.

In addition to the knowledge of the language, “the theory of translation and the possession of extensive background knowledge (and this is not the whole list), they also include: high moral and political consciousness and endurance, a deep understanding of their patriotic duty; high professional training in the broadest sense of the word, this implies not only knowledge in the military-technical part, but also the general qualities of the physical and psychological qualities that are required of a soldier” [3]. Just like any other soldier, he must be able to conduct hostilities, both in the framework of a small conflict and in large-scale hostilities. Taking into account the specifics of military life based on regulations, a military translator must serve both according to the regulations of his homeland and to know the peculiarities of serving in foreign troops, on whose knowledge of the language he is based.

Therefore, the ambiguity of even single-component terms makes it difficult to understand them correctly and an adequate translation depends entirely on the context and situation.

From the point of view of the difficulties of understanding and translation, military terms are divided into the following groups:

  1. Terms denoting the realities of reality, for instance: « field hospital — дала госпиталы», «chief of staff — штаб басшысы». Understanding and translating the terms of this group is not particularly difficult, therefore, the following translation cases are possible:

— as an equivalent, a term is used, the form of which is associated with the form of the English term (the so-called international terms), for instance: « army-әскер», «division-дивизия», «general-генерал»; — as an equivalent, a term is used, the form of which is not related to the form of the English term, for example: « rifle- мылтық», «company-рота» .

  1. A multi-component term consisting of several words is translated by a term whose components coincide in form and meaning with the corresponding components of the English term, for instance: « antitank artillery — танк бұзар артиллерия», «recoil brake — қайту тежеуіші».

“Studying the specifics of military translation, it is worth noting its versatility. In no other specialization in translation is it possible to find an extensive range of terms and vocabulary, as in military translation. For all the simplicity, clarity and clarity of wording, all types of military materials in their structure vary greatly depending on the country, which makes it unusual when working with this type of translation” [8].

Another mistake of the translator is translation, when the English term or its components are similar to the Kazakh term, but it has different meanings.

For example, the term « ammunition-оқ-дәрі» , it is not «аммуниция» , « жабдықтар» [10] , and etc. When translating, one should also always take into account the real meaning of the term in a given setting, in a given context. For example, the term «battalion» denotes « батальондағы жаяу әскер» , but a «battalion in artillery» this term in the section of the US Armed Forces means «мықты қарулы жаяу әскер»,«артиллериядағы қарулар», and in the British Armed Forces it means «жаяу әскер түрі», «артиллериядағы взвод». For example, « defense» means «қорғаныс», and «defenses» means» «қорғаныс бекіністері»;«store — қор, қойма, жинақ», and «stores — мүліктер, жүктер, материалдық қаражат».

“Military translation may seem simple and at the same time difficult, but when working on a military translation, one must first of all remember the responsibility that a military translator bears. If we talk about the stress the translation profession brings, not to mention the oral forms of translation, the officers, which make up the entire set of military translators” [7].

On the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge of military terms encountered in military texts, the following methods are offered:

1) Work with military-terminological dictionaries in the Kazakh language, which means to use of ready-made military alternatives in translation; For instance:

Chart № 1. Terms differences in the process of translating into target language:



division artillery

бөлімшелік артиллерия

headquarters battery

қызметкерлер батареясы

target acquisition

мақсатты анықтау және белгілеу



infantry battalion

жаяу әскер батальоны;






ең жаңа құрылғы


терең, терең

sea current

теңіз ағыны

measuring [ 1].

өлшеу, өлшем [9]

2) If there is no direct translation of the original military terms in the Kazakh language, the translator must give explanations when translating the military term, it means military translator should need to make links to every military terms. However, there are cases that require additional knowledge when translating military terms. Such an example is the translation of the term armored cavalry, which our press sometimes translates literally as «құрышты атты әскер». When analyzing the organization of the US ground forces, it would be necessary to choose the term reconnaissance, which correctly reflects the meaning and content of the term armored cavalry. However, armored cavalry continues to be used in some combinations according to tradition.

3) Full translation without reduction of military terms and acronyms.

Thus, the correct understanding and translation of military terms depends not only on knowledge of the language, but also on knowledge of the realities of the army and translation properties of terms, context analysis of the military texts, and its history, the organization of weapons and etc.


In conclusion, the methods of translation of terms encountered in military texts, so they are:1) Work with existing military terminological dictionaries (receipt of translated equivalents of military terms in the process of translation); 2) If the term in the military text is missing in the terminological dictionary of the target language, the translator uses different methods of conversion and translation methods; 3)After the military text is full of contractions the translator gives the full version of the contractions and contractions during the translation.

In the future, the most frequently used « range-қашықтық», «network-желі», «system-жүйе», «takeoff direction lights — ұшып шығу бағытының жарығы» etc. The main attention was paid to the definition of the composition of complex terms with the participation of words, support for the methods of terminological formation and contextual analysis with account of their lexical and semantic features in translation. Successful translation and equivalence of terms in military texts contributes to full access of information to the recipient.


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  9. KR KM Memlekettik tildi damytu baskarmasy. Redakciyalau bolimi. Oryssha-kazakhsha sozdik. Astana, 2012. -62-b.; Askeri terminderdin oryssha-kazakhsha tusindirme sozdigi. A., 2002. -504 b.; Kazakhsha-oryssha, oryssha-kazakhsha terminologiyalik sozdik. Askeri is. 12-t. A., -264 b. [Department of State Language Development of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Editorial department. Russian-Kazakh dictionary. Astana, 2012. -62 p.; Russian-Kazakh dictionary of military terms. A., 2002. -504 p.; Kazakh-Russian, Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionary. Military affairs. 12-t. A., 2000. -264 p.]
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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): военный перевод, LINGUA, MOBILIS, BULLETIN, KHABARSHYSY, SSSR, UKU, казахский язык, контекстный анализ, особый тип.

Ключевые слова

military translation, lexical and semantic differences, translation properties of terms, context analysis, military term

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