Analysis of energy resources of renewable energy sources and the possibility of their use during drilling operations | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (362) май 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 16.05.2021

Статья просмотрена: 65 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Эспиноса, Ламар Андрес. Analysis of energy resources of renewable energy sources and the possibility of their use during drilling operations / Ламар Андрес Эспиноса. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 20 (362). — С. 106-109. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article discusses renewable energy sources, their development and application in the oil and gas industry. Renewable energy sources, which include biomass, hydropower, solar energy, geothermal water and wind, can replace fossil fuels, reduce dependence on imported fuels, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other harmful substances.

Keywords: renewable energy sources, biomass, hydropower, solar energy, geothermal water, wind energy.

В статье рассматриваются возобновляемые источники энергии, их развитие и применение в нефтегазовой отрасли. Возобновляемые источники энергии, включая биомассу, гидроэнергетику, солнечную энергию, геотермальную воду и ветер, могут заменить ископаемое топливо, снизить зависимость от импортного топлива и сократить выбросы парниковых газов и других вредных веществ.

Ключевые слова: возобновляемые источники энергии, биомасса, гидроэнергетика, солнечная энергия, геотермальная вода, энергия ветра.

Several decades ago, many foreign politicians and economists decided to stimulate the development of renewable energy. More than 80 states of different geographic location, different levels of material well-being, with different amounts of fossil hydrocarbons consider the development of alternative energy as one of the priority state tasks.

In 108 countries of the world, the development of alternative energy is declared as a national strategy. More than half (56 %) of the increase in global power generation capacity was provided by renewable energy sources in 2013. [1]

World energy production from wind, solar, biomass and waste, geothermal energy, small hydropower and ebb and flow in 2014 is estimated at 9.1 % of total global electricity production, up from 8.5 % in 2013, which is equivalent to savings emissions 1.3 gig tons CO 2 .

There are several types of renewable energy sources, some are classified as renewable sources. Some scientists refer to them as traditional energy sources, while others refer to them as renewable energy sources. Let's take a quick look at each type.

The energy of the ebb and flow is the kinetic energy of the earth's rotation. It is the only form of energy that comes directly from the system of interactions between the Moon and the Earth, and, to a lesser extent, from the system of relations between the Earth and the Sun. These forces and the rotation of the Earth are powerful natural energy generators. Tidal generators are believed to be more environmentally friendly and have less impact on ecosystems. Today, tidal energy is not widely used, but scientists predict its high potential for future power generation, as tidal energy flows are more predictable than wind and solar energy.

The use of wave energy is associated with the transportation of the energy of ocean surface waves, for the production of electricity, desalination of water or pumping water (to reservoirs). The use of wave energy is somewhat difficult due to the unpredictability of the direction of the wave, in this it differs from the stable flow of energy of the ebb and flow. This is the limiting factor in its use. Energy converters of waves (energy generators) are used in Europe; where already in 1890 there were the first attempts to convert wave energy. The world's first commercial power plant based on the generation of wave energy, based in Portugal. This technology is also used in the United States of America, for example, there is the Pacific Northwest Cooperative, which produces electricity in Reedsport, Oregon. Ocean buoys create mechanical energy as waves rise and fall, which is converted into electricity.

Photovoltaic energy sources use solar energy. This is a fast growing technology. Specialists working in this field have learned how to regulate the required speed and intensity of the flow of solar energy. Solar energy technologies are being optimized. [2]

Converting wind energy into a useful format such as electricity or mechanical energy is done with wind turbines.

Although wind only produces about 1.5 % of the world's electricity, this energy sector is growing rapidly. The International Wind Energy Council predicted an increase in the share of global wind energy production to 12 % by 2020.

Since 2008, Europe has been actively developing the use of offshore wind energy.

Geothermal energy are using natural processes. It can be applied on a micro scale to provide a specific temperature for the air in a home (geothermal heat pump), or on a very large scale — generating power through a geothermal power plant. Geothermal energy does not require any fuel and therefore is not subject to fluctuations in the cost of the resource, but the capital costs are quite high — drilling wells is financially expensive.

Biomass refers to a biological material. This can be rubbish, old trees and branches, wood chips, biodegradable waste that can be burned as fuel. Any plant culture can be biomass. Biomass energy production is a growing industry because it (biomass) is an inexhaustible source of energy and is economically viable. In the United States of America, biomass accounts for approximately 0.5 % of the US electricity supply. This fact reduces the country's dependence on oil by more than one million barrels a year.

The use of these sources during drilling operations will reduce the cost of power supply to drilling facilities and determine the options for use and the type of energy source and equipment used.

Interfacing renewable energy sources with rig power systems should not pose any insurmountable difficulties.

At this stage of technical development, it is impossible to talk about the complete replacement of traditional energy sources when drilling wells. Now it is possible to partially use these sources using traditional ones.

At the moment, the cheapest of these sources is wind, which is common everywhere.

Most regions experience significant seasonal variations in wind flows.

In regions that are promising for the use of wind power plants, the average annual wind speed should be from 5–6 m/s and more.

The territory of Ecuador has significant wind energy resources. The use of wind energy will significantly reduce the cost of energy supply for drilling operations, reduce fuel consumption and the cost of purchasing and delivering it.

Obtaining solar energy for power supply of well drilling encounters a number of difficulties due to the relatively small value of the solar constant.

The flow of solar energy on the Earth's surface is highly dependent on latitude and climate. In different places, the average number of sunny days per year can vary greatly. Solar energy needs large areas. Solar power plants may not operate at night and are inefficient in the morning and evening hours. The capacity of the power plant depends on the changing weather. Another disadvantage is the high cost, as well as insufficient efficiency of solar cells.

In actually operating structures with heterojunctions, the efficiency reaches today no more than 30 %, and in homogeneous semiconductors such as monocrystalline silicon — up to 18 %.

The efficiency of photovoltaic cells is significantly reduced when they are heated, so there is a need to install cooling systems, usually water, which further increases the cost of electricity generated.

These problems are common for all solar panels in general.

As for the use of solar batteries in drilling, well drilling operations are of a mobile nature with constant relocation of the main electrical receivers. The equipment is operated in various climatic conditions in the open air, there are frequent significant mechanical influences, which creates significant complications in the organization of power supply, and, the use of fragile solar panels today, with this mode of operation, will be accompanied by insurmountable difficulties.

The use of biomass for energy supply for drilling operations is considered a very promising direction, but for a number of reasons, today it is limited only to burning wood pulp, thereby causing irreparable harm to the ecology of the region.

The use of biofuels in drilling rigs is also fraught with various difficulties:

– limited use of biofuels;

– absorption of moisture from the atmosphere;

– a huge park of outdated equipment, where the use of fuel with a high content of biocomponent is unsuitable;

– the lack of standards for biodiesel and the absence of a real market for biofuels.

All these circumstances indicate that the use of biofuels is still at the development stage, not to mention its use for drilling wells.

Today, wind remains the most acceptable, cheap and widespread renewable energy source.

From the above, it can be concluded that in order to increase the efficiency of energy systems for drilling operations, the use of wind turbines of various capacities is a correct and reasonable decision, and in relation to these energy supply systems, hybrid wind-diesel power complexes based on renewable energy sources should be developed.

A hybrid energy supply system means the combined use of a traditional and renewable energy. In most cases, a gas generator or diesel generator is used as a traditional source of energy, and solar panels and wind power plants are used as renewable energy.

The goal of using hybrid power systems is to save expensive fossil fuels by using one or more renewable energy sources to achieve maximum performance.

With a hybrid power supply system, depending on the climatic nature of the drilling area and economic feasibility, it is possible to work according to 2 options:

  1. Renewable energy sources are the main source of electricity, diesel generators are auxiliary;
  2. Parallel operation of renewable energy sources, diesel and electric systems, when renewable energy sources provide part of the load, thereby unloading traditional energy sources.

Now the most dynamically developing, promising and cheapest is wind, which is ubiquitous.

Therefore, in the world energy industry, hybrid installations based on wind turbines of various capacities are most widely used. This is also explained by the relative cheapness of the generated energy and, as a consequence, by the shorter payback periods in relation to other types.

In those areas where wells are being drilled, there is one or another renewable energy source, the use of which in the power supply system of drilling operations will significantly reduce the cost of energy supply from traditional energy sources.

Analyzing a variety of renewable energy sources from the point of view of the stage of development, prospects of use, economic feasibility, climatic features of distribution, characteristics of the nature of drilling operations, etc., it can be concluded that, at the moment, the most acceptable and promising option for a hybrid power supply system drilling operations are wind-diesel power complexes, which, depending on the nature of the work, can be carried out mobile or stationary [3–5].


Peculiarities of drilling operations, such as remoteness from industrial centers and their power systems, mobile nature of work, uneven power consumed by drilling rigs when drilling wells and low concentration of industrial consumers do not fully allow to apply the experience of power supply to other industries.

The use of non-stationary equipment, technological features of drilling, require the development of an effective, meeting all the requirements, reliable power supply system based on renewable energy sources. The experience of using energy supply systems in other industries is of little use.

In these conditions, it becomes necessary to develop the theoretical foundations of a scientifically grounded approach to creating optimal energy supply systems that ensure efficient drilling operations based on renewable energy sources.


  1. Коржубаев А. Г., Соколова И. А., Филимонова И. В. Энергообеспечение стран Тихоокеанского клуба. — Новосибирск: ИЭООП СО РАН. 2012. — 344 с.
  2. Крюков В. А., Токарев А. Н. Нефтегазовые ресурсы в трансформируемой экономике: о соотношении реализованной и потенциальной общественной ценности недр (теория, практика, анализ и оценки).- Новосибирск: Наука-Центр. 2007. — 588с.
  3. BP Energy Outlook 2030: January 2012
  4. BP Statistical Review Shows 2014 was a Year of «Tectonic» Shifts in Global Energy Production and Consumption. Information web portal. Shipbuilding. Energy. Transport 12.06.2015.
  5. BP Statistical Review of World Energy. June 2015, 48 pages
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): возобновляемый источник энергии, геотермальная вода, Новосибирск, солнечная энергия.

Ключевые слова

biomass, solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, renewable energy sources, geothermal water

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