Foundations of the theory of modern international relations | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Политология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (363) май 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 17.05.2021

Статья просмотрена: 353 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Адилханкызы, Кассиет. Foundations of the theory of modern international relations / Кассиет Адилханкызы. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 21 (363). — С. 339-341. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

International relations are a set of special relations between states, international, governmental and non-governmental organizations, which cover all spheres of public relations. International relations are an integral system that functions in accordance with certain laws. Only a systematic analysis can reveal the unique nature of international relations. International relations are an objective-subjective reality that depends on human consciousness. The main actor, in the theory of international relations, is the state. International organizations and transnational actors are non-state actors. The main goal of international relations of any state is rooted in their national interests: first of all, the preservation of sovereignty and security for their state.

Keywords: international relations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, actors, sovereignty, security, diplomat, nations and peoples, international law, United Nations, soft power.

International relations (IR) is a special type of social relations that go beyond intra-social relations and territorial entities. The study of international relations began in ancient times, but the term «international relations» itself appeared relatively recently, at the end of XYIII, it was introduced into scientific circulation by J. Bentham (Jeremiah Jeremy Bentham, born in 1748, English moral philosopher, sociologist, lawyer). jurist, founder of the English philosophy of liberalism, which is rightfully considered the largest theory of liberalism). The opinion of the scientist regarding the definition of «international relations» was absolutely opposite to the modern concept of «international relations»; he explained this concept as «spontaneous relations of large national states».

The study of the theoretical and methodological basis of international relations began in the 20s of the twentieth century at the University of Wales in Abersweet (Great Britain) at the Department of History and Theory of International Relations. Subsequently, similar departments were opened in other universities in Europe and the United States. The development of European science in the study of the nature of international relations developed rapidly, but the outbreak of one of the largest wars in Europe (1914 -1918) suspended research activities to study international relations and scholars emigrated to the United States, in which there was a «brain drain». Favorable conditions were created for the emigrated scientists and they continued their research activities. In the 40–50s, America came to a dominant position in the world in international relations, and throughout the modern period began to occupy a leading position and leading roles in world affairs.

International relations are understood as the totality of economic, political, legal and other ties and relationships between states, social, economic, political forces, organizations and social movements operating in the world arena. [№ 1, page 1] International relations — political, social, economic, cultural and other interactions between states, as well as between non-state actors. Unlike the term «international politics», which emphasizes the conflicting side of relations, the term «international relations» implies opportunities for cooperation of actors in the international arena. [No.2, p.13]

International relations are viewed as a system of public relations and relationships between independent states, non-governmental organizations, international corporations at the international, regional or administrative-territorial level.

In the theory of the Ministry of Defense it is said that the main actor of the Ministry of Defense is the state and the main form of its activity is diplomacy. In modern conditions, in the international arena, along with the state, the role of international governmental and non-governmental organizations is increasing, which resolve issues related to the security, development and well-being of their country. Public policy exists in two aspects:

– internal (internal politics, which is the subject of political science);

– external (which is the subject of international relations).

The goal of all states is rooted in their national interests: first of all, to preserve sovereignty and ensure the security of their state, and in critical conditions — survival.

In international relations, those states that are powers have advantages. The balance of power can take on various configurations:

– unipolar;

– bipolar;

– three-polar;

– multipolar.

International relations are a unique pattern that covers:

– not locally — one region, but globally — the entire world system;

– the entire period: from historical to modern and future;

– all spheres of public life.

What organizations are subjects of international relations? The subjects of international relations are the United Nations (UN), international governmental and non-governmental organizations. More specifically, let us first consider the concept of «subjects of international relations» — these are special formations that, according to an agreement between states and international law, have international legal personality in this system. Interstate relations are an important component of international relations. The entire world community is based on military-political, economic, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other relations between states. International relations are a system of interstate interactions, the subjects of which are:

– states;

– state-like formations;

– nations and peoples;

– international organizations;

– individuals.

An actor is a subject, a participant in international relations, who is empowered to potentially act. In the theory of international relations, the state is considered the main actor. International organizations and transnational actors are non-state actors. [No. 3, p.3]. All of them are subjects of international relations. Consequently, international relations represent the entire spectrum of relations and relationships that arise between the actors of the world community. Considering the topic of international relations, it is necessary to clarify the differentiation of two concepts:

– «world (international) politics»;

– «international relationships».

In the past, the theory of international relations used the term «foreign policy» to denote interactions between independent states. In connection with the expansion of the number of subjects, the term «world politics» began to be used in the science of international relations. Thus, world politics is the core of international relations and is the political activity of the subjects of international law.

Based on the theory of international relations, relations between states are governed by international treaties.

An international treaty is an agreement governed by international law concluded by states or other subjects of international law. This agreement between states or other subjects of international law establishes, terminates or changes mutual rights in:

– military;

– political;

– economic;

– social;

– cultural;

– ecological;

– humanitarian;

– scientific;

– religious;

– educational;

– medical;

– cultural and other areas.

Depending on the subject concluding an international treaty, there are three types of it:

– interstate (concluded on behalf of the state);

– intergovernmental (concluded on behalf of the government);

– interdepartmental (concluded on behalf of organizations).

An international treaty, as the main document of international law, is expressed in the following titles:

– declarations (in constitutional law, the name of a normative legal act, which aims to give it a solemn character, to emphasize its particular importance for the destinies of the respective state);

– communiqué (official government communication on issues of international importance);

– pact (military-political treaty);

– agreement (agreement on economic issues);

– convention (agreement on technical issues);

– charter (a set of rules governing the organization and procedure for activities in any particular sphere of relations);

– cartel (agreement on the extradition of criminals and prisoners of war);

– concordat (agreement concluded with the Vatican).

An international treaty can be drawn up in the form of one document or several documents (for example, exchange of notes).

The contract differs in the number of participants:

– double-sided;

– one-sided;

– multilateral.

An international treaty can be expressed: signing;

– ratification;

– acceptance;

– approval;

– accession;

– termination (or denunciation).

The norms and principles of the law of treaties are codified in the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

The United Nations Organization (UN) is the first organization in the history of international relations that occupies a special place in the system of international relations and is an instrument of broad political cooperation in order to maintain peace and security, promote economic, social, cultural and other types of progress of all countries and peoples.... Its goal is to save present and future generations from wars. The UN Charter, previously developed at a conference in Dumbarton Oaks (USA) in 1944 by diplomats of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China, was signed on June 26, 1945 by the states participating in the founding San Francisco Conference and entered into force on October 24 of the same of the year. Currently, most of the world's states are members of the UN. The main organs of the UN are:

– General Assembly;

– Security Council;

– Economic and Social Council;

– Trusteeship Council;

– International Court;

– Secretariat.

The UN is the most representative forum for discussions between states on topical issues of international development. The UN Charter is the foundation of modern international law, a code of conduct for states and their relationships; on it other international treaties and agreements are checked. The UN is endowed with extremely important competence to resolve issues of war and peace, including through the use of armed force. The UN headquarters is located in New York, where five of the six main organs are located. In the General Assembly, each state has one vote; it meets in regular sessions annually and in special and extraordinary sessions. Decisions on the agenda are taken by a majority vote. Members of the UN are obliged to comply with the UN Charter. The UN Preamble set the goal “to create conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be observed” [No.4 p.1]. As noted in the Preamble, the most important activity of the UN is the observance and strengthening of international law between states.

International law is a system of legal, legal principles and norms governing relations between states. International law includes the concept of a subject, object and sources of international law:

– the subjects of international law are international organizations;

– the objects of international law are international (interstate) relations;

– sources of international law are international treaties and specific customs characteristic of the state.

Thus, international law is a set of legal relations and regulations governing these relations.

Work on the observance, preservation and implementation of international law is carried out in many areas:

– by courts;

– tribunals;

– multilateral agreements.

Maintaining peace in the world is the responsibility of the Security Council, which, by its right, is empowered to organize the prevention of war, the maintenance of peace, the observance of peace treaties, the imposition of sanctions, and the use of force when there is a threat to security. These powers are vested in the Security Council by the UN Charter, which is an international treaty. The UN Charter is the most important instrument of international law and the state, enshrines the basic principles of international relations, from the sovereign equality of states to the prohibition of the use of force in international relations. The modern system of international relations is the military-force interaction of states, a balance of forces in which the most powerful powers have advantages from the point of view of national interests, balancing each other either in pairs or as part of coalitions. To assess the state, it is important to characterize its power, which has the following types:

– soft power;

– hard power;

– smart power.

In turn, hard power is subdivided into:

– on power to defeat — the ability to defeat the state or eliminate it;

– power to hurt — the ability to inflict unacceptable damage to the enemy's sources of power. To assess the potential of a state, it is important to know the sources of power. They are subdivided into:

– relevant;

– potentiated.

For example, the economic and scientific potential of Germany and Japan is much greater than the international influence and status of these states.

After the end of the First World War and the Cold War, the United States acted as the guarantor of the post-war peace and economic development of many European countries. In these countries, destroyed by the First World War in Europe, and in countries weakened by the Cold War in Eastern Europe, the United States acted peacefully and provided disinterested assistance to these countries. Joseph Nye, an American scientist (the author of the term «soft power» soft power J. Nye, who introduced it in the second half of the 1980 s, meant primarily «soft power»), defined this state policy as soft power. Leading representatives of neoliberalism, famous American scientists J. Nye, R. Keohane, S. Krainer, M. Doyle in contrast to realism, who call a person aggressive and uncontrollable, they defend such human qualities as peacefulness, adherence to the ideals of cooperation, morality and mutual assistance. They argued that international relations are not anarchic and that they can and should be regulated:

– firstly, with the help of international treaties;

– secondly, through the institutions of special organizations that regulate interstate relations.

According to scientists, at present, the state is not the absolute dominant of international relations. International organizations, public opinion and business play an important role in world affairs. [No.5, p.222].


  1. https: //, p. 1
  2. Yu.P. Pomelova, O. V. Safronova Glossary of terms on the theory of international relations, Study guide, Nizhny Novgorod 2020, p. 13
  3. Yu.P. Pomelova, O. V. Safronova Dictionary of terms on the theory of international relations, Study guide, Nizhny Novgorod 2020, p. 4.
  4. Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations, date of signature on 24.06.1946, date of entry into force on 26.09.1945. Preamble p.1
  5. Joseph S. Nye, Joanne J. Myers Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. New-York Publik Affairs, 2004, p.222.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA, USSR, XYIII.

Ключевые слова

international relations, actors, international law, security, governmental and non-governmental organizations, sovereignty, diplomat, nations and peoples, United Nations, soft power

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