Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (364) май 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 27.05.2021

Статья просмотрена: 552 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Рахимова, Ш. М. Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages / Ш. М. Рахимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 22 (364). — С. 478-479. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article discusses the problem of finding new techniques and ways to increase motivation for learning foreign languages. One of these forms is new pedagogical technologies, the introduction of which contributes to effective language learning. The article gives a definition of the concepts of «Pedagogical technology» and «Smart education», which are able to provide a high level of education, corresponding to the tasks and opportunities of today's world, will allow young people to adapt in a rapidly changing, unstable environment, will ensure the transition from book content to active with the help of a single common repository of educational materials in the presence of an analytical search system; an example of working with the «die deutsche Welle» website is given.

Keywords: new information technologies, pedagogical technology, independent work, linguistic social networks.

In recent years, great changes have taken place in teacher education, which cover almost all aspects of the educational process. Increasingly, the question of the use of modern pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages ​​is being raised. New methods and forms of teaching appear, which, in turn, represent not only various technologies of the means of exchange and transmission of information with the help of which the educational process is carried out, but also one large system of teaching methods aimed at developing the communicative knowledge of students, improving speech skills. The main task of a foreign language is to teach the practical mastery of a foreign language, in the formation of basic knowledge, that is, the ability to carry out foreign language and international communication with native speakers. The search for new pedagogical technologies is associated with a lack of motivation among students to learn a foreign language. Very often, there is no positive motivation, since when studying a foreign language, students of temporary pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages. New methods and forms of teaching appear, which, in turn, represent not only various technologies of the means of exchange and transmission of information with the help of which the educational process is carried out, but also one large system of teaching methods aimed at developing the communicative knowledge of students, improving speech skills. The main task of a foreign language is to teach the practical mastery of a foreign language, in the formation of basic knowledge, that is, the ability to carry out foreign language and international communication with native speakers. The search for new pedagogical technologies is associated with a lack of motivation among students to learn a foreign language. Very often, there is no positive motivation, since when learning a foreign language, students face some difficulties and do not master the material due to their psychological characteristics. Work experience shows that the use of various, modern, fresh sources and means provokes interest in the audience, increases their motivation to study. Pedagogical technology is a set of techniques, an area of pedagogical knowledge that reflects the characteristics of the deep processes of pedagogical activity, the peculiarities of their interaction, the management of which provides the necessary efficiency of the educational process The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages allows you to reproduce learning situations, helps to complement traditional teaching methods, contributes to the formation of the fundamental skills of foreign language communication from the awareness of the ability to express thoughts in another language to the independent solution of communicative problems, increases the desire, interest of students in learning, makes -a new look at the studied subjects, thus revealing their creative and intellectual capabilities, talents Currently, the concept of «SMART» is the main purpose of the development of educational systems. The main source of knowledge is electronic, educational Internet content, technological operations are the provision of feedback between teachers and students, the exchange of knowledge between them. Smart education is a concept that involves the comprehensive modernization of all educational processes, as well as the methods and technologies used in these processes SMART education is able to provide a high level of education that meets the challenges and opportunities of today's world, will allow young people to adapt in a rapidly changing, unstable environment, will ensure the transition from book content to active content using a single common repository of educational materials in the presence of an analytical search system. The quality of educational materials in the repository should be constantly monitored through the introduction of various materials and work in a unified connection with the educational process management systems. Considering current, innovative technologies, one should dwell in more detail on the topic of using Internet resources in teaching a foreign language. The opportunities for using online resources are enormous. Using web resources, you can perform the following tasks:

— include materials from the network in the content of the lesson;

— carry out an independent search information to students in the framework of the project;

— organize and develop reading skills and habits using materials from the web of any degree of complexity;

— improve listening skills based on sound texts of the online resource network;

— replenish the vocabulary with vocabulary, abbreviations of a modern foreign language;

— study the culture of a particular language.

Traditional technologies are built on an explicitly illustrative method of teaching, with their use the teacher focuses on the presentation of the prepared educational material. In this case, information is almost always presented in the form of a monologue. That’s why the main problems are the low level of communication skills, the inability to obtain a detailed answer from the student with his own assessment of the considered issue, the insufficient inclusion of students listening to the general discussion. Traditional pedagogical technologies have their positive aspects: a clear organization of the learning process, systematic approach to teaching, widely used visual aids, tables, technical training aids. New living conditions put forward their demands for educating young people: they must be not only skillful, but also thinking, initiative, independent. The use of modern educational technologies in teaching practice is a necessary requirement for the intellectual, creative development of students. Whatever pedagogical technology we apply in the educational process, it is realized through the system of classes, so the teacher's task is to ensure the inclusion of each student in different activities.

Educational technologies give wide opportunities for differentiation and individualization of educational activity and are aimed at the final result of the educational process — the training of highly qualified specialists [5].

Of course, each teacher would like his subject to have deep interest among students, so that they are able not only to write lectures, but also understand what they write. Therefore, it is necessary to make a student an active participant in the educational process. Therefore, the teacher needs the following:

— forget about the role of the informer, he must act as the organizer, coordinator of the cognitive activity of the student and organize all kinds of educational and cognitive activities in the classroom;

— the educational and cognitive activity of the student must correspond to the educational material that must be learned;

— it is necessary that as a result of the activity the student could independently come to any conclusions, so that he would gain knowledge himself.

Systematic work with the active application of innovative pedagogical technologies increases the interest in the subject, the educational activity of students, provides a deep and hard assimilation of knowledge, and develops the thinking, memory and speech of students.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SMART.

Ключевые слова

independent work, new information technologies, pedagogical technology, linguistic social networks

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