Communicative communication | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (364) май 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 28.05.2021

Статья просмотрена: 7 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ахмеджанова, Д. Б. Communicative communication / Д. Б. Ахмеджанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 22 (364). — С. 531-532. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).

Introducing communicative communication in a foreign language is a complex process. In a communicative process, certain information is conveyed, and the recipient of the information has to express his or her reaction to that information.

It is known that a meeting in a foreign language class helps students to effectively organize and manage their learning activities, the teacher communicates with the student, the student interacts with the student, and in this complex process, the students take written and oral presentations. The teacher and the student are in constant contact in the formation of speech skills. Communicative communication training is one of the most complex processes and is based on communicative tasks. The main goal of foreign language teaching is to focus not only on memorizing the rules, but also on expressing one's thoughts orally and in writing. It should be noted that in the process of organizing a communicative dialogue, the teacher's clear and unambiguous task is to create a situation that allows the student to think, to enter the conversation easily, and first of all to remember the learning materials learned in the lesson.

It is known that in the course of the lesson, the teacher begins to meet, taking into account the individual and psychological characteristics of each student. It should be noted that the meeting takes place only when there is a mutual cooperation between the student and the teacher. You can use a variety of tools to communicate. Speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing in a foreign language are the means by which speech is effective. That is, correct pronunciation, melody, gestures, body movements are very important in this process, they are used as a means of acquiring knowledge and shaping and improving the flow of speech. A well-thought-out communicative dialogue promotes students' fluency in a foreign language and ensures that the lesson is interesting and effective. The communicative dialogue takes into account the individual characteristics of each student. In other words, any student differs from others in his / her ability, learning and speaking skills in general. Communicative approach takes into account all these features and creates the conditions for communication. At the same time, communicative communication is manifested in the fact that it is focused on speech in the teaching process. This means that speaking a foreign language as a means of communication is achieved through practical mastery and practical use of language. Creating the conditions for communicative communication, conducting many interactive exercises, helps to improve the quality of lessons.

Nowadays, in order to achieve a high level of communicative training, a lot of attention is paid to the situation. All foreign experts emphasize the need to conduct training on a case-by-case basis. Such situations serve to improve the quality of speech activity, the development of broad and deep thinking. Communication, in turn, introduces innovation into the learning process, and innovation is manifested in the skillful conduct of the lesson in a variety of ways. These can be, first of all, the novelty of the existing speech situations, ie the novelty of the materials used, the novelty of the organization of the lesson and the methods of work, and the materials on the topic obtained from the Internet. Innovation is achieved through a constant combination of learning materials.

The first task of a foreign language teacher in organizing a communicative conversation is to create a situation that allows the student to have his own opinion and to enter into an easy conversation and, first of all, to remember the study material. In this case, when the teacher enters the meeting, taking into account the individual approach and mental characteristics of each student, it is clear that the meeting is organized in the form of a natural conversation of peers, not the examiners. If a teacher pretends that he does not know a weak learner and asks another active student for an answer, he will not achieve the expected results in organizing and managing the first student's learning activities. The main advantage of communicative communication in the classroom is that The positive or negative nature of such relationships can have a profound effect on students' attitudes toward a foreign language, their level of mastery and interest. Communicative communication in the learning process is based on mutual interest and mutual interest in learning. Conversion in modern linguistics defined as ―the method in word formation without the use of special word-formation affixes; a kind of transposition in which the transition of a word from one part of speech to another occurs, so that the denominative form the word one part of speech is used without any material change as a representative to another part of speech. Some authors also use the terms disaffix or zero derivation. When converting to the derivative and baseline, the following changes occur:

  1. There is a change in the semantics of the derived word in comparison with the original basis; for example, an adjective that turns into a noun ceases to denote the characteristic of the object and begins to express the object;
  2. The compatibility of derived words is changed; thus, a noun can be used in any position in a sentence, and, passing into the class of adjectives, it is used only before a noun;
  3. The word paradigm is changing; the passing word takes all the grammatical signs of a new part of speech; for example, a noun, moving into the category of adjectives, like adjectives, ceases to change in cases, numbers and category of possessiveness. On this occasion, A. I. Smirnitsky writes: ―Conversion is a type of word formation (word production), in which only the word paradigm itself serves as a word- building tool.‖ O. S. Akhmanova, in defining the essence of conversion, puts forward and substantiates the concept of paradigm. She writes: ―Conversion — the formation of a new word by transferring this basis to another inflection paradigm.

A mutually agreeable dialogue between them becomes a mutually positive relationship. At the same time, the teacher's words of encouragement, direction, praise, and encouragement are encouraging. In such a situation, cognition, based on lively communicative communication, works. In this communicative conversation, the teacher becomes the organizer, sincere adviser and assistant to the interlocutor. In such a communicative conversation, students are not afraid to distance themselves, to make mistakes, or to be misunderstood. In this case, students are able to think deeply in the classroom, to maintain balance and to cope with various situations.

The topic of purpose can be looked at in two ways. First, what does the child accomplish by communicating a message TO others through some form of communication and secondly, how does he respond to the same purposeful message when provided to him FROM others? So, for example, can a child request an object? What happens if a person requests an object from him? While the second question is important, this article will only focus on the first question (i.e., the impact of the child’s messages TO others).

It may be easier for the non-speech pathology person to have noted the characteristics of intentionality and means of communication before addressing the element of purpose. Sometimes the purposes are very obvious and other times, it may take trial and error and/or consultation with others, to figure out the exact message.

The following two categories are not inclusive of every purpose for communication. They basically reflect the common types of communication that are part of a repertoire of a young child under the age of five. A few other references at the end can be used to add more detail. It is important to know what communicative purposes a child with ASD is using so new purposes can be taught. While requesting objects is the frequent goal of early intervention programs, requesting is not the primary function expressed during conversations. Expansion of the child’s repertoire of purposes can occur while teaching use of some of the means of communication outlined in the previous section.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ASD, FROM.

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