Features of communication interaction and achieving consolidation on the example of Iraq and Russia | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Прочее

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (365) июнь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 01.06.2021

Статья просмотрена: 15 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Самойлов, И. П. Features of communication interaction and achieving consolidation on the example of Iraq and Russia / И. П. Самойлов, Ваел Мохаммед Кадхим. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 23 (365). — С. 503-505. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/365/81812/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Within the framework of this article, the authors raise such an urgent issue as the features of communicative interaction to achieve common consolidation on the example of Russia and Iraq. The authors describe the current communication relations between Russia and Iraq, and also highlight the fact that social networks serve as a special platform for general consolidation. The authors consider in detail the features of social networks in this process.

Key words : communication, consolidation, process, social networks, activities, features, interaction.

In general, within the framework of this entire stage of interaction between such states as Iraq and Russia, their overall level of any common communication relations can be described with full confidence as extremely unsatisfactory [4]. The fact is that at this stage of relations between the states there is a complete lack of high-quality communication, as well as the organization of a full-fledged communication exchange between Iraq and Russia, which can also be evidenced by the aspect of the reluctance of one or the other side to enter into a dialogue [2].

In general, we can emphasize the fact that the highest quality and full-fledged communications within all the conditions of the process of interaction between the two states play a key role not only for harmony in the management system, but also for the full-fledged consolidation of Iraq and Russia.

So, in the context of the emergence of modern structures that fully ensure the process of communication and consolidation both at the general government level and at the civil level, I emphasize the importance of social networks that are used and function to varying degrees on the territory of Iraq and Russia. Most often, social networks are presented in the form of Internet sites, within which users, organizations, as well as government departments can, to some extent, carry out a qualitative exchange of information of various directions.

Certain social networks within the framework of communication activities and consolidation of Iraq and Russia serve as a modern and special platform for interaction between both the governing elite and media representatives, which is an important aspect in the framework of consolidation, as well as the perception of a particular news information. Within the framework of this process, the format of a personal blog, as well as the overall efficiency, focus on results, the availability of multimedia content, as well as the ability to track image events that affect communications between Iraq and Russia to one degree or another, can be considered special moments in the consolidation.

It is worth noting that social networks in the framework of communication and communication interaction, as well as the consolidation of Iraq and Russia, have a number of advantages and disadvantages that are extremely important to take into account, both government structures and media representatives in the process of creating a particular news information.

In general, we can refer to all such features:

— The large number and activity of the audience that takes part in the process of communication and consolidation of Iraq and Russia. So, the general logic can be traced due to the fact that the entire daily flow that goes through social networks can reach up to 10 million people daily, and the total depth of views for the average user of Iraq or Russia reaches up to sixty-five pages per day [2].

— Community model of communication between participants in the process of communication and consolidation of Iraq and Russia. In general, at this point in time, within the framework of social networks that are represented on the territory of the States of Iraq and Russia, there are more than twenty-five different communities and groups that users of Iraq and Russia are inclined to join and receive from there some information that will be able to provide a qualitative approach to the consolidation of Iraq and Russia. In general, this feature can serve as the most effective element for analyzing the public opinion of both the citizens of Iraq and the citizens of Russia regarding the general issue of the consolidation of these states.

— A frequent change of vector in the process of organizing communication and consolidating Iraq and Russia, which can be systematically updated by various interstate processes. Thus, representatives of the social networks of Iraq and Russia are already faced with the fact of the state structures of these very states, within the framework of those moments that radically change the work of their numerous network communities, which in one way or another take part in the process of spreading information, primarily contributing to the consolidation of Iraq and Russia [1].

Thus, it remains to emphasize the fact that the entire overall process of communication interaction and the process of achieving consolidation between such states as Iraq and Russia plays the most important role in the structure of the process of creating and functioning of all high-quality interstate communication links. Social networks within the framework of this stage of the development of communication flows between Iraq and Russia are considered to be the highest quality tools for achieving the entire consolidation process. So, in the format presented in the framework of social networks, the overall process of consolidation of Iraq and Russia can be achieved by using the materials that were published in the space system of certain communities in social networks. The quality of all such communications directly affects the overall state of relations between Iraq and Russia, as well as all further consolidating processes.


  1. Terin, V. P. Internet-a tool of political action // Bulletin of MGIMO University. 2013, No. 4. p. 152.
  2. Kryshtanovskaya, O. V. Research of political communication: the state and social networks / O. V. Kryshtanovskaya. — M.: Vestnik universiteta, 2018. — 171 p.
  3. Yanitsky, O. N. Social movements: theory, practice, perspective. Moscow: Novy chronograf, 2018. 356 p.
  4. Communication resources of the Republic of Iraq [Electronic resource] — Access mode: www.iimes.ru/?p=251
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MGIMO.

Ключевые слова

communication, process, Interaction, activities, social networks, features, consolidation

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