The role of the internet in the educational process | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №24 (366) июнь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 10.06.2021

Статья просмотрена: 72 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Ларионенко, В. В. The role of the internet in the educational process / В. В. Ларионенко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 24 (366). — С. 356-357. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article is devoted to the problem of the Internet and education. How does the Global Network affect education and self-development? Many people have devoted their articles and research papers to developing methodological manuals and covering the topic of the connection between the Internet and education.

Keywords: Internet, education, distance learning, Global network.

Ключевые слова: интернет, образование, дистанционное обучение, глобальная сеть.

This article will discuss the role of the Internet in education. Today, mass media and the Internet are gaining more and more popularity. Many people talk about the harm of the World Wide Web and its harmful influence on the minds and morals of the younger generation. However, we can also highlight the positive side of this problem.

The Internet is a worldwide system of unified computer networks. Often referred to as the World Wide Web and the Global Network, as well as simply the Network. It is based on the IP protocol and IP packet routing. Based on the Internet, the World Wide Web (WorldWideWeb, WWW) and many other data transmission systems work [1, p. 219–222].

In 2021, the Internet is a worldwide source of information and a means of communication for educational purposes. The whole world has switched to online distance learning for a while. It was this decision that influenced the fact that people have a new view on the use of the Internet in education.

Almost any books and sources are available to anyone at any time. You can watch the tour online in many museums, parks, palaces, etc. without leaving the country, without leaving your home.

Most journalists, public and media personalities, teachers and psychologists talk about the emergence of a number of problems that are associated with the change of media priorities. Gradually, there is a transformation of the letter and the printed text. If earlier the main sources of information were newspapers, magazines and books, now they are media texts in electronic form [2].

The impact of the Internet and media text is predicted to be even greater. With the help of new media technologies, the side of the educational process around the world is developing. Scientists say that the introduction of new technologies will bring significant benefits to children. It goes without saying that people of the old school may disagree with this. However, this question is subjective and has its own positive and negative sides.

Distance learning is becoming increasingly relevant. It has a great advantage for most people, since people spend less time and money on the road; you can study while sitting on sick leave and not miss classes; disabled people can not worry about the decline in the quality of education. In many European countries, a distance education diploma is no different from a full-time education diploma. Thanks to the Global Internet network, students have the opportunity to receive additional education without leaving home or even leaving the country. Now people can attend webinars and online broadcasts in order to gain knowledge. And all this can be obtained absolutely for free [3].

The use of the Internet in education is associated with the acquisition of new opportunities for self-education, improving the level and quality of their general and professional education, self-actualization. The widespread use of the Internet rationalizes human activity, expands access to information, contributes to the rapid growth of the competence of specialists, and allows achieving numerous positive economic effects.

With the help of Internet technologies, it is possible to move away from ordinary and sometimes boring academic training, which is not suitable for everyone, and the methods of which are mostly outdated. The possibility of a game moment in education is developing not only with the help of computer games, which was widespread at the beginning of the twenty-first century, but also the use of new technologies and applications. Including the development of sensational VR and AR. With the help of these technologies, children now have the opportunity to develop creatively; they can strive for their dreams and self-actualize without much expense [1, p. 219–222].

Now, educational institutions provide many opportunities for information and messaging for both students and teachers [3]:

– Email address

– Video broadcasts

– Open access to Internet file servers

– Free electronic library

– Independent control testing

– Subjects’ lectures in electronic form.

The formation of modern education is not possible without a powerful communication and telecommunications system. To implement training with Internet technologies, it is necessary to develop new methods, create platforms, train teachers and students to use the provided technologies and equip them with the necessary means of communication.


  1. Grigoriev S. G., Grinshkun V. V. Textbook-a step on the way to the training system of «Informatization of education». // In the collection of scientific papers «Problems of the school textbook». / Scientific and methodological edition. Moscow: ISMO RAO, — 2005. pp. 219–222.
  2. Shapsigov M. M., Kardanova E. Sh., Guchapshev Kh. M. Features of the use of Internet technologies in the educational process of the university. Nalchik.
  3. Ivanova M. A. Influence of the Internet on the globalization of education in Russia information society.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ISMO, RAO, WWW.

Ключевые слова

internet, education, distance learning, Global network

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