Use of speech simulating exercises in Russian language classes in a higher educational institution | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №25 (367) июнь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 17.06.2021

Статья просмотрена: 22 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Турумова, Т. Х. Use of speech simulating exercises in Russian language classes in a higher educational institution / Т. Х. Турумова, У. С. Каландаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 25 (367). — С. 448-450. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The specific process of teaching a foreign language is not able to cover the entire system of phonetic, grammatical and lexical units. Depending on the purpose of training, the contingent of students and other conditions, certain restrictions are imposed on the language material to be assimilated.

The organization of linguistic material, therefore, implies, first of all, its selection based on certain criteria. The language material must go through the stages so that the student can freely use it in the acts of communication:

a) the stage of pre-speech exercises,

b) the stage of speech exercises,

c) the stage of creating natural situations of communication in the educational environment

Let's look at an example exercise. Exercises are a special type of learning activity through which one or another level of skill automation is achieved. There are developed exercise theories that define their scope. In teaching practice, there are often cases when the exercises used are not sufficiently effective.

It also happens that, depending on the theoretical setting, a particular exercise is given more or less importance. Let's discuss the effectiveness of some types of exercise. For example, transfer exercises. They can serve two purposes. First, they can serve as the actual teaching of translation from one language to another. However, they can provide other purposes teaching foreign oral speech. Translation from the native language in this case into Russian can serve as an exercise aimed at teaching foreign oral speech. Only in this type of translation serves to consolidate the material submitted and can be qualified as a speech exercise carried out at the first stage of teaching Russian speech.

In speech exercises, the focus is on the formal and structural features of the language material. The student strives to ensure that the speech action specified in the exercise is correctly constructed and corresponds to the studied model. Each point of the speech exercise should correspond to a separate situation.

The principle of creating such a situation is that any conditions are introduced into the learning environment that requires a verbal response. This is done in two ways: by submitting either verbal or non-verbal material. In the first case, the exercise contains a verbally given set that contributes to the emergence of a specific speech action. You can, for example, instruct the exercise to continue the sentence using the specific hint in parentheses:

I find it difficult to wake up in the morning (buy an alarm clock). I find it difficult to translate the text (use a dictionary) (Мне трудно просыпаться по утрам (купить будильник). Я затрудняюсь с переводом текста (пользоваться словарём)).

Sample execution: Поэтому я купил будильник. Поэтому я пользуюсь словарём (That's why I bought an alarm clock. Therefore, I use a dictionary).

Such a task can be given without a prompt, defining in the tie only the direction of the continuation of the sentence.

Speech exercises include all those exercises, the instructions for which require a definition, establish a difference or similarity, and correct an error. They can also vary in difficulty depending on the material they contain. For example, they can include an exercise with instructions to indicate the purpose of objects such as a knife, dictionary, pencil etc. A more difficult exercise is the one in which you need to establish the difference between pairs of similar objects or phenomena, for example, describe the difference between a newspaper or magazine, student and pupil.

It is advisable to present the described exercises in the course of teaching the Russian language in sufficient quantity, since they provide the best transition to work in natural situations. Fulfilling them, the student solves the educational problem by expressing independent thought in a foreign language. This prepares him to be able to cope with his natural communication situation without experiencing difficulties. Less common are exercises based on non-verbal material. In them, the tie is presented in the form of pictures. The picture is like a stopped situation. It is convenient for practicing certain speech actions. The content of the pictures should correspond to the interests of the learners. The main types of speech exercises for them are descriptive and question-and-answer. The most effective way to develop speech skills is communication exercises. The value of using communication exercises lies in the fact that the approach to life practice convinces the trainees of the practical significance of the teaching material. For the exercises to be of a communicative nature, tasks must be formulated in such a way that they contain some kind of stimulus, that is, they must contain a communicative setting. One of the principles of constructing communicative exercises is the principle of imitating a communicative task. The communicativeness of training involves the use of not language, but speech exercises, which differ from the first in the presence of a speech partner, a speech task. In the application of these exercises, grammar-translation and communicative or direct teaching methods differ. You can use for speech training tasks on the topic «Prepositions» of the type:

  1. Где учится ваша сестра? (школа) (Where does your sister study? (school))
  2. Где мы сейчас сидим? (аудитория) (Where are we sitting now? (classroom))
  3. Где мальчики играют в футбол? (стадион) (Where do boys play football? (stadium))
  4. Где находится ваша аудитория? (второй этаж) (Where is your classroom located? (second floor))

Task 2.

1. Ваши друзья сейчас ….. библиотеке? (Are your friends now.....the library?)

2. Вы живёте …… общежитии? (Do you live in a...... hostel?)

3. Вы учитесь….. первом курсе? (Are you in….. first year?)

4. Вы сейчас ….. университете….. факультете? (Are you now….. university….. faculty?)

These speech exercises can be used in a lesson conducted in the traditional way, but also to consolidate new material when applying the communicative method. For speech training, you can effectively use tasks for drawing up dialogues on topics that interest students, but at the same time using the prepositions being studied.

Teaching the techniques of teaching, cognition of a new language code, the formation of skills for its practical use for communication is one of the most important components of the content of education. Aimless pronunciation of some sentences is pronunciation, not speaking. The speaker always wants to achieve a goal with his statement: for example, to convince or dissuade the interlocutor, to express his opinion. Such goals can be called communication tasks. It is not considered a technology of communicative methods of specifying the type: form phrases with the prepositions B and HA. But such language exercises are good to use to consolidate grammatical material. It follows from this that language exercises are used before speaking. The formation of grammatical skills on a specific topic occurs in combination with the formation of lexical skills. The facts of the language are presented using standard sentences, question-and-answer replicas:

For example:

— Откуда вы приехали? (- Where are you from?)

— Где вы живете? (- Where do you live?)

— Где вы учитесь? (- Where are you studying?)

With the help of such questions and answers, students are trained in the use of the studied forms. But it is impossible to master a foreign language without knowing the system of this language. “This is achieved by organizing at a certain stage of teaching grammatical generalizations, the purpose of which is to show the complete paradigm of case forms, to trace the system of grammatical features of each part of speech, etc.

In the learning process, the student masters the communicative units necessary for communication and receives information about the lexical and grammatical structure of the Russian language, about the boundaries of the use of the studied phenomena, their place in the language system. The connection between language and reality dictates a set of typical situations to create conditions for informal communication in Russian.

The main tasks of the teacher when performing speech exercises are: ensuring that students memorize grammatical material, i.e. development of relevant skills and disclosure to them of a clear verbal perspective of the use of these skills. These exercises are widely used in translation and less in the communicative method. Test tasks can be used as simulators. The purpose of using tests in teaching foreign languages is, as a rule, to check the assimilation of a small fragment of educational material (grammatical topics, vocabulary of several lessons of a textbook, understanding of texts, etc.). Tests have their advantages as students relatively quickly can respond to the need arisen in them. Thus, tests are a flexible option for testing knowledge, consider a real situation, meet the urgent needs of teaching and testing students' knowledge in specific situations. In our case, the test is an ideal form of testing the acquired knowledge in a lesson on this topic. One of the types of teaching tests is the so-called close-test. The peculiarity of the closed test is that the situation in it is presented in the form of a coherent text (both a monologue and a dialogue). Thus, the information of such a test situation refers, on the one hand, to the organization of the language, and on the other, to the extra-linguistic reality. The combination of linguistic and extra linguistic features of the text makes it possible to overcome the abstraction of the models of the checked linguistic material. It follows that the success of the closed test is directly dependent on how quickly the subject can understand the entire text and restore connections between the events or states of the characters described in the text. This, in turn, is determined by how well he knows the vocabulary of the target language, to what extent he has developed a linguistic guess and how adequately he understands the text of a specific test situation.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that a closed test can be used as a form of control, when students have formed an appropriate language base on which a guess is built. Students write words on a closed test. The correctness of filling in the gaps testifies to an accurate understanding of the text in all the interconnection of linguistic and extra linguistic factors presented in it, as well as to the knowledge of lexical material in the process of reading. (Students read the micro-text twice, on the second reading they fill in the gaps of prepositions В, НА, ИЗ, С).

— Ты прекрасно выглядишь, Рустам.... лагере отдыхал? (- You look great, Rustam.... rest in the camp?)

— Нет, я всё лето провел ….кишлаке у бабушки (- No, I spent the whole summer…. village at my grandmother's).

The second part of the test is of a creative nature and is also a test of the students' communicative competence. They should write the answer to the questions using their own life experiences.

Assessment of the quality of test execution can be carried out in the following way. For each correct answer, the student receives 1 point, for an incorrect answer — 0 points. When assessing the quality of the test, the total score (which is obtained if all of the subject's answers were correct) is compared with the actual score. Based on the test results, we can draw conclusions about the effectiveness of teaching methods.


  1. Alkhazashvili A. A. The basics of mastering oral foreign speech. — Moscow, 1989 (in Russian).
  2. Talipova R. T. Development of interest in the Russian language. — Tashkent, Ukituvchi, 1991 (in Russian).

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