The significance and effect of authentic materials and innovative technology in ELL | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №25 (367) июнь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 19.06.2021

Статья просмотрена: 24 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Курбанбаев, Д. А. The significance and effect of authentic materials and innovative technology in ELL / Д. А. Курбанбаев, Д. Р. Бегдуллаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 25 (367). — С. 515-517. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This paper deals with the role of authentic materials and ICTs in English language learning. The twenty first century demands to live suitably to the period being aware of foreign languages and technology innovations. And this knowledge is gained through studying well with effective methods. Accordingly, efficient ways of ELL include usage of technology facilities and authentic materials. As a consequence, in classes which these modern methods are used there will be progress in language proficiency.

Keywords : technology, ICT, authentic materials, social media, language proficiency

Apparently, today is the era that every field is being digitized due to the technological progress. In this modern twenty first century everything is connected with innovations of technology that is used in all walks of life. Because, it facilitates every aspect of human activity, i.e. use of modern technology can help to accomplish job faster and more efficiently rather than making on hand.

In order to live or act suitably to the present time, everyone uses facilities that are being renewed and developed day by day. As in every sphere like architecture, business, medicine, government or, also in education the role of technology is incredible. In a study process, it is significant to find an appropriate and efficient teaching method. If teacher utilizes technology tools, it can be cause to easily draw students’ attention and increase their activeness during the class. In traditional classrooms, usual way of teaching is still saved and it is influencing on decrease of students’ interest in learning. Instructor stands in front of the students, near the blackboard and explains the topic using just classroom tools. Especially in language learning, it is effective to use modern methods such as information technologies (IT). Ahmadi (2017) stated that one of the important elements for learning is the method that instructors use in their classes to facilitate language learning process. Mainly foreign language learners need different methods because of that they are learning different language and they require different atmosphere apart from the native one. They can adapt their target language sphere, if there are enough sources from the internet and authentic materials in the TL. Internet facilities can motivate learners to learn more and more. Because, there are so many information to get and we can find suitable data wherever and whenever we need. In the internet, for one topic there are so many results that can show all the aspects of the topic. Presence of various and much information can make a learner interested and gives enthusiasm to receive colorful knowledge. That’s why it can stimulate a student to study with a high willing for enriching their knowledge.

With English reportedly the most commonly ‘learned’ second language around the world (Crystal, 1997; Special Eurobarometer, 2006: 243), we can consider that it is a language of every field that is being digitized according to the modern century. Thus, there is a high progress in teaching and learning rate of English. The language is becoming a main weapon of communication and main language of technology. Therefore, there are a large number of effective methods for English learner and instructors in order to achieve language proficiency.

Moreover, one of advantageous methods is using authentic materials. Authentic materials are video, audio and print materials that students come across in daily life such as advertisements, articles we read, songs, audios we listen to or TV shows we watch. They may have an essential role in FLL that can impact on students’ adaptation to the target destination. Using this method learners become more fluent and sound and act like native speakers.

Currently the usage of media is dramatically increasing in all fields including education, especially ELL sphere. According to the youth interest in media, they can be easily related to everything connected with media. For instance, social networks that they use daily are the ones which they care about mostly nowadays. Thus, in the process of teaching and learning FL it would be better if the methods are experienced using media tools. Namely, Instagram that the majority of students are keen on using should take part in the process. Topic of the lesson can be found in particular channel of this social net. So, students should try to find suitable and various types of what is given in the topic. Then they themselves should explain what they found to the audience. And finally they should be given a task about to publish how they conduct the lesson in their private profiles. In this case, student tries to do their best to publish a good post for their followers. Additionally, number views and likes are the main points for media users. As a consequence, learners realize that they should learn the topic well and do the task efficiently in order to achieve success in the rate of like and view. On one hand, it is called self-work on their learning progress, on the other hand, viewers’ attention and comments can be motivation for students. They receive different comments from different audiences like adult, young, pupil, teacher, and various ranges of professions rather than a small audience of the class that includes just your classmates. And different opinions of different people can be a cause to increase the quality of the product next time.

It is advantageous to conduct the lesson having colorful media that is suitable for students or according to the topic of the lesson. There are a lot of beneficial sides of utilizing media while teaching and learning English. In a process of teaching the language usage of various media tools as authentic materials can involve the whole audience into the lesson and can make them more active and enthusiastic. Murcia (2001: 461) asserts, “Media tools are physical things used by the teacher to motivate the students by bringing a slice of real life into the classroom and by presenting language in its more complete communication complex”. As mentioned above, such kind of authentic materials show some real experience from the target language sphere and can make the students aware of important information about the native world of the TL. For example, some native speakers’ speeches in the social nets can be something to learn for FL learners. Native people can teach more about their language or culture rather than non-native teacher. Because students speak spontaneously if someone in front of them is a native speaker. The reason why is that student ought to explain their opinion to them instead of translating. If a non-native speaker is your partner, you are able to speak how you want or in a mixed language. Therefore, the role of native sphere is crucial in a process of FLL.

Furthermore, through the usage of modern devices that include ICT and authentic materials student can grow autonomously. Even without having a real and common lesson, learner can improve his knowledge by himself trying to search something new and useful from the internet. In one hand, utilization of technology can develop both teacher’s and students’ IT skills. On the other hand, it is possible that person may become addicted to the network, if there is no self-control or control by his parents or other responsible people.

To sum up, to achieve FL proficiency modern and effective methods like the ones mentioned above should be used in ELL process.


  1. Ahmadi, M. R. (2017). The impact of motivation on reading comprehension. International Journal of Research in English Education.
  2. Crystal, D (1997) English as a global language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Special Eurobarometer 243 (2006) Europeans and their languages. Available online at:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ELL, FLL, ICT.

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