The role of speech competence and dictionaries in the education of patriotism in primary school | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №25 (367) июнь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 18.06.2021

Статья просмотрена: 36 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Файзуллаева, Гавхар. The role of speech competence and dictionaries in the education of patriotism in primary school / Гавхар Файзуллаева, М. Х. Хусенова, Садокат Бахронова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 25 (367). — С. 450-453. — URL: (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).

A sense of patriotism expresses a person’s passionate love for their Homeland and its nature, its people, its people’s past and present heroism, language and art. From time immemorial, the love of the people for their homeland has been sung in songs, fairy tales and rare works of our oriental thinkers. The feeling of patriotism always inspires people to work hard and fight for the happiness of the people. Patriotism is not an innate feeling. That is why it is important to cultivate this feeling in the primary grades. This article discusses the role of speech competence and vocabulary in teaching the topic of homeland in primary school.

Keywords: patriotism, homeland, methodological recommendations, Сognitive approach, Speech competence, Communication goal, Primary school students.

Чувство патриотизма выражает страстную любовь человека к своей Родине и ее природе, ее народу, его прошлому и настоящему героизму, языку и искусству. Испокон веков любовь народа к своей Родине воспевалась в песнях, сказках и редких произведениях наших мыслителей Востока. Чувство патриотизма всегда вдохновляет людей много работать и бороться за счастье народа. Патриотизм — это не врожденное чувство. Вот почему так важно воспитывать это чувство в начальных классах. В этой статье обсуждается роль речевой компетенции и словарного запаса в преподавании темы родины в начальной школе.

Ключевые слова: патриотизм, Родина, методические рекомендации, когнитивный подход, речевая компетенция, коммуникационная цель, учащиеся начальной школы.

Basic knowledge of the homeland is formed in children on the basis of their life experiences, on the basis of certain ideas about life around them. Homeland is reflected in the attitude of each person to his home, the country where he was born and raised, the closest people to his parents, brothers and sisters. The feeling of love for the motherland is in the blood through breast milk. This sacred feeling is nurtured and brought up by the mother goddess. Man is perfect in his homeland. He goes to school of life. The homeland is a world with a pure heart, and its preservation is the sacred duty of each of us. It is a land where dear people have grown up, where they have sacrificed their lives for the sake of its bright future and prosperity. There is a hand, there is a homeland. There is a homeland, there is a hand. Homeland without hands — a desert. A stateless hand is a wanderer. That is why in ancient times the Motherland was revered as glue. The concept of homeland has been interpreted differently at different times. It is no coincidence that the hadiths say, «Loving one's country is a matter of faith». To love one's country is to be patriotic. The homeland is the source and source of spirituality and culture, science, literature and art. There is no greater wealth for man than the Motherland. When we talk about faith, first of all, we have a vision. We cannot create a great Motherland with independence and prospects without restoring faith and religion. The feeling of homeland enters everyone's blood with the mother goddess, poems and songs heard in childhood.

Patriotism is loyalty to one's nation, motherhood and faith. Patriotism is the purity of healthy forces, healthy thinking, religion and faith. Patriotism is a responsibility to the Motherland, living in the interests of the nation. To develop the country means to contribute to the national prestige, to benefit, to work selflessly, honestly, to think of the glory and interests of the people, to be humane. Patriotism is the devotion of each person to his people and living the people's pain as their own, to contribute to the great state of Uzbekistan. Patriotism is the most important component of the moral formation of an individual. That is why when a child's sense of patriotism is formed from infancy, it lasts forever. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the following in each person from an early age. To be a worthy child of the motherland, to set an example of decency, to always remember those who gave their lives for the Motherland, to follow the principles of non-refoulement in the interests of the people. In order to love the Motherland and keep it inviolable, it is not necessary to face a difficult day for this blessed Motherland. Every action, every realization, every unfulfilled intention, every dream, every hope, every bitterness of life is connected with the fate of the Motherland every day, every second. Naturally, it enriches the content of patriotism.

The Motherland is ours, while the sacred feeling of patriotism is burning in our hearts. The anthem, the flag, the cotton in the coat of arms of Uzbekistan, the wheat, the hummingbird, must be deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone who lives on the soil of our country and considers himself a patriot. This means that every healthy generation must cultivate love and respect for the traditions, language and culture of their people. Only in this way will a true man, who perceives his people as one of the equal in the whole community of nations, grow up to be the zealots of his homeland. Therefore, if every person has a great faith in his homeland, a feeling of noble kindness, if he cherishes these wonderful blessings for a lifetime, if he applies them in life, then he will be pure, sincere and can be a true patriot.

Introduction of state education standard based on competency approach. The pilot project is aimed at the education system in our country is a shining example of attention. Competence includes the following concepts combines Professional in the work of a modern primary school teacher training, that is, its professionalism, the organization of pedagogical processes and competence in management is essential. That's it origin, it can be said, regularly his professional knowledge, develop skills and competencies, expand understanding, science and technical achievements, modern pedagogical and information communication technology. There are special training courses for teachers, new methodological recommendations, electronic resources and more teaching aids are needed to use them effectively. Competence is the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge ability to apply in practice in daily activities. In short competency education through teaching the Homeland develops students' independent and critical thinking. Elementary school students and focusing on teacher competency development in the future It is a guarantee of upbringing a harmoniously developed generation that will serve for the happiness of our country. We will now focus on the role of verbal competence and vocabulary in teaching the subject of homeland in the primary grades. Modern tendencies of school language education imply strengthening of the practical orientation of the process of mastering the mother tongue, subordination of the work on the language theory to the interests of students’ speech development. Considering this, the goal of the primary school language course is to teach students to use mother tongue fluently as a means of communication, spiritual enrichment, and formation of intellectual culture. This approach ensures the proper level of speech competence of students, which is one of the most important conditions for successful socialization. This can be achieved through the transformation of language learning technologies and the development of innovative techniques. A major barrier for including vocabulary in the primary curriculum is the difficulty of assessing vocabulary under classroom conditions. Testing children’s vocabulary orally on a one-to-one basis is not difficult. I believe that the inability to readily and directly assess vocabulary and vocabulary growth has been a major reason why vocabulary receives little attention in the primary grades. If vocabulary is to be taught in the primary grades through theme Homeland, teachers will need to monitor children’s acquisition of taught vocabulary.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): начальная школа, речевая компетенция, чувство патриотизма.

Ключевые слова

patriotism, homeland, methodological recommendations, Сognitive approach, Speech competence, Communication goal, Primary school students

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