The current need and architectural solutions for the organization of exhibition halls in secondary schools | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: , ,

Рубрика: Архитектура, дизайн и строительство

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №26 (368) июнь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 22.06.2021

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ахмедов, Д. Д. The current need and architectural solutions for the organization of exhibition halls in secondary schools / Д. Д. Ахмедов, З. О. Кимсанов, Н. Х. Маткаримов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 26 (368). — С. 73-75. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

There are many problems in the exteriors of schools today, one of the most important of which is that the «Exhibition Hall» buildings are not included in the school project. One of the factors that has a significant impact on the creative activity of pupils today is the bright spot. Problems arranging buildings for pupils to have the perfect exhibition of their interests. In all countries, tools to motivate children to pursue a mature career in the future. Internal capacity for additional facilities in schools is an example of an exhibition hall building. (It is planned to design an exhibition hall building on the example of the 9th comprehensive school located in the village of Mirzakhoja, Mirzakhoja mahalla of Uchkuprik district of Fergana region). Promoting the practical work done in schools in various circles, as well as the crafts of the local population.

Keywords: exposition, embroidery, rope production, fund, enfilade, exhibition pavilion.


In recent years, vocational guidance and education of pupils has become one of the most pressing issues in the youth policy of all countries. Young people, especially those of school age who are not covered by higher education, are becoming more unorganized and unemployed in the future. In some cases, even pupils with creative abilities may not be able to pursue a specific profession in the future. It is obvious that science is not organized in schools in a practical way. As a result, the number of unemployed young people is growing. In addressing such issues, it appears that architecture does not involve the placement of certain facilities in the master plan when designing schools. An example is the exhibition hall building.


We analyze the current state of the school selected for the study. The total area of the school is 31054.95 sq.m., (Table 1) the number of teachers is 105, the number of pupils are 1275, the number of primary school pupils are 415 and the number of high school pupils are 860.

Table 1

9 School Area Balance

Name of rooms

Area M 2


Buildings and structures



Gardens and flower beds



Terrace area



Asphalt pavement



Handball field



Volleyball court



Basketball court



Football staduim



Training area



A small football stadium with artificial turf



Ground area




The main handicrafts of the population in the area of Mirzakhoja, Beshkapa, Kumarik, Gul kishlak, Ganchi villages around the 9th school: sewing, rope production, production of a number of handicraft products such as household goods removed. Information on production potential in the above areas is provided. Table 2 (taken from the report of the Craftsmen's Association of Uchkuprik district) In addition, small business and entrepreneurship have a role to play in the region. stands in the ring.

Table 2

Crafts statistics of the population

Name of neighborhood

The main type of craft

Number by type of craft



Sewing, household items



Gul village

Sewing, embroidery




Sewing, embroidery




Sewing, metalworking, rope production,












Normative architectural requirements adopted by Uzbekistan.

Museums and exhibition halls are the necessary areas for expositions and temporary exhibitions; the composition and areas of the main, auxiliary and service rooms are given in the project assignment. [1]

The exposition area and the dimensions of the hall are arranged according to the dimensions of the exhibits and their convenience, the number of visitors to the hall. For small-sized exhibits, halls with an area of 36–50 m 2 per visitor are provided at the rate of 6–8 m 2 , and for medium-sized exhibits at least 60 m 2 . The free space under the main or «reference» exhibits should be 6–15 m 2 . As a rule, the walkways in the halls must be at least 2.4 m wide. [1]

The height of small exhibition halls is 3–3.6 m, the height of large size photo gallery halls is 4.5 m or more. [1]

Solution and analize

According to the requirements of the exhibition hall building, the rooms are divided into two main functional zones depending on the use of visitors or staff: A-visitor zone (open); Service area B (closed). The areas are distributed among the main groups of rooms depending on the specialization of the museum, its size and importance [2].

The proportions of the rooms are approximate:

— Exposition halls 45–55 %

— Funds are kept 20 %

— Auxiliary and service rooms 35 %

The lobby and cloakroom space in the exhibition hall buildings are as follows, m 2 :

Wardrobe area for one visitor-0,08

To store a single bag or briefcase-0,04

Lobby area for one visitor-0,2–0,4

To design an exhibition hall building for School 9, the number of high school pupils must be 900. All classrooms must accept high school pupils. (table 3)

The layout of the school exhibition halls is in the form of a ring enfilade.(Fig. 1)

Table 3

Classification of rooms

Name of rooms

M 2

Corridor 6x12


Lobby 6x18


Exhibition rooms 6x6


Fund storage room 6x12


Small meeting room 6x12


Hall for the main exhibition 18x24








Figure 1

The compositional solution of the buildings of the exhibition pavilions will be centralized and arched, ie block. The centralized composite solution is characterized by a compact history, while at the same time allowing for a universally functional use. A centralized core can be a variety of freely placed galleries and exposure courses that surround the environment and its surroundings. The spread composition includes a separate arrangement of pavilions in the block method. The main reason for the existence of functional blocks is the need to organize the exhibition sections in different thematic ways.

Depending on the degree of separation of the pavilions, they are divided into 2 methods: compact placement of blocks and free placement.


The design of the exhibition hall building in schools can be designed as follows. The exhibition hall for schools should be arranged in a circular enfilade style, as it is convenient to see the exhibits and products directly in each room, and in schools at exhibitions and holidays there is an opportunity to allocate a separate room for each class. The size of the main hall of the exhibition is 18x24, the exhibition rooms are 6x6.

The expected goals of designing exhibition halls in schools are to increase pupil’s creativity the groundwork for them to pursue a career in their future interests. It will be a building for the country to benefit economically and spiritually.


1. “Public buildings and structures ”SHNQ 2.08.02–09 *. — Tashkent 2011

2. S. A. Qodirova. Public Building Design Guide. —Tashkent: TAQI, 2015.

3. H. M. Ubaydullayev, T. A. Khidoyatov «Architectural design». Tashkent: TAQI, 2012

4. H. M. Ubaydullayev, M. M. Inagamova., “Typological bases of residential and public buildings”. Tashkent: 2009

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TAQI, SHNQ.

Ключевые слова

exposition, embroidery, rope production, fund, enfilade, exhibition pavilion

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