Curriculum Integration in Contemporary Teaching Practice: a study in high schools in Kazakhstan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №40 (382) октябрь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 01.10.2021

Статья просмотрена: 35 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сяо, Чжу Мэй. Curriculum Integration in Contemporary Teaching Practice: a study in high schools in Kazakhstan / Чжу Мэй Сяо, Салтанат Нуралиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 40 (382). — С. 194-197. — URL: (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).

The Education (No. 2) Act 1986 makes provision for reform of the composition of school governing bodies and reallocation of functions between school governors, local education authorities and head teachers; appraisal of the performance of teachers and more effective in-service training of teachers. The Education Reform Act, passed in 1988, contains wide-ranging measures covering both school and post-school education. It provides for the establishment of national curriculum in schools and for regular assessments of performance. The colleges are to be state-aided but independent of local education authorities (Shulman, 1987)

There is no one single effective teaching method or strategy. Teachers need to be proficient in many teaching practices and, more importantly, be able to assess their impact on students and adapt their teaching practices to assist students if they are not responding or engaged. Effective teachers are highly proficient in assessing student needs and talents, evaluating their impact, intervening using multiple methods and providing feedback to students on their learning (NSW Government, “Great Teaching, Inspired Learning,” p. 6).

Keywords: high school education, Kazakhstan education system, Curriculum Integration, Contemporary Teaching Practice.


Contemporary teaching methods — from the last decade the use of high tech equipment in the educational institutions is increased with a rapid rate. Now there are lots of contemporary gadgets which can be used for improving the teaching in the classroom Here is the list of most popular equipment which can be used in contemporary teaching. Use of computers or laptops with wi-fi connection in the classroom.

This is the most important tool of contemporary teaching methods. Teacher demonstrates the subject on his laptop/computer which is connected to the laptops/computers of the students through wi-fi connection. This type of teaching is seen mostly in the higher education institutions which have good infrastructure.

Use of LCD projector in the classroom:

— use of LCD screens in the educational institutions is becoming very common nowadays. Teacher prepares the power point slides and which are displayed on the LCD screen with the help of a projector. The projector can also be connected to a laptop/computer for displaying the relevant videos of the subject on the projector.

Use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom:

— white boards are very interactive and provides the touch control of the computer applications. On whiteboard a teacher or student can draw, write or manipulate images so providing a very interactive and interesting platform. The main advantage of whiteboards is that it can show anything on it which can be seen on the computer. The other less popular contemporary teaching methods include

Use of digital games in the classroom:

— use of special websites or blogs for teaching in the classrooms

— use of microphones for delivering the lecture in the classroom

Merits of contemporary teaching methods:

— contemporary teaching methods have various advantages over usual teaching methods. These merits can also be viewed as disadvantages of usual teaching methods.

— contemporary teaching methods create more interest among the students with the help of interesting animations and videos.

— research has shown that use of visual media for teaching helps the students to understand the subject better and also helps students to memorize the concept for longer time.

— with the help of contemporary teaching methods teacher can cover more syllabus in lesser time as they don’t have to waste their time in writing on the blackboard.

Concept of curriculum integration

Main motives of the education should be to build the overall character and to bring the all-round development of the students. There is no point in discussing that which teaching method is better than the other? Instead we should concentrate on providing the best education system to the students as it’s the students who will run the nation in future. I think we can develop a better education system only if we will be able to combine both the usual and contemporary teaching methods.

Policy guidelines on curriculum integration

Curriculum integration is not a new method of organizing for instruction. Educators first explored the concept of integrating curriculum in the 1890s. Over the years, there have been numerous educational researchers, e.g., Susan Drake, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, James Beane and Gordon Vars, who have described various interpretations of curriculum integration, referring to the curriculum as interwoven, connected, thematic, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, correlated, linked and holistic. Many educators, e.g., Robin Fogarty, go beyond a single definition of curriculum integration and view it instead as a continuum. Curriculum integration can be described as an approach to teaching and learning that is based on both philosophy and practicality. It can generally be defined as a curriculum approach that purposefully draws together knowledge, skills, attitudes and values from within or across subject areas to develop a more powerful understanding of key ideas. Curriculum integration occurs when components of the curriculum are connected and related in meaningful ways by both the students and teachers. Curriculum integration enables students to: identify both the distinctive qualities and related elements of subject areas, become more involved in their learning because the context is more understandable and meaningful to them, demonstrate and use their knowledge, skills and attitudes in a variety of learning contexts, make connections more easily between the content they learn in school and their out-of-school experiences, focus more clearly on conceptual understanding because content is aligned around key ideas (Alberta,2007).

Communication is of paramount importance in education. Whether it's teacher to student, student to student, teacher to teacher, teacher to parent, teacher to administrator, or administrator to parent, or vice versa, communication is essential for our students to be successful. Communication is something that doesn't always happen. Sometimes it's a lack of time, a lack of resources, not knowing how to get the message across, or a language barrier. Which we see on the example of other developed countries like America, China and Western Europe. Digital education meets the needs of modern students: according to a McKinsey survey, representatives of Generation Z-high school students and primary school students-are more comfortable studying remotely. Although classical school education cannot be made 100 % remote, the online format, according to UNESCO, helps to solve a number of problems-at least related to unequal access to education in some regions of the world. However, in Kazakhstan there is a shortage of knowledge necessary for high school education. Thus, this study makes the following contribution to the knowledge in the field of the curriculum in the areas for high schools:

— This provides a broad historical understanding of high school teaching, there by offering a framework for participation in comparison to the varieties of the curriculum (assessment, methodology).

— This develops an understanding of the challenges faced by high school teachers when teaching subjects and preparing for the national test.

The first research question what is the historical background of teaching in high schools? The research described in the dissertation was aimed at contributing to the understanding of changes and changes in the curriculum in high schools over time. The data collected was obtained from a variety of public documents and various sources such as official government documents and statistics, work plans, and high school teaching curricula prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (MOES).

The second research question What are the changes that have taken place from 1991 to 2020 with regard to teaching in high schools? In addition, it was aimed at developing an understanding of teaching, in particular, taking into account the problems that teachers face when teaching different academic subjects in high schools. To this end, sources such as official government documents were researched to better understand the curriculum.

The third research question what questions do high school teachers have about teaching? In this study, “care” referred to issues affecting study participants in their day-to-day work at school, and broader physiological considerations that study participants consider important in teaching for high school students regarding the curriculum.

The latter was aimed at developing an understanding of the issues that currently concern high school teachers in Kazakhstan.

The research is aimed at developing an understanding of the historical background of teaching in high schools in Kazakhstan since 1991. Although there has been extensive educational reform since 1991, when the Department of Education was transformed into the Ministry of Education and Science, the actual work of revising the curriculum for all schools began in 1994. In the late 1990s, after independence, there was a major change in the format of education, during which a large part was given to secondary education to develop and implement curricula in accordance with free compulsory and state universal basic education (CIA World Factbook, 1995).

This study aims to gain a holistic understanding of the current curriculum in high schools in relation to the teaching of different subjects in high schools in Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan is developing a draft state program for the transition to 12-year education. The gradual transition to 12-year education will begin in 2021, after all schools from grades 1 to 11 switch to updated content programs. Particularly important will be the reforms that are planned to be implemented within the framework of the State Program for the Development of Education for 2011–2020 (MOES, 2011).

This research aims to develop an understanding of the issues of concern to teachers who currently teach in high schools. It is very important to understand the point of view of teachers who have to implement the curriculum according to the curriculum and the systems for evaluating students, often using different approaches that they were not familiar with when they were young professionals themselves. A deeper understanding of their problems can be the basis for making informed decisions about changes in the curriculum and primary education of teachers, as well as improving their skills.

Qualitative methods of data collection and sound theoretical methods of data analysis will be used. Relevant documents, such as government official documents and press releases, statistics, archives, work curriculum diagrams, and high school curricula, will be analyzed to understand changes in official positions and orientations regarding the high school curriculum over time.

Semi-structured interviews will also be used to gather information from teachers. A targeted sample was made up of teachers from various public high schools. Teachers from different regions and backgrounds (age, gender, educational qualifications, work experience, and work experience) were interviewed to gain a better understanding of the challenges they face when teaching in high schools. Information letters will be sent to participants detailing the purpose of this study, the method of data collection, and the ethical safeguards for their review. Participants will need to approve the participant's consent form for the interview. The selected teachers have at least a higher education in pedagogy and a diploma of education of at least three years.

Interview data analysis- the collection of coding methods in this manual offers a repertoire of possible lenses, filters, and angles to consider and apply to your approaches to qualitative inquiry. Level of personal involvement as a participant observer — as a peripheral, active, or complete member during fieldwork — positions or angles how you perceive, document, and thus code your data (Adler &Adler, 1987).

The method-strategy and design: The majority of qualitative researchers will code their data both during and after collection as analytic tactic, for coding is analysis. Differing perspectives, however, attest that “Coding analysis are not synonymous, though coding is a crucial aspect of analysis” (Basit, 2003). These two stages allow you to identify key concepts and thus provide a good understanding of the key issues and issues of teaching in high schools.

The method-strategy and design: The majority of qualitative researchers will code their data both during and after collection as analytic tactic, for coding is analysis. Differing perspectives, however, attest that “Coding analysis are not synonymous, though coding is a crucial aspect of analysis” (Basit, 2003). These two stages allow you to identify key concepts and thus provide a good understanding of the key issues and issues of teaching in high schools.

Methods of data collection (instruments and procedures):

Documents Study: Public records such as official government documents, press releases, statistical reports, archived records, curriculum schemes of work and syllabus documents.

Study participants and interviews: The population for the study includes high school students and teachers from different cities. The total number of participants in the survey was twenty (20) people, including (10) students.

С onclusion: High school teachers have struggled for years with some of the same challenges that adult educators face, including how best to prepare students for the full range of future opportunities: postgraduate education and vocational training, employment and career opportunities. To prepare students, high schools have begun to explore a combination of strategies to link academic learning with vocational and technical education. These efforts include multiple pathways, on-the-job training, collaboration with industry, and an integrated curriculum.

The main mechanisms and tools for ensuring the modernization of the structure of the national education system should be new forms of educational organization that integrate different levels (for example, «specialized school», «higher technical school», etc.), as well as successive standards and curricula of each level and subsystems of the education system focused on intellectual development and competencies. Integration involves the integration of various scientific, and, consequently, educational fields and their educational processes into a holistic unity. This unity is ensured by common ideas, goals and principles of education, as well as certain integration mechanisms.


1. Shulman, L. S. (1987). Paradigms and research programs in the study of teaching: A contemporary perspective. In Wittrock, M. C. (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (3rd ed., pp. 3–36). New York: McMillan Publishing Company.

2. Shulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reforms. Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 1–22

3. Adler, A.P, & Adler, P. (1987). Qualitative Research Methods Ser. The Process of Membership Becoming a Complete-Member-Researcher The Membership Experience Disengagement Reflections, New Jersey: SAGE Publications, Incorporated. 108(6), 1017–1954

4. Basit, T. (2003). Manual or electronic? The role of coding in qualitative data analysis. Educational Research, 45(2), 143–154.

5. Alberta Ed. (2007). Primary Programs Framework — Curriculum Integration: Making Connections, (3 rd ed., pp. 1–9). Alberta, Canada.

6. " A new decade — a new economic recovery — new opportunities for Kazakhstan " Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2010.

7. 2.SSO RK 2.003. -2007 STATE MANDATORY STANDARD OF EDUCATION. Secondary education. The main provisions. Astana 2007.

8. Analytical review on the problem of “Education and informatics” (concepts, state, prospects) / / Education and Informatics. Materials of the II International Congress of UNESCO. Moscow, 1996. pp. XV-5.

9. NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA),. Designs for a future school curriculum: NSW Curriculum Review Interim Report.(pp. 13–29). Sydney: NSW Education Standards Authority.


11. CIA World Factbook: Basic education in Kazakhstan. US.publications. Kazakhstan — The World Factbook (

12. Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (MOES) official website:

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): NSW, LCD, MOES, CIA, UNESCO, EDUCATION, MANDATORY, NESA, SAGE, STANDARD.

Ключевые слова

high school education, Kazakhstan education system, Curriculum Integration, Contemporary Teaching Practice

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