Latin Pronouns | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №53 (395) декабрь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 23.12.2021

Статья просмотрена: 10 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Джалилова, З. О. Latin Pronouns / З. О. Джалилова, М. Х. Хайётов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 53 (395). — С. 257-258. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The topic of this essay is the study of pronouns in Latin. The page, in particular, has extensive material on the grammatical alterations of Latin pronouns. The study made use of social media and a textbook.

Keywords: pronoun, personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, relative pronouns, reciprocal or reflexive pronouns.

Latin pronouns include indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns (which link phrases) and reciprocal or reflexive pronouns (in which the verb's subject acts on the verb's object).

In English personal pronouns are (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they), and (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them), In Latin, the personal pronouns are:

ego (I), (you), is (he), ea (she), id (it), nōs (we), vōs (you all), eī or iī (they masc.), eae (they fem.), ea (they neuter)

Examples: ego amo (I love), amās (you love), is amat (he loves),

nōs amāmus (we love), vōs amātis (you all love), eae amant (they love)

Note: Since the verb’s ending also indicates the number and person of the subject, you typically will not see ego, tu , etc.

Personal pronouns










of me



to me



(from) me









nostri or nostrum

of us



to us



from us

Possessive pronouns

These possessive pronouns deteriorate in the same way that adjectives do. They denote ownership (to whom something belongs).


Means in English

meus, mea, meum


tuus, tua, tuum

your, yours (one person)

noster, nostra, nostrum

our, ours

vester, vestra, vestrum

your, yours (two or more people)

There is no such thing as a third-person personal pronoun. Suus, sua, and suum are examples of other pronouns used instead.

Pronouns are in agreement with whatever belongs to them.

– number

– gender

– case

Anima, -e (f.) — soul is an example.

Whether it belongs to a man or a woman, a soul is feminine in Latin. 'My soul' is nominative, feminine, singular, and'my' is nominative, feminine, singular: anima mea.

pater noster

our father

nominative, masculine, singular

testamentum suum

his/her will

nominative, neuter, singular

The vocative cases are only meus and noster. meus has an irregular vocative male singular.

meus, mea, meum — my or reflexive pronouns

In Latin, a list of pronouns

In the table below, you'll find a list of Latin personal pronouns, indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns, reciprocal or reflexive pronouns. By memorizing this table, you will be able to expand your Latin vocabulary and learn new words.

English Pronouns

Latin Pronouns

I speak


you speak

loqueris /loquimini

he speaks


she speaks

illa loquitur

we speak


To summarize, each pronoun in Latin has its own case, gender, number, and declension. Indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns, and reciprocal or reflexive types all exist for each pronoun. Cases and numbers can be replaced if necessary with the phrase of a specific number.


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  10. Boldyreva O. N. Net puti v medicine bez latinskogo yazyka (Non est viainmedicina sine lingua Latina). Available at:
  11. Vasil’eva L. I. Posobie po latinskomu yazyku. Klinicheskaya terminologiya: Ucheb. posobie. Minsk: IKO «Galaksias», 1997.
  12. Zarnigor Obidovna Djalilova Studies on gender linguistics in the field of Uzbek language // Academic research in educational sciences. 2021. № 3. URL: (дата обращения: 15.12.2021).
  13. Djalilova Zarnigor Obidovna. (2021). Comparative Analysis Of Uzbek Men’s And Women’s Speech Through The Prism Of Gender Linguistics. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(2), 22–26.
  14. Djalilova Zarnigor Obidovna, & Sadullaev Denis. (2021). Formulas of speech etiquette in a gender-engineered communication strategy. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences, 2(6), 5–11. Retrieved from
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL, AST, CAJOTAS, IKO.

Ключевые слова

pronoun, personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, relative pronouns, reciprocal or reflexive pronouns

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