Creating a healthy lifestyle in children with intellectual disabilities | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №2 (397) январь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 13.01.2022

Статья просмотрена: 36 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мухамеджанова, А. Р. Creating a healthy lifestyle in children with intellectual disabilities / А. Р. Мухамеджанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 2 (397). — С. 210-212. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article describes in detail how to organize a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities in special education institutions. It also provides advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: special pedagogy, children with intellectual disabilities, education system, healthy lifestyle, agenda.

From the earliest days of independence, the issue of reforming the education system and training has been one of the most important priorities of state policy. As the head of our state noted, our noble goals — the great future of our country, our future, our free and prosperous life, the role of Uzbekistan in the world community in the XXI century — all this, first of all, the new generation. -It depends on what kind of people our growing children grow up to be. These long-term words vividly reflect the essence of the state policy pursued in our country during the years of independence. Indeed, the large-scale reforms in the education system are not an ordinary phenomenon, it is a radical change in the lives of our people, strengthening national statehood, preserving independence, joining the ranks of developed democracies, a free and prosperous homeland in our country. It is no coincidence that the world community recognizes that building a prosperous life is an integral part of the process of renewal and modernization of our society.

One of the main goals of the education system is to promote a healthy lifestyle in these children. There are all kinds of students in the education system, but unfortunately there are also children with intellectual disabilities. Organization of work on mental development and correction of children with intellectual disabilities to promote a healthy lifestyle of children, increase their social activity, the formation of general intellectual abilities and skills, physical development and improve health, z-self-esteem, focused on self-correction. — The formation of awareness, emotional stability and self-regulation allows to compensate to some extent for developmental delays. It is necessary to organize psychological and pedagogical assistance based on the principles of complexity and individual approach to the specific characteristics of children with intellectual disabilities. An employee working with children with intellectual disabilities sets himself the task of preparing his students for a special school, and in the future to prepare them for production, independent living and work. This requires complete correction and compensation of children's developmental defects, bringing all mental development as close as possible to normal.

The most important tasks of the society today are to create a healthy lifestyle in children, to maintain and strengthen the mental health of the child, to increase his ability to adapt to life, to increase his adaptability to social life. The growing number of children with intellectual disabilities requires the attention of health professionals, psychologists and teachers to address an important issue — their social and biological adaptation. An important element is to effectively organize the work of the teacher-psychologist with mentally retarded children to ensure the balance of the child's mind with the world around him, to perform social functions and ensure successful adaptation.

About children with intellectual disabilities, L. M. According to Shipitsin, it is the level of cognitive activity of a growing person and in all its manifestations: knowledge, cognitive processes, abilities, which are realized as a result of the influence of living conditions and social environment on the child.

The whole system of working with children with intellectual disabilities of a teacher-psychologist consists of the following stages:

  1. Diagnostic stage. At this stage, to organize a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical study of a child with intellectual disabilities
  2. Correction and development phase. The purpose of this phase is to develop compensatory mechanisms for the formation of child activity, to eliminate and prevent secondary deviations.
  3. Health care phase. Here the functions of the child's developing organism are improved.
  4. The stage of upbringing and education. Formation of the moral basis of the individual, the development of socially acceptable behavior in society, guiding and cognitive activity, strengthening the relationship between the main components of mental activity.
  5. Socio-pedagogical stage. Content: solving organizational problems, informing parents about the interaction of the teacher-psychologist with other organizations and social services.

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle in children, it is necessary to follow the agenda. Following a routine is the key to a healthy lifestyle. The agenda is necessary not only for children with intellectual disabilities, but for all children. An agenda is a continuous process that takes place from the day a child is born, with the child performing a variety of activities at a specific time, in order, and in a variety of ways — play, recreation, nutrition, sports, and so on. Naturally, the agenda can not be the same for all children, and it is structured in accordance with the child's age, health, ability to work and its general requirements: the correct distribution of physical labor with practical work in the development of the agenda, o These include replacing yins with timely rest, eating a certain amount every day, going to bed at a certain time and getting used to waking up early, and going outdoors. A child’s healthy, unhealthy lifestyle also depends on the agenda being set up correctly and incorrectly.

The role of lifestyle in the maintenance and strengthening of health in the education of children with intellectual disabilities, the division of human life into periods, the laws of growth and development of children, the definition of physical condition, anatomical and correcting physiological defects, hygienic basis of correct posture, types of posture disorders in children, causes and methods of its correction, hygienic principles of physical education, sun, air and the natural forces of nature to strengthen and strengthen the body water use, the importance of physical education in a person's healthy lifestyle, special attention should be paid to the issues and form these concepts in children. Following a routine is the key to a healthy lifestyle. An agenda is a continuous process that takes place from the day a child is born, with the child performing a variety of activities at a specific time, in order, and in a variety of ways — play, recreation, nutrition, sports, and so on. Of course, the agenda cannot be the same for all children, and it is structured according to the child's age, health, ability to work, and to its general requirements: the correct distribution of physical labor with practical labor in the development of the agenda, o These include replacing yins with timely rest, eating a certain amount every day, going to bed at a certain time and getting used to waking up early, and going outdoors. It is well known that today's children, no matter where they live, are constantly confronted with changes in the social, political, environmental, scientific, technical and industrial spheres, and these changes are ultimately necessary for society. also leads to a change in the set of professions. The rapid changes taking place in the modern world require children to constantly learn new things and read throughout their lives, which is a step towards a healthy lifestyle.

In short, a lot of work is being done in special education institutions today, especially in educational institutions for children with special intellectual disabilities. Caring for children in a healthy lifestyle is the foundation of physical and moral health, and health can only be achieved by addressing pedagogical, medical and social issues. All parents want to give their child the best start in life, and most are well aware that effort is necessary for normal growth, development and good health. A positive attitude towards an active lifestyle in children, the desire to maintain and strengthen their health in the future is an important component of parents in the family. Modern, very busy parents are sometimes not always able to devote much time to their children. It’s bitter, but it’s true. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is to combat various side effects that can lead to severe symptoms, such as neck growth, classroom failures, games, sports. In the general system of physical development of children, motor activity is special takes place. The foundation of healthy health, proper physical development and high performance in preschool age lies. The formation of motor activity in these years, as well as the initial training of physical qualities.


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  3. Anisimova T. G., Ulyanova S. A. «Maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarda to'g'ri holatni shakllantirish va tekis oyoqlarni to'g'rilash» «O'qituvchi» nashriyoti Volgograd 2009 yil
  4. Ismailov Tohir. «Musical currents and the formation of Russian classical music». « Вестник магистратур ы » 2021. № 5 (116) ISSN 2223–4047.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ISSN.

Ключевые слова

Education System, special pedagogy, children with intellectual disabilities, healthy lifestyle, agenda

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