Linguistic new forms in the modern English language youth press of the late XX and early XXI centuries | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (398) январь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 22.01.2022

Статья просмотрена: 97 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ахмедова, Н. Р. Linguistic new forms in the modern English language youth press of the late XX and early XXI centuries / Н. Р. Ахмедова, Б. Т. Керимбаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 3 (398). — С. 108-109. — URL: (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).

The article is devoted to the analysis of lexical changes and nominative processes occurring at the stage of development of the English language in the late XX th and early XXI st centuries. The lexical system of the language is the most flexible and mobile, languages are characterized by constant changes, since in the modern world with the help of borrowings and the development of the language new words are formed, otherwise they are called neologisms. It is the development of the language that enriches new lexical units and reflects current social trends. The emergence of neologisms is a direct evidence of the viability of the language, its desire to express the entire wealth of human knowledge and the progress of civilization. The article used neologisms included in the online dictionary. The lexical units in question were included in the 2010 Oxford Dictionary. This article provides a brief overview of theoretical approaches to the problem of studying neologisms. The article also notes the data of linguists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries who study linguistic neoplasms.

Keywords : neologisms, English vocabulary, dictionary, language picture of the world, language development.

В статье отмечается данные лингвистов конца XX и начала XXI века, изучающие языковые новообразования. Также в статье анализируются лексические изменения и номинативные процессы, происходящие на этапе развития английского языка в XX и XXI веках. Лексическая система языка, является наиболее гибкой и подвижной, языкам свойственно постоянные изменения, так как в современном мире с помощью заимствований и развитием языка образовываются новые слова, по другому они называются неологизмами. Именно развитие языка обогащает новые лексические единицы и отражает актуальные общественные тенденции. Появление неологизмов — это прямое свидетельство жизнеспособности языка, его стремления выразить все богатство человеческих знаний и прогресса цивилизации. В статье были использованы неологизмы, включенные в онлайн словарь. Рассматриваемые лексические единицы были включены в список оксфордского словаря 2010 года. В данной статье описывается краткий обзор теоретических подходов к проблеме изучения неологизмов.

Ключевые слова : неологизмы, английская лексика, словарь, языковая картина мира, развитие языка.

Linguistic neoplasms or, in another way, neologisms originated a long time ago, the appearance of many of them is attributed to William Shakespeare. Thanks to the development of language, culture and society, there are so many of them that it is impossible to count. With the help of neologisms, one can trace and feel all the beauty of the language that these linguistic units want to show, its ability to adapt to the modern world. Our age, which is full of all the possibilities and information that can only be found, makes it possible for all people of the Earth to communicate, which was the reason for the desire to learn the language and the extensive growth of the language. It should be noted that neology has been developing rapidly for decades, attracting the attention of many linguists. And if at the end of the twentieth century. Researchers estimated the number of new English words appearing in the range of 12,000 per year [Barnhart 1985], then in 2002, according to some calculations, this figure increased to 10,000 new words and word forms per day [Metcalf 2004]. The number of neologisms that arise in the language every day in our time is already incalculable. It is worth noting that not all words fall into dictionaries. Nevertheless, lexicographers are trying to fix all the emerging new lexical units, which allows us to draw a more complete picture of the current trends in the development of the language and the society speaking it.

Neologisms are also an important feature of the language, contributing to the development of the language, improvement and uniqueness. But due to this, there is a problem of correct understanding and translation of neologisms, no dictionary can keep up with the modern development of science, culture, technology and society, affecting all areas of human knowledge. The main quality of neologisms that distinguishes them from all other units of the vocabulary of the language is the quality and ability displayed in the term of the word.

Nowadays, there are many scientific papers devoted to the study and analysis of neologisms, which consider new words from different sides and aspects. Research works continue to remain relevant, complementing and clarifying the analyzed phenomenon, but it does not exhaust itself in any way, since as long as there is a language, it will develop as much.

Studying different approaches of researchers to the interpretation of the term «neologism» Irina Retz identified 5 main theoretical approaches: stylistic, etymological, lexicographic, denotative and structural. The stylistic approach of neologism is interpreted as a word whose novelty is marked by its new stylistic use, for example, words that pass from jargon or metalanguage into everyday language (for example, the word «Brass Monkey» is a terrible cold. We would say «dog cold», but the British prefer an expression that literally translates as «copper monkey».) The etymological approach of neologism is understood as an already existing word in the language that has developed a new meaning: umbrella 1) 'device used as protection against rain'; 2) 'a protecting force or influence'. The lexicographic approach to neologism is understood as the non-fixation of a new word in dictionaries, for example, the cinematherapy language unit 'using films as therapeutic tools’, which has gained 70,000 citations in the Google search engine, but has not yet been reflected in lexicographic publications. If we compare all five approaches, we can conclude that the novelty factor common to all definitions seems ambiguous and in many ways contradictory, since the researcher must determine for himself whether this or that language unit is new to all members of society or only for a certain part of native speakers, for the language of everyday communication or only for a certain sublanguage, metalanguage, etc.

In this article, neologisms are understood as words or phrases that are new in their form and meaning at the current time and have a new socio-cultural meaning. In other words, neologisms will include both new words in form and meaning, and units already existing in the nominative fund, the meaning of which has been transformed due to changes in discursive attribution. The main purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of popular neologisms of the English language and to actualize them in everyday communication of average English speakers.

Neologisms included in the Oxford Online Dictionary since 2010 have been used in this work. So, the main part of the lexical units that were considered were included in the lists of words of the year of the Oxford dictionary, which are formed on the basis of statistical data on the frequency of their use in a particular year. The study included two stages: analytical, consisting of the selection and lexical analysis of neologisms, and interactive, consisting in a survey of informants.


  1. Sy`reskina, S. V. Neologizmy` v sovremennom anglijskom yazy`ke / S. V. Sy`reskina, I. V.
  2. Shhelkunov. — Tekst: neposredstvenny`j // Molodoj ucheny`j. — 2017. — # 42 (176). — S. 207–210. — URL: (data obrashheniya: 14.02.2021).
  3. Levontina I. B. Yazy`k kak instrument e`volyuczii. Rezhim dostupa:
  4. Gaczalova L. B. Neologiya kak nauka v obshhej paradigme sovremennogo yazy`koznaniya (na materiale russkogo i osetinskogo yazy`kov): dis.... dokt. filol. nauk: Kabardino-Balkarskij gosudarstvenny`j universitet imeni Kh.M. Berbekova. Nal`chik, 2005.
  5. Voejkova A. A. Osobennosti slovoobrazovaniya novoj leksiki v anglijskom yazy`ke (na primere neologizmov, zafiksirovanny`kh na Internet-sajte // Mezhdunarodny`j zhurnal prikladny`kh i fundamental`ny`kh issledovanij. 2015. # 3. S. 119–122.
  6. Clayton D. Attitudes to language change and variation // Knowing about language: Linguistics and the secondary language classroom. London and New York: Routledge, 2016.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): развитие языка, URL.

Ключевые слова

neologisms, English vocabulary, dictionary, language picture of the world, language development

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